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列举iOS 6 App Store改版对应用开发者的影响

发布时间:2012-09-26 14:27:39 Tags:,,,

作者:Sylvain Gauchet

iOS 6 App Store改版已成事实,开发者现在就只能去适应其中变化。当然,iPhone 5和iOS 6确实含有用户期待开发者采用的优化功能,但新版App Store也有一些变化需要开发者加以重视。


App Store改版


*搜索结果以“卡片”方式显示:App Store不再显示前25名搜索结果,现在是以“显示卡片”方式展示每款应用。用户进行搜索时,在iPhone上一次只能看到一个显示结果,在iPad一次可以看到6个结果。如果是在iPhone上,他们需划动屏幕以便看到其他搜索结果。假如你的产品位列某关键字搜索结果的第11至第100名,你的自然下载量就很可能受到影响。这也是为何你需要精心挑选关键字以便应用出现在前10名搜索结果的原因。此外,要确保你的首个截图能够直接表达应用内容。要使用能够让用户快速理解游戏玩法的截图,并添加简洁的文字说明。




特定应用的显示方式也发生变化,这一改变也将影响开发者的App Store Optimization(简称ASO)策略。


*由于现在只有首行的描述内容会出现在iPhone和iPad上,所以你得在此多下功夫以便让用户了解更多情况。不要忽视“What’s New”版块的作用,因为它的重要性不亚于应用描述:它可以显示你的应用更新情况。

screenshot & what's new(from gamezebo)

screenshot & what’s new(from gamezebo)

*用户评价现在也有自己的标签,这是一个好消息。在“发表评论”栏目旁边会显示一个“应用支持”按钮,因此要确保你在iTunes提供了一个确切的支持链接,以便将用户引向可获得帮助或联系开发者的页面。iOS 6绑定Facebook功能也意味着用户可以“赞”你的应用。虽然它的重要性不及用户评价,但你可以借此接近用户社群,从而获得更多“赞”。

reviews(from gamezebo)

reviews(from gamezebo)





这是目前我所观察到的App Store变化对开发者及其ASO策略所带来的影响,其中有些变化处于开发者所能掌控的范围之外。预计App Store将来还会出现更多变化,因此开发者需做好对应准备,以便让自己的应用/游戏保持领先。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,拒绝任何不保留版权的转载,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

iOS 6 App Store and What it Means to Developers

By Sylvain Gauchet

We’ve known for several months now that big iTunes changes were coming, it wasn’t just clear exactly when. Well, the time is now and developers have to make sure they adapt. Of course there are the optimizations for the iPhone 5 and iOS 6 that users expect you to do, but there are also changes in the new App Store that you need to be aware of.

Some of these changes you can see right away when navigating the redesigned App Store, others take a little more digging and the rest are really only known by Apple but are affecting your game or app too.

A Redesigned App Store

One of the nice things about that redesign is that users now pretty much get the same experience whichever device they use. And that experience brings several new things:

Search results are now displayed “Cards-style”. No more lists showing 25 results for a search: results are now displayed showing “cards” for each app. After a search, users see 1 result on iPhone and 6 on iPad. On iPhone, they have to swipe to see each additional result. If you’re ranking between #11 and #100 under a keyword (or a combination of keywords) your organic downloads are most likely to be affected. That’s why you might want to choose keywords for which your app appears in the top 10 results. Also, make sure your 1st screenshot really shows what your app is all about: use a relevant screenshot that allows user to understand how your game is played and add a quick written explanation.

Categories are now “hidden”. Search was already estimated to account for 63% of app discovery (source: Nielsen), and with this change we can expect users to do more search and less browsing.

Apple bets on Genius for app discovery. Categories have been replaced by Genius, and that shows Apple trusts its algorithm to help with app discovery. So far I’m really not convinced by the results displayed but seeing how important Apple made it we can expect them to fine-tune it.

A Redesigned App Details Page

Several things have changed in the way a specific app is displayed, which are impacting App Store Optimization.

Screenshots importance is increasing as they are now displayed above the description. Make sure they are relevant and put them in an order that allows users to understand how your app or game works. Once again, text can help understanding game play and features. You have to use them as advertising: here is a great article about do’s and don’t's when creating those screenshots.

As only the first lines of your description now appear on iPhone and iPad, you have to get them right so users want to know more. And don’t overlook the “What’s New” section, as Apple has made it almost as important as your description: show that your app is getting better and being updated.

Reviews have now their own tab, which is great news. An “App Support” button shows right next to the “Write a Review” one, so make sure you’ve specified a support address in iTunes and that it leads to a page where users can get help or contact you. Facebook integration in iOS 6 also means that users can “Like” your app. It might not be as important as reviews, but you can reach out to your community so you get as many likes as possible (who knows, Apple might use that in their ranking/search algorithm soon).

A Modified Search Algorithm

What people call the “Chomp” update has started back in June, and we can expect it to keep changing the way search works. App Store Optimization experts like, SearchMan or MobileDevHQ have noticed several changes.

As plural form is now handled better, you can use single form to save some precious characters in your keywords. Also, don’t waste keywords on words like “game”, “center”, “free” or even your category name since it appears that Apple adds them automatically. Finally, the time when your in-app purchase names served as keywords seems to be over.

According to SearchMan, another potential game changer is the fact that Apple might start taking into account external reviews of your game or app (as Chomp as been reported to do). In that scenario, a review would be an additional signal for Apple that your app is relevant.

These are the main changes and impacts on developers and App Store Optimization that have been observed so far. There are some things you can act on (do it now!), and some that are outside of your control. This new App Store and its search algorithm are kind of a big deal, and we can expect more changes to come so make sure you stay ahead of the curve to keep your app or game in the race.(source:gamezebo

