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作者:Ashish Mohta



























10 Steps to great game design part

Tadhg Kelly

Gaming is something which makes you different, Makes you enjoy the moment like you were doing it for real. Sometimes we feel making designs. May be not everybody but who are good at designs and logic can make an awesome game to remember.

So what you do before you start making a game. !!!! Read about it not games but how to make game design and everything. Here are some if we can follow those points…. you have a kick start.

1. The Kiss Factor

KISS stands fro Keep it simple Stupid. When you design a game, the most important factor is whom are targeting. The message should be passed in such a way that even a simple person can understand. The goal of game should be simple and must be expressed in few words, like”Save the princess”,”You need more money”. Avoid essays.

2. Communication Statements

How you communicate to the users trough the game is what matters. You should have statements which are simple and explainative but not very long. They should be able to tell the user what he or she is intended to do. Gamers might not be very sophisticated computers user, so your game should be able to guide them through out.

3. Puzzle has to be structured properly

Every game weather its action or arcade has certain degree of puzzle involved in it. Don’t make gamers aimlessly wander for the puzzle. Plus don’t have just one puzzle that can solve that stage. Have a couple of puzzle intermingled with the stage which change with every stage, giving the user a new thrill at every stage. Don’t keep it too simple neither the same every time. More variations will make your game look very new every time the player plays.

4. Balance the difficulty of puzzles

This is one of the major factor as per my gaming experince says (well not designing but playing). As per the 3rd point you need puzzles but how you throw it to user it depends. Every game has puzzles which has a certain level of difficulty. Increase your difficult level as the stages increase. Rewards them some points and give another. Over all difficulty will depend not only on the game design but also the type of user (new, moderate and hardcore). One of the games I played, used to fluctuate its difficulty level by injecting small and easy tricks. That used to keep the interest alive as “it makes the user happy to solve something at higher level easy”.

5. Never ignore logic and science

We might be playing games which is based totally on imagination but still we don’t want it act a really irrational. Give them a real world feel by following logic and science. Make them as accurate as possible and add some feedback affects or sound effects to make them real.

6. Give a fair chance to win

Every one loves a winner and everybody loves to win a game. That’s why you play it. Some people might think that a very difficult game will make it more exciting but if you do and people are not able to solve it, will they play again? Games are played to relax them, to diver mind and make them happy when they win. Too difficult games can make them irritated results, you loose the player. Make them happy, give them powers and points.

7. Never go over board with rewards

Don’t just keep on giving them points and make them so powerful that they feel, “hah who made this game its so easy, Let me find some other difficult game”. Make it a fair decision, give them points and take away when necessary, so they keep up with game.

8. Never ignore the story

If you can have a story of the game you are designing, it will create an imagination in the mind of gamers. This not only will help them to get more understanding of the game but also find clues. Just make sure you story fits the game. I remember playing warcraft. It has such an awesome introduction of the 4 tribes it had, it was easy to understand some of the typical nature of those tribes and gave a strong imagination how the AI was designed.

9. Give them some secret doors and mysteries

In some games the author purposely make some secret things. Like a secret path, some hidden doors which either can trap the user or give them a key to next stage. Make them little difficult and keep them more invisible, but give users a hint somewhere which makes them feel “Something is there, I had seen it flashing once. ”

10. Long Live the game

A lot of good adventure games become dust collections after players have solved them. Often this can be prevented or at least delayed, by a little extra effort on the part of the author. Give some of your puzzels multiple solutions. Think of imaginative ways of dying and humorous tricks for the player to try. Some adventures have even multiple endings depending on various things player has done during the course of time.

If you see yourself making mistakes like that, you might consider what I said above. Designing a good text adventure is long and frustrating but the end can be rewarding. Good interactive fiction is always in demand. I Am not a designer but that’s what I felt when I played games. SO I thought why not make it into a points. SO it’s a user expressing all above points …. make it click. (Source:

