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F2P MMO游戏开发者谈战利品宝箱的运用

发布时间:2018-09-21 09:19:52 Tags:,

F2P MMO游戏开发者谈战利品宝箱的运用

原作者:Alan Bardley 译者:Vivian Xue

过去的几个月,战利品宝箱(loot box)成了广受争议的话题,一些知名度很高的游戏都纷纷采用了这种盈利模式,虽然在人们看来他们采取的方式高调而拙劣。






鉴于玩家们对战利品宝箱通常的态度,它们对开发者来说是一把双刃剑;一方面,它们代表着潜在的收入,但另一方面它们可能会让玩家远离游戏。F2P MMO射击游戏《反抗军》(Defiance)的制作人Matt Pettit指出,你无法从退出游戏的玩家身上盈利。


Petitt说,他的团队希望确保他们的战利品宝箱——在他们的游戏《反抗军》中被称作Supply Caches,成为游戏核心循环的一部分。玩家既能通过游戏获得它们,又可以从商店中购买它们。

“通过商店售卖Supply Caches为玩家提供了追求目标的两种不同方式,这是我们最初吸引玩家的地方。”




“通过战利品宝箱我们能够为玩家提供特殊的飞船并保持这些飞船的稀缺性,同时也保持了科幻世界设定的真实感,”制作总监Stephen Ricossa说,“我们还可以通过战利品宝箱试验一些处于概念和设计阶段的道具,因为我们知道这些样品比标准发行的数量要少得多。然后,我们可以利用基于后端数据、游戏内的拍卖价格、论坛或社交网站帖子获得的信息来判断试验道具是否受欢迎,从而为游戏带来更多种类的道具物品。”

在游戏《海战世界》(游戏邦注World of Warships)中,战利品宝箱解决了一个截然不同的问题。对游戏分析团队的Phillip Molodkovets来说,战利品宝箱(该游戏中的集装箱)可以用于解决一些长期存在的与日常任务相关的问题。








“游戏平衡的关键在于确保那些通过游戏获得物品的玩家所花费的时间是合理的。第二,无论玩家从Supply Cache里获得了什么,如果一个玩家确实选择通过商店购买它,我们要确保他们的付出至少都获得了回报。从商店购买东西必须总能让玩家感觉是值得的并且加快了游戏的进程。即使从商店购买的物品和通过游戏得到的物品是一样的,但通常从商店购买的Cache头等奖品和稀有物品的掉落率会更高。“









但是尽管他们尽了最大的努力,Molodkovets发现一些集装箱物品正在破坏游戏,特别是称为信号旗(signal flags)的消耗和性能提升器。





他说:“这些集装箱的外形设计和开箱动画都严格按照真实的货物集装箱。开箱是在SS Red Oak Victory——一艘美国军用货船的甲板上进行的,可以在任何一个游戏港口被找到这艘船只,为了让环境更生动,我们在箱子周围增加了几个从事各种活动的船员。声音也同样具有极强的仿真效果。“



“我们并没有开箱机制!我们决定提升玩家的开箱体验,加入一些视觉效果的同时不延长开箱时间。我们认为提升开箱界面是提升宝箱解锁体验的关键一步。 “


他说:“确保箱子获得好评的最好方法是让里面的物品具有吸引力、对玩家有价值,并且能够与当前游戏中正发生的事件相互作用。”他称团队希望能够让玩家实现 “星际迷航”的幻想,而宝箱解锁机制将会是一个实现这种体验的方式。

“例如,如果有人想‘成为一个Tzenkethi’,我们有提供一个包含所有Tzenkethi有关的飞船、物件和装饰品的解锁宝箱,” Ricossa说,“为玩家社区提供有趣的物品和新玩法是确保你可以继续制作游戏同时玩家们能感受到乐趣的最好方式。”



“无论玩家是用真钱购买Supply Cache还是用游戏货币购买Cache,二者细节都至关重要,”《反抗军》的开发者继续说道,“他们应被告知箱子里有什么物品,以及他们可能得到的特殊掉落奖励。开箱时播放一些庆祝动画是一个很好的方式,但是让玩家们准备好接受所要得到的物品、合理地设计它们,同时还要让玩家感觉到这是一种奖励,这对我们来说是最重要的事。”



Loot boxes have been the subject of tremendous controversy over the last few months, with some very high profile games blundering into this format of monetization in some extremely clumsy, extremely high profile ways.

Ignoring some of the basic precepts that developers have hashed out around loot boxes and real money purchases (rewards should be cosmetic and not influence game balance, contents should always feel appropriately valuable, etc.), many of these attempts have backfired in spectacular fashion.

But lost in the conversation around triple-A publishers seeking additional revenue through microtransactions or whether or not loot boxes are gambling is the damage these public blunders are doing to the free-to-play model, to games that have relied on loot boxes and executed them gracefully and successfully for years now.

As much as recent high-profile stumbles have been monopolizing coverage, there are a huge number of smaller developers that have been doing loot boxes elegantly for a long time, and they often rely on them to keep the lights on and to continue development/support.

With that in mind, Gamasutra reached out to a number of MMO developers to get a sense of what loot boxes mean in the free-to-play space, how they can be done tastefully and non-intrusively, and how they can be implemented without players feeling exploited or deceived.

The allure of loot

Given how players often react to them, loot boxes represent a double-edged sword for developers; on one hand, they represent a potential revenue stream, but on the other there’s a risk of alienating users. As Matt Pettit, a producer on the free-to-play MMO shooter Defiance, is quick to point out, you make no money from players who walk away from your game.

“We think about the player-facing perspective as the priority, and the business need second,” Pettit says. “Without the first, the second doesn’t happen. At our core, we’re focused on making the kinds of games that we want to play too, and making sure they’re sustainable as businesses. Creating a fair revenue stream for a free game is essential; the game wouldn’t be able to exist otherwise.”

“Creating a fair revenue stream for a free game is essential; the game wouldn’t be able to exist otherwise.”
Petitt says his team wanted to make sure that their loot boxes, called Supply Caches in Defiance, were part of the core gameplay loop, and attainable in-game as well as on from their store.

“Having Supply Caches on the store gives us that opportunity to provide players with two different ways to pursue their goals, and that choice is what attracted us to them in the first place.”

Another opportunity afforded by loot boxes is the ability to tuck odd, rare, or unique rewards into them, content that might exist on the fringe of a game’s universe. For Star Trek Online, which allows players to earn loot boxes through both real money and by trading in-game currency on an exchange with other players (and makes all items tradeable so that players have the opportunity to buy items that appear in boxes a la carte), this means loot boxes allow devs to control, to some extent, the proliferation of new items. It allows them to unleash new vessels that may seem out of place in larger numbers.

“Loot boxes provide the team with opportunities to deliver atypical starships in a way that keeps them rare, which helps maintain the in-universe believability of our fictional setting,” says executive producer Stephen Ricossa. “Lock boxes also allow us to experiment with concepts and designs for items because we know the player sample will be smaller than a standard release. We can then use the information we’ve gained based on back-end data, in-player auction pricing, and forums or social posts to determine the popularity of our experiment and potentially bring more of that type of item into the game.”

For World of Warships, loot boxes solve a completely different problem. For Philip Molodkovets, the head of Warships’ game analytics team, loot boxes (containers) were a way to solve a number of long-standing issues with daily missions.

“They were randomly assigned to you each day, with the ability to re-roll one of them in case you didn’t like it. The rewards were fixed, known from the start, and typically were small amounts of in-game currency or consumables.”

While a fairly standard approach to an MMO staple, Molodkovets said it resulted in a number of issues. Players weren’t engaged when completing their dailies, and were often frustrated when they called for specific classes or weapons, ones they weren’t familiar with or didn’t enjoy using. Fixed rewards also meant that they’d never yield epic loot, and curtailed player choice.

“Funnily enough, our random loot containers offer more choice to the player. Before receiving a container, you may choose its type,” he said. “This won’t set your reward in stone, but guarantees it will partly contain the type of items you’re interested in.”

And the container system, which awards a box after a certain amount of XP accrued instead of after players accomplished a specific task, means players can use whatever ships they like while chasing them, and are more engaged by the process of opening a container than with a static slate of goodies, especially knowing that a super rare item might be hidden inside. Containers also provided utility in a way that daily missions didn’t and have been incorporated into other reward systems and as part of holiday and special events.

What’s in the box?

While there’s a lot to recommend random loot, deciding which items to apportion to boxes and how to set the rarity on those items can be a tricky balancing act. There’s the ever-present threat of a misstep infuriating your community, and a huge number of factors influence contents and rarity. For the Defiance team, a few core principles shape the way their reward caches are designed.

“First, allow the player to obtain everything in-game through gameplay, and offer the store as an alternate way of accomplishing that goal,” Pettit told me.

“The balance is ensuring that what players can accomplish in-game does not take an unfair amount of time. Second, we make sure that no matter what one gets from a Supply Cache, if a person does choose to buy one, they’re always at least getting the value out that they put into it. Purchasing something from the store needs to always feel rewarding and speed up your progress. Even though the items you get from the store are the same as the items you get in the game, often a store-purchased Cache will have a higher chance for jackpot and rare items.”

Setting drop rates for the items in Defiance’s caches comes down to calculating how long it takes for a non-paying player to obtain them, and balancing that with how they’re obtained, whether as a standard reward or through some random gameplay element. Figuring out those ratios is an ongoing task and one that Pettit says is core to ensuring that Defiance never feels pay-to-win.

It’s a challenge that Ricossa also readily acknowledges, one the Star Trek Online team approached through experimentation and careful iteration.

“We took our best guess with our initial lock box offerings and based the drop rate of items on what we felt would be cool or interesting from a player’s perspective,” he said. “As we released more boxes, we adjusted drop rates based on general server-wide availability, player satisfaction, and interest in the items. Some of the items that we thought were cool didn’t resonate, so we either made them more common or eliminated them entirely.”

Ensuring an even playing field is much more difficult proposition than it often appears from the outside, a continuous process that can be difficult to read if there aren’t dramatic swings in one direction or the other.

“Unless something is catastrophically broken, it can be tough,” Ricossa said. “When we’re making lock box items, we talk extensively about what can go wrong, we playtest them internally in a variety of loadouts and try to think outside the box on the different combinations that could be made with existing items. At the end of the day, our goal is to provide people with things that give them more combat options and not necessarily make them more powerful.”

“Providing great items and interesting new gameplay opportunities at a value for the player community is the best way to ensure you can keep making your game while everyone playing it is having fun.”
The result of all that research and iteration is a streamlined, developer-friendly system. “These days we have a refined menu of items that we can choose from and each of those item types has a set rarity. When a designer builds the box they choose what they want to make, make very minor adjustments to the drop rates so everything adds up, and they’re set.”

But unless you’re restricting yourself to purely cosmetic loot, ensuring new loot doesn’t upend your game’s carefully calibrated parity is a huge undertaking, one Molodkovets admits the Warships devs have struggled with.

“The goal was, of course, to sustain the balance between appealing loot and not overflowing the game with free premium items,” he said. “It was pure mathematics, for the most part. When we designed the drop rates we picked the most popular consumables and monitored the flow we generated by releasing containers with them.”

But despite their best efforts, Molodkovets found that some of the container items were disrupting the game, particularly consumable experience and performance boosters called signal flags.

“Distributing them with the containers contributed to their impact on game balance and their conceptual value too much. They had become a no-brainer choice instead of a valuable situational tool for customizing your ship,” he said. “At the same time, we introduced special ship upgrades, and put them into epic rewards instead. Unfortunately these upgrades were not balanced enough, and some of them gave too little value for players.”

Molodkovets says the backlash was strong and immediate, but that the team responded quickly to redesign and improve the flags and upgrades. “Of course, not everybody is happy with the feature, and there are players who believe they should pull a premium ship each time they roll epic, but as a whole, we consider containers both appealing and safe for balance in their current state.”

The look and feel

Almost as important as the contents of a loot box are the aesthetics of it, the visual and aural flourishes and effects that make opening a box feel like an occasion, like the player is discovering some rare, incredible treasure. For the Warships team, the design of containers is drawn from the world of naval warfare they’re emulating.

“The containers have the austere design and animation of actual cargo containers. They are operated aboard the SS Red Oak Victory – a U.S. military cargo ship that can be found in any of the game ports. To animate the surroundings, we added a few crewmen engaged in various activities. The sound design followed the same strict concept.”

But Molodkovets recognizes that cracking open loot doesn’t have to be grim, serious business. “When we design special event containers, we let ourselves venture beyond classic naval style. For example, Christmas containers looked like gift boxes, and introduced Santa himself to the world of brutal naval warfare, and we had more fun designs in our Halloween event.”

The Star Trek Online team started with boxes that fit the slick futuristic aesthetic of the franchise’s 25th century. But they quickly realized something was missing.

“As for the opening mechanic, we actually launched without one! We decided to update our opening experience for players so it would feel more satisfying and have some visual flair, while not making the process of opening boxes take longer. We felt updating that interface was a critical part to improving the lock box experience.”

For Ricossa and the Star Trek Online team, the key isn’t so much the process of cracking open the box as much as the look and theme of what’s inside.

“The best way to ensure that the box itself is well received is that the items look great, are valuable to players and typically interact with the current story based events of the game,” he said. He claims the team wants players to be able to live out their Star Trek fantasies, and lock boxes are a way to flesh them out.

“For example, if someone wants to ‘be a Tzenkethi,’ we have a lock box that offers all of the ships, items, and cosmetic apparel they would need to look and fight like a Tzenkethi,” said Ricossa. “Providing great items and interesting new gameplay opportunities at a value for the player community is the best way to ensure you can keep making your game while everyone playing it is having fun.”

Pettit agrees with this sentiment — for Defiance, the key is ensure players are happy with the result of their purchase first, and consider aesthetics later. While a zone-wide broadcast lets other players know anytime a rare Jackpot item has been obtained from a lock box, Pettit admits that the actual ritual of unlocking one could be better.

“The animation and sounds around opening a store Cache is one area where we really want to improve! Opening up a Cache should feel like opening a new pack of cards, or spilling candy out of a piñata,” he said. “That’s something I’d like us to do better, but what I think we do right is make sure to provide is as much information as possible.

“We feel that details are incredibly important both when players are paying for a Supply Cache and when they purchase a Cache with in game currency,” the Defiance dev continued. “They should know what rewards are hidden inside, along with what special drops they could receive. Fanfare when opening a box is a nice touch, but preparing you for what you will receive, and being fair in their designs, while also providing a sense of reward, is of the utmost importance to us.”

In speaking to these experienced F2P game devs it’s clear that the question of how (and when, and why) to best implement “loot box” monetization schemes in your game is complex, even if you’ve been doing it for a while. (source:Gamasutra  

