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SoftPedia消息:手机游戏Shoot to Kill推出菜鸟玩家新功能

发布时间:2010-09-07 08:58:13 Tags:,,,,

日前,由Vivid Games开发、Tower Studios发行的手机游戏Shoot to Kill又更新了版本,在原版基础上增加了Free for Freaks这一游戏内置系统,旨在帮助初级玩家缩短修炼历程,提高游戏级别。

shoot to kill

玩家通过该系统的GameContinue Pack功能,支付5个单位的费用,即可多获得10点生命力。开发商透露,该游戏的Android和Bada手机版本目前也已投入制作,不久后也将陆续面世。

Shoot to Kill升级版本后,菜鸟级玩家仅需花费0.99美元,就可安装Free for Freaks这一新系统,并成功实现战略突破。

Tower Studios的首席执行官Jon Hare表示,“我们的目标就是不断升级Tower游戏产品,为忠实的玩家提供多种新挑战”,Shoot to Kill还仅是一个重量级的市场试探,意在为Tower明年即将推出的更多产品系列提前铺路。

升级后的Shoot to Kill包括以下几项新功能:含战役、生存模式、多人游戏、永生模式等在内的6种游戏模式;30+游戏级别;5种兵器;14种怪兽;13项游戏成就以及666种下载该游戏的理由。

据悉,Shoot to Kill共占24.1MB存储空间,目前支持在iPhone、iPod touch以及含iPhone OS 3.0功能的iPad平台上运行。

Shoot to Kill for iPhone Is Now Free for Freaks
Shoot to Kill, developed by Vivid Games and published by Tower Studios, has just been updated with new, unique features. The main feature of the update is the full implementation of the Free for Freaks in-game arcade credit system, which can be bought by players who are less skilled with the game.

The new system is now live and is based on the player’s skill. Those that decide to take advantage of the new system will receive extra lives with 10 for the price of five.

After doubling the number of lives that players receive via the Game Continue Pack, from five to 10, the developer unveiled that Android and Bada versions of the game are already in the works and are expected to be available in the near future.

The new Free for Freaks system makes the game more accessible to players without extreme gaming skills for only $0.99.

“Our goal is to continually update our games and look for new ways to challenge our loyal players and fans,” said Jon Hare, CEO of Tower Studios. “Shoot to Kill is just the first blockbuster title from a portfolio of games that Tower will be releasing over the next year.”

Some of the key features of Shoot to Kill game include: 6 Game Modes including Campaign; Survival and Multiplayer games plus a never-ending Eternal Life mode; 30+ levels; 5 weapons; 14 different demons; 13 achievements; And 666 reasons to download the game.

Shoot to Kill modern classic arcade blast ‘em up game is free for download from the AppStore.

The game has been rated 12+ for Frequent/Intense Cartoon or Fantasy Violence, Frequent/Intense Horror/Fear Themes, Infrequent/Mild Profanity or Crude Humor, Infrequent/Mild, Mature/Suggestive Themes, Frequent/Intense Realistic Violence.

Shoot to Kill is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad devices running iPhone OS 3.0 or later and requires 24.1 MB storage space. (source:Softpedia)


