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发布时间:2010-11-10 14:05:23 Tags:,,,,

日前在加拿大举行的蒙特利尔国际游戏峰会(Montreal International Game Summit)上,不少参会开发商指出,苹果iPhone作为一个成功的移动游戏平台,深刻地影响了电子游戏市场的发展。



位于蒙特利尔的互动娱乐开发商Ludia公司首席执行官Alex Thabet表示,“iPhone使游戏更加大众化,让用户更容易消费和体验游戏。App Store目前已经有30多成款应用,这是一个极富竞争性的市场,直接对应用价格产生了影响。”




Gamerizon这家加拿大初创企业的动画师Huu Le Nguyen表示,“对iPhone平台来说,游戏规格要变得更小,所以往往需要让游戏角色的动作夸张化,这样看起来才会更生动。”

该公司首席执行官Alex Sakiz认为,“手机游戏时间长度都很短,最多只需要3到4个月的开发周期,这样较小型的开发商就有机会与更大的竞争对手同台对决……”


IPhone Sparks Mobile Game Development

The commercial success of the iPhone has served as a launching pad for the video game industry, highlighted by a conference being held this week, which is expected to draw 1,500 participants.

The two-day Montreal International Game Summit, which started on Monday, is centering on opportunities opened up by the iPhone.

“The iPhone democratized access to games, made it easy and affordable for consumers,” said Alex Thabet, CEO of interactive entertainment developer Ludia, based in Montreal. “We’re talking about some 300,000 applications today on the App Store. So it’s an extremely competitive market that puts a lot of pressure on prices.”

The iPhone, which seized 20 percent of the portable gaming market and 5 percent of the global video game market in just one year and a half, is helping to make social and mobile games the fastest-growing segment of the gaming industry.

The revenue generated by gaming on the iPhone has been estimated at 50 billion dollars a year, sparked by hugely-successful sales of Apple devices like the iPhone and iPad.

With some 100 million iPhones sold, Apple devices have changed some of the rules of game development, requiring game creators and studios to change the way they think about games on mobile devices.

“It’s true that for iPhones, gaming is on a smaller scale,” said Huu Le Nguyen, an animator at Gamerizon, a start-up in Montreal dedicated to making games for the Apple device. “So you often have to exaggerate movements, making them more dynamic.”

“They are very short games and because you can create them quickly, with a three- to four-month maximum development cycle, allows smaller developers to compete against their bigger rivals,” explained Alex Sakiz, CEO of Gamerizon. “This is what we learned six months ago and it’s what we’ve been doing ever since.”

With the iPhone showing no signs of stopping, the gaming market it has opened up should only continue to boom. (source:mobiledia)

