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发布时间:2010-09-11 14:45:03 Tags:,,,

据appleinsider的消息称为了给微软旗下的Windows Phone 7进行广告造势,微软员工筹备了一场惊悚的仪式,为iphone和blackberry举行葬礼游行。




该仪式毫不含糊地夸口Windows Phone 7的操作平台将埋葬掉这些竞争对手。据称微软将花5亿美元的重金为Windows Phone 7操作系统进行全球营销。

尽管如此,市场依然并不被看好。咨询分析公司Gartner在周五发布的一些数据分析中显示,Windows Phone 7操作系统将从2009年的8.7%,直接缩水到2014年的3.9%。而在它的竞争对手方面,sybian从2009年的46.9%被压缩到2014年的30.2%,RIM从2009年的19.9%下降到2014年的11.7%。苹果的ios方面,则从2009年的14.4%微增到14.9%,而android则从2009年的3.9%飙升为2014年的29.6%。



Celebrating Windows Phone 7′s “Release to Manufacturing” status, Microsoft employees held a morbid funeral parade for the iPhone and Blackberry.

The parade through the company’s Redmond campus, first reported by NeoWin, included hearses, oversized iPhone and Blackberry coffins, and various Halloween-like costumes.

One truck featured a sign bragging, “Windows Phone 7 OS Platform buries the competition.” In doing so, Microsoft takes its place in a long line of products that were billed as “iPhone killers.”

Various sources have reported that Windows Phone 7, which went RTM last week, will launch at an October 11 event in New York City, although the first devices wouldn’t be available until late October in Europe and November in the U.S.

Microsoft posted a teaser trailer for Windows Phone 7 on YouTube last week, the first in what is expected to be a $500 million marketing campaign for the launch of the mobile OS.

Research firm Gartner predicted Friday that the Windows Phone market share would fall from 8.7 percent in 2009 to just 3.9 percent in 2014. Nokia Symbian and Google Android were placed at first and second with 30.2 percent and 29.6 percent respectively. Apple’s iOS was listed in third place with an estimated 14.9 percent market share in 2014.(source:appleinsider)

