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发布时间:2012-04-21 13:43:34 Tags:,,

作者:keen & graev





kiddy pool vs lake(from mmosite)

kiddy pool vs lake(from mmosite)














Perceiving Elements of Game Design

By keen & graev

NOTE: Before you read, some people have already begun to misunderstand what this is about.  I’m not drawing comparisons between lakes or kiddy pools and particular games (I’m asking YOU to do that after you read the next sentence).  It’s about the elements of game design as they pertain to what makes a kiddy pool a kiddy pool and a lake a lake for YOU.   It’s about the total experience in a mmorpg and how it can relate to the total experience YOU are capable of having based on how YOU view the elements of these scenarios.  Do not read MY feelings on the subject as definitive because they’re not.  Do not read these as analogies – read them as drawing comparisons.

NOTE #2: I’ve added another element to this discussion.  Race Tracks vs. Legos.  Let’s look at what makes a race track a race track, and Legos, Legos.   I’ll add my thoughts in the comments as not to completely disrupt the flow of the blog entry.

Look closely at the pictures above.  What do you see?  Now think about MMO’s (MMORPG’s, MMOG’s, MMOFPS, etc.) and look again.  What do you see now?

Now that you’ve taken a second to look at the pictures and think about them before and after thinking about MMO’s, what words, images, details, feelings, etc., come to mind?  Try to work those ideas out of your head into something you can explain, then write them down somewhere.  I’m going to write what came to mind for me below.

Size – The lake is larger than the kiddy pool.

Scope – The picture of the lake brings trees, shoreline, a large body of water, and brings a somewhat overwhelming sense of atmosphere.  The Kiddy Pool focuses in closely on details like the water, the pool, the toys, the dog, and the hose; when we look at the pool it’s much easier to take it all in.

Realism – The kiddy pool excites the imagination with pictures of characters.  There’s a toy in the water to play with and a little friend.  In a way, it’s a highly stylized experience.  The lake has very little creativity because it’s precisely what you expect to see in nature.

Effort – The lake probably took hundreds or thousands of years to get where it’s at.  The kiddy likely took mere minutes.  To swim in the lake would require that you know how to swim.  It would take more time to swim aross, to tread water, and to experience everything this lake has to offer.  The Kiddy Pool doesn’t require much effort – you can sit in it and splash around without the need for training or additional knowledge.  The kiddy pool is user friendly for everyone.

Age – When I look at the Kiddy Pool I initially  think “children”.  When I look at the Lake I initially think “older people”.   However, both can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Freedom – The kiddy pool is a confined space.  Not much can fit in the kiddy pool.  The kiddy pool requires those enjoying it to use a bit more of their imagination or to accept that what goes on here will require you to ‘let go’ and enjoy.  It’s a controled environment.   The Lake can hold boats, thousands of people, fish, and allows people thee ability to explore their own methods of enjoyment.

Safety – There is very little that could go wrong in the Kiddy Pool.  It’s closely supervised and the risk is low.  If the pool empties then the hose is closeby to ensure the safety of the person and their enjoyment.  The Lake on the otherhand poses a much greater threat.  By comparison it’s much less safe to swim in a lake or to partake in lake activities.  If the lake dries up or that bad stuff the green people are always warning us about comes to pass or a fire sweeps through… what then?  It’s out of our control.  A lot rests on faith and luck here.

I’ll stop there.

I can think of several games that would best be represented by each of these pictures (the pool and the lake).  Keep in mind that it won’t be the same for everyone since it’s based entirely upon how we percieve the games we play and experiences associated with these images.  World of Warcraft comes to mind as the perfect example of the kiddy pool.  It has that stylized fun in a controled environment where the entertainment is spoonfed to the player carefuly.  It’s designed to ensure players are always having fun with the ability to get in and get out quickly.  Players can introduce elements to the game (like the ball or the dog) that will increase the fun and no one will be bothered by it. If the developers want to change WoW then it’s easy to change just like it’s easy to manipulate and alter the kiddy pool experience.

When I think about what games would match the lake, I think about games like SWG, UO, VG, or EQ1.  I think about a more open space with the potential for the player to enjoy what the world allows them to do, but it’s a much harsher place with the potential for anything to happen.  Players enjoying these games have a much harder time accepting things being spoonfed to them because they often go to the lake, or to these games, for a specific purpose.  People often have to make their own fun in these games because they are more ‘sandbox’.  If you found a nice spot at the lake to enjoy the sun and a drink then you’re probably having a good time… but what happens when that group of teenagers show up with their loud music, drugs, and rowdy behavior?   In a way, this is very much a PvP – person vs. person – experience that you might not be able to control, whereas in the kiddy pool if someone is disrupting your fun then you can kick them out or have your parents call their parents and never speak to them again and …. ahem. There is a lot more commitment involved with the lake type games and you have a lot more to lose.

There was a time that I really, really enjoyed the kiddy pools and would have opted for that experience over taking a trip to a lake any day.  Heck, I’d be lying if I said I don’t still like the kiddy pools (or the slightly upgraded versions).  But there’s something about going to the lake(river, ocean, etc) that I think a lot of people can understand.  It’s a different experience – often times a more ‘unknown’ experience.

If you really want to make your brain hurt, you can take this even ‘deeper’ and think specifically about PvP/PvE or one particular mechanic vs. another in a Kiddy Pool vs. Lake situation or don’t use such extremes like I did.  Think “kiddy pool vs. Swimming pool” instead or other comparisons.   Sometimes it’s hard to put into words what your brain thinks when you look at the pictures, but try.  Chances are you won’t be able to truly do your pereception justice, as I know I have not, but it’s still fun to try.(Source:mmosite

