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发布时间:2010-09-06 16:54:02 Tags:,

社交游戏PetVille是Zynga公司开发的一款养宠物系列游戏。在我们曾经报导过的PetVille Designer Dogs特辑中,Zynga公司在其礼品页面上一共发布了4款不同的狗狗。而今天晚上格林威治时间12点整,一款最新的狗狗沙发床即将开始发售。和以往发售的狗宝宝一样,这款沙发床也是游戏礼品。目前这款沙发床还未在礼品网上公布,我们也还没有得到关于这张沙发床的具体信息。

Doggy Day Bed


If you’ve been following our coverage of the Designer Dogs collection in PetVille, you already know that a total of four dogs have been released on the game’s gift page. Tonight at midnight Pacific Time, a new doggy Day Bed will be released. This Day Bed will also be a gift, just like all of the dogs so far. We don’t know the full details on this bed yet, since it hasn’t yet hit the gift page.

We think it’s pretty generous of Zynga to release these dogs and accessories for free on the gift page. Could PetVille be seeing a decline in activity, causing its developers to pull out a “Hail Mary” feature to bring players back in? Or is Zynga just feeling particularly thoughtful? We’ll have to see what comes next!


