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发布时间:2010-08-21 10:24:09 Tags:,,,

上周也许是社交游戏开发商界的忙碌周,不过此后,雇佣热潮就几乎完全冷却了,根据LinkedIn的数据显示。为此,我们抓住时机把我们报道的覆盖范围扩大到其他两家社交开发商,这两家在过去的两周至少是活跃的,它们是Digital Chocolate 和夜店世界(Nightclub City) 的创造者Booyah。此举旨在为外部发生的事提供一个更广阔的视野。





布赖恩•伯纳尔(Bryan Bernal)——伯纳尔,Insomniac Games的前任项目经理,作为新任音乐总监的身份加入了这个团队。

Digital Chocolate

Vishwanathan Subramanian——以前Indiagames Ltd.的项目经理,现在是Digital Chocolate的助理采购经理。

萨米•马希(Sami Marsch)——这是上周的另一更新,马希在Digital Chocolate团队里得到了晋升,从初级游戏美工师升到游戏美工师。


汤姆•马戈利斯(Tom Margolis)——University Corporation for Atmospheric Research的前任资深工程师和小组领导,马戈利斯作为最新的Java开发人员加入Playdom

沙•拉赫曼•塔班(Shah Rahman Tapan)——塔班以游戏部的图像艺术顾问的身份进入Playdom。先前,他是trippertlabs的图像艺术师。

乔恩•瑞克(Jon Rick)——凭着惠普工程师的资历,瑞克进入Playdom成为一名3D美工师。



克里斯托弗•罗兹(Christopher Rhodes)——延续Google的过渡期,罗兹由Slide的资深Flash工程师变为Google的软件工程师。

詹森•鲁本斯坦( Jason Rubenstein)——现在是Google的软件工程师,之前是Slide的资深软件工程师

安德森•维托斯(Anderson Vitous)——Slide之前的MySQL设计师,维托斯现在成为一名数据库管理员。


关海(Hai Guan)——关作为最新的分析师加入Zynga团队。此前,他是Union Bank.的量化分析师。

保罗•墨菲(Paul Murphy)——凭着作家和Firaxis Games的游戏设计师的资历,Murphy作为一名新的资深游戏设计师加入Zynga。

爱德华•勒布雷顿Edward LeBreton——先前是艺电公司的网络市场实习经理,勒布雷顿成为Zynga新的产品经理人


New Hires in Social Gaming: Booyah, Digital Chocolate, Slide, & More

Last week may have been a busy week for the social gaming developer community, but since then, the hiring rate has almost completely stopped cold, according to the data found on LinkedIn. In light of this, we took the opportunity to expand our coverage further to two more social developers who have been active in at least the past two weeks, Digital Chocolate and Nightclub City creator, Booyah, in order to get a broader scope of just what is happening out there.

For openings in the industry, be sure to check out our Inside Network Job Board.

Here is the list:


Bryan Bernal – Though the addition is from last week, Booyah‘s Nightclub City may be getting a new beat, as Bernal, the former Project Manager of Insomniac Games, joins the team as its new Music


Digital Chocolate

Vishwanathan Subramanian – Formerly a Project Manager for Indiagames Ltd., Subramanian is now an Associate Ops. Manager for Digital Chocolate.

Sami Marsch – Another update from last week, as Marsch gets a promotion within the Digital Chocolate team, moving up from Junior Game Artist to Game Artist.


Tom Margolis – A former Senior Software Engineer and Team Lead at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Margolis joins Playdom as its newest Java Developer.

Shah Rahman Tapan – Tapan joins Playdom as a CG Artist Consultant for their Game Department. Previously, he was a CG Artist for trippertlabs.

Jon Rick – Bringing experience as an Engineer for Hewlett-Packard, Rick joins Playdom as a 3D Artist.


Steven Kollars – Stemming from the Google acquisition of Slide, Kollars shifts his Software Engineer role from the Slide tag to the Google tag.

Christopher Rhodes – Continuing the Google transition, Rhodes changes from a Senior Flash Engineer under Slide to a Software Engineer under Google.

Jason Rubenstein – Now a Software Engineer under Google, Rubenstein was a Senior Software Engineer under Slide.

Anderson Vitous – Previously a MySQL Architect with Slide, Vitous becomes a Database Administrator.


Hai Guan – Guan joins the Zynga team as their newest Analyst. Prior to this, he was a Quantitative Analyst for Union Bank.

Paul Murphy – With experience as a Writer and Game Designer for Firaxis Games, Murphy joins Zynga as a new Senior Game Designer.

Edward LeBreton – Previously an Online Marketing Manager Intern for Electronic Arts, LeBreton becomes a new Product Manager for the folks over at Zynga. (source:inside social games)

