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《Candy Crush》系列游戏是如何获得现在的成功

发布时间:2016-02-24 16:47:21 Tags:,,,,

作者:James Batchelor


这些游戏是由各种规格的工作室所创造的,包含了RPG机制和叙述内容,或者只是稍微修改了游戏玩法或宝石元素,而其中最受关注的当属King所创造的轰动全球的《Candy Crush Saga》。

上个月,该公司发布了该系列的第三款游戏:《Candy Crush Jelly Saga》。与之前的《Soda Saga》一样,这款游戏也添加了全新的游戏理念—-这一次是关于匹配覆盖了方块的糖果去获取果冻并最终将其填满整个网格。


对于某些工作室来说,这似乎只是一种增量更新,但这并未阻止《Candy Crush Jelly Saga》以迅猛的姿态冲进苹果App Store和Google Play的排行榜最顶端。


制作人Andreas Olofsson说道:“从某种程度上来看这是一个有限发展的区域。我们不能真正脱离糖果消除是因为这便是人们喜欢这款游戏的原因。”


“但这同时也是一个挑战。三消游戏是静态的。我们总是需要围绕着它去创造内容,并着眼于有关机制的其它内容。例如我们需要实现这些目标:玩家在这个关卡中需要实现什么?在我们创造《Jelly Saga》时,如果我们添加了boss元素会怎样?如果你添加了回合元素到游戏中会怎样?而考虑这些都能够为你的游戏增添一些新鲜感。

《Candy Crush》以及许多相似游戏的成功便是因为这类型游戏的简单游戏玩法。如果在这款世界上最成功的休闲游戏中添加像boss对抗这样的硬核游戏概念,King便将面对复杂化游戏的风险并可能因此而吓跑一些玩家。


“也就是说创造一些更具挑战性的内容是可行的。之前已经玩过《Candy Crush》的玩家都了解了游戏的基本内容,所以新游戏对于他们的吸引力便在于全新的游戏机制,所以你不希望向他们透露太多东西。因为这也是探索新游戏的乐趣之一。”


candy crush jelly(from develop-online)

candy crush jelly(from develop-online)

我们询问了Olofsson罐头机制是如何被整合到《Jelly Saga》以及之前的游戏中。


每款全新《Candy Crush》的目标除了重振休闲游戏外,还致力于创造更多收益,即不仅致力于重新吸引那些删除消除糖果的资深玩家,也将吸引那些未曾接触过之前游戏的用户。

就像Olofsson所说的那样,这款游戏的强大用户群体让它很难再去瞄准那些之前从未玩过《Candy Crush》的用户,因为开发团队的重点都在于创造能够吸引现有用户的全新机制了。

他说道:“对于《Jelly》 ,我们尝试着提高它的竞争性并添加了更多挑战元素。在过去我们一直收到来自粉丝的反馈表示如果能够在游戏中与别人竞争应该会很有趣,于是我们在设计这款游戏时便考虑到了这点。我们也是因此想到了boss元素。”




candy crush jelly(from develop-online)

candy crush jelly(from develop-online)



《Candy Crush Jelly Saga》是King旗舰系列的第三款游戏。尽管创造全新游戏玩法拥有种种挑战和局限性,但Olofsson认为在短期之内他们公司在游戏创造方面并不会做出太大的改变。



Finding new flavours for Candy Crush

By James Batchelor

Take even the most casual browse through mobile app stores and you’ll find them inundated with match-three games.

These are produced by studios of all sizes, incorporate RPG mechanics and narratives, or introduce slight tweaks to the gameplay or gem functions – and leading the pack is, as always, King’s world-dominating Candy Crush Saga.

Last month, the firm released the third game in the series: Candy Crush Jelly Saga. Like Soda Saga before it, the title introduces new gameplay ideas – this time centred around filling the grid with jelly by matching candies already covered in the substance.

King has also used this as the basis for boss fights, a first for the series, in which players match sweets to spread jelly and gain more control of the grid.

To some studios, these might seem like incremental updates but that hasn’t stopped Candy Crush Jelly Saga storming into the upper echelons of the charts on the Apple App Store and Google Play.

But how much more can King do to keep tweaking and reinventing the match-three mechanic? Surely the fact that the series is built around a specific interaction – lining up three or more candies – hinders potential innovation?

“It is a limited area in a way,” producer Andreas Olofsson tells Develop. “We can’t really move away from switching candies because that is what people like about the game.

“Fortunately, we have a very creative team with people coming from all kinds of different industries – not just gaming. The way we work at King is that everyone contributes to what goes into the game, so we get a lot of creative ideas all the time that we can try out in our titles.

“But it is a challenge. The match-three genre is pretty static. What we usually do is try to work around it, look at the other things around the actual mechanic. For example, we work with objectives – what does the player have to achieve within this level? What happens if, as we have done with Jelly Saga, we add in a boss element? What if you put something turn-based into the game? That’s gives you something fresh to play with.”

The success of Candy Crush and many games like it is how accessible the simple gameplay is. It could be argued that by adding core gaming concepts like boss fights to the world’s most successful casual game, King run the risk of overcomplicating their flagship title and therefore alienating their audience.

“It’s very easy to make something super complex,” Olofsson admits. “We use user-testing a lot, trying out new ideas on people to see what they think. We have a lot of people here at King that help out with testing, working out if our mechanics are self-explanatory or if they need more tutorials explaining them.

“That said, it’s good to make things more challenging. People who have played Candy Crush before are going to know the basics of the game, but one of the key things to a new game’s appeal is figuring out new mechanics, so you don’t want to tell them too much. That’s one of the fun things of exploring a new game.

“We scrap a lot of ideas as well. We throw away stuff that we think has become a little too complicated and try to keep the sweet stuff.”

Side-stepping that candy-themed pun, we pressed Olofsson to find out what canned mechanics nearly made it into Jelly Saga and its forebears.

“I can’t really say because, well, those ideas haven’t come to market,” he says. “Yet.”

Each new Candy Crush aims to not only revitalise the casual game – and the significant revenues it generates – by not only inviting back candy-swapping veterans but also appealing to those that have missed or ignored the previous titles.

Since, as Olofsson observes, the game’s colossal audience makes it hard to target people who have never played Candy Crush before, the emphasis for his team is placed on coming up with new mechanics that will appeal to the established players.

“With Jelly specifically, we tried to make it more competitive and a little more challenging,” he says. “We’ve received a lot of feedback in the past from fans saying it would be cool to be able to play against someone, so we took that into account when designing this game. That’s when we came up with the boss element, too.”

King is, of course, a leader in the free-to-play space, but Olofsson insists that monetisation is not a major consideration when the team is looking at how to mix up the match-three mechanic again.

“When we design a game, the first priority is that it has to be fun,” he says. “We won’t make anything if it’s not fun, so we always start with the game itself. Once we’ve established the format, we look at how the freemium model we’ve used so far will work.

“In this particular game, we’ve essentially copied what we have done with previous Saga titles. It’s a freemium game, so you can play it for free like most people do but you also have the ability to pay for boosters and extra lives and stuff like that if you want to pay more.

“If you try to make a fun game that people want to play, eventually some people will pay because they want to, because they like the game and they want to play more. So it’s not a case of balancing – it’s all about making a fun game.”

But there are plenty of fun games out there, many of which revolve around swapping gems and icons on a grid, so what is this secret sauce King seems to have stumbled upon when it comes to ensnaring the gaming world? Olofsson believes it’s a combination of “skill and luck, with the help of nice graphics and awesome explosions”.

Candy Crush Jelly Saga is the third entry in King’s flagship franchise, with even more match-three mechanics to be found in its portfolio of ‘Saga’ titles. But despite the challenges and limitations of creating new gameplay from such a specific interaction, Olofsson doesn’t see a massive reinvention for the company on the horizon any time soon.

“We have a pretty steady business model right now and I don’t expect it to change much in the near future.”(source:develop-online)


