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发布时间:2011-06-21 16:39:51 Tags:,,


US mobile apps vs.web consumption(from techcrunch)

US mobile apps vs.web consumption(from techcrunch)


US mobile app consumption(from techcrunch)

US mobile app consumption(from techcrunch)


2)据pocketgamer报道,西部纽约州物理教师联盟(Western New York State Physics Teachers’Alliance)已将《愤怒的小鸟》作为传授物理知识的教材,并根据该游戏的一些设置而出题考察学生的物理知识。例如:

Angry Birds(from pocketgamer)

Angry Birds(from pocketgamer)



app stores dominate across app distribution channels(from visionmobile)

app stores dominate across app distribution channels(from visionmobile)


per app revenues(from

per app revenues(from

从应用盈利这个方面来看,约30%的受访者每款应用总收益低于1000美元,这也意味着他们实际上处于亏损状态;从各个平台的盈利指数来看,Symbian的表现最不理想,iOS平台的盈利指数居于首位,每款iOS应用创造收益比Symbian多3.3倍;其次是Java ME(比Symbian多2.7倍),然后是黑莓(比Symbian多2.4倍)。

revenues expectations(from

revenues expectations(from

从开发者对各个平台实际收益的满意度来看,iOS开发者满意度最高,其次分别是Java ME、Mobile web、Symbian、Android、黑莓,开发者对Qt和Windows Phone的收益满意度最低。

4)Adobe近日宣布Flash Builder 4.5和Flex 4.5向iPhone、iPad和PlayBook开发者开放服务,支持他们使用一种工具链、编辑语言和代码基库创建应用,以便节省大量时间和精力。据Adobe高管Ed Rowe所称,Flash Builder 4.5和Flex 4.5现可支持开发者为Android、黑莓平板电脑操作系统、iOS设备提供丰富而一致的标准化应用体验。





6)EA旗下的微型工作室8lb Gorilla最近终于推出其沉寂两年之后的新作《Ghost Harvest》,玩家在游戏中的任务就是挖坟,树立墓碑和搜集灵魂,以赢得货币奖励并走向天国。除此之外,玩家还可以挑选一些树木、豪宅、稻草人及其他物品装饰自己的坟墓,甚至需要掩护好自己的坟墓,以摆脱喜欢猎奇的记者和摄影家的刺探和骚扰。






7)法国发行商Gameloft的MMORPG游戏《Order & Chaos》在iOS平台发布仅20天就创造100万美元收益,该公司最近通过Twitter表示,将尽快把这款游戏推向Android平台。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

1)Flurry: Time Spent On Mobile Apps Has Surpassed Web Browsing

Leena Rao

Mobile app analytics firm Flurry is releasing a new report today comparing the daily engagement of smartphone users on mobile apps vs. web browsing on the PC. For web analytics, Flurry used data from comScore and Alexa and for mobile application usage, the startup used its own analytics, which now counts 500 million aggregated, anonymous use sessions per day across more than 85,000 applications. Flurry says that this accounts for approximately one third of all mobile application activity. While this is an imperfect methodology, it does point to the rise of mobile apps in our lives.

Flurry says that daily time spent in mobile apps has now surpassed web consumption. The average user now spends 9% more time using mobile apps than the Internet. In June users spent an average of 81 minutes daily on mobile apps, compared to 74 minutes on the web.

This compares to 66 minutes on mobile apps daily in December of 2010, and 70 minutes spent daily on the web. And June, the average user spent just under 43 minutes a day using mobile applications versus an average 64 minutes using the Internet.

Flurry says that the growth in mobile app usage is a result of more sessions during the day per user, as opposed to an increase in session length. So basically, users are checking Twitter and Foursquare more often as opposed to spending more time in the apps in any given session.

Flurry also took a deep dive into where mobile app users are spending their time. Flurry captured time spent per category from May 2011 across all apps it tracks (more than 85,000). Games and Social Networking categories dominate, capturing 47 percent and 32 percent on consumer time spent daily, respectively. Combined, these two categories control 79 percent of consumers’ total app time. Time spent on news apps follows with 9 percent share, with entertainment capturing a 7 percent share.(source:techcrunch

2)The Western New York State Physics Teachers’ Alliance uses Angry Birds to poses physics conundrums

by Rob Hearn

Angry Birds is commonly referred to as a physics-based game (primarily because it is). According to the Western New York State Physics Teachers’ Alliance (WNYSPTA), this means it’s a suitable physics teaching tool.

There are some who would claim that teaching physics with Angry Birds clips represents dumbing down. Not being able to comprehend the questions posed by WNYSPTA, nor therefore to distinguish them from proper questions in a textbook, we’re not qualified to comment.

Here’s the test in full. Can you do it? Can you?

Write in if you like, but we won’t understand your answers.

1. Make a reasonable estimate for the size of an angry bird, and determine the value of g in Angry Bird World. Why would the game designer want to have g be different than 9.8 m/s²?

2. Does the blue angry bird conserve momentum during its split into three?

3. Does the white bird conserve momentum when it drops its bomb? Why would the game designer want the white bird to drop its bomb the way that it does?

4. Describe in detail how the yellow bird changes velocity. You will need to analyze more than one flight path to answer this question.

5. Shoot an angry bird so that it bounces off one of the blocks. Determine the coefficient of restitution and the mass of the angry bird.(source:pocketgamer

3)Developer Economics 2011 – Why app stores are a one-way street

Matos Kapetanakis

Since the launch of Apple’s App Store in 2008, developers found a market delivery channel that greatly reduced time-to-market and time-to-payment and provided a direct channel to consumers. The result: users started buying more and more smartphones, accessing app stores and downloading billions upon billions of apps.

Today, app stores have become the a one-way street for developers. Over 45% of the respondents in our Developer Economics 2011 report used an app store as their primary route to the market, climbing nearly 30% since last year. At the same time, we found that the use of other distribution channels (own portal/website, 3rd party aggregators, via customers, Telco portals) has greatly decreased since last year’s research.

The decline of traditional challenge comes as no big surprise; Telco portals, that once upon a time dominated content distribution in the US and Europe, have now lost their allure.

“Downloads through operator portals are still less than one million per month on average per operator. Compare that to one billion per month downloads from the Apple App Store”, noted an executive at a mobile app development house who participated in our research.

But why do developers choose app stores over other distribution channels? Reach is by far the most important reason behind developers’ preference for app stores as a distribution channel.

More than 50% of developers distributing through the Apple, Google, Nokia or BlackBerry app stores cite the ability to sell to more users as the primary reason for app store selection.

App revenues and monetisation

The single most important aspect of any business is monetisation. But, in this gold rush of apps, not everyone is making money.

Around 30% of our respondents make less than $1,000 USD per application in total, which means they’re actually losing money, considering it takes months to develop an app and that some platforms have expensive tools.

Which platforms have the largest revenue potential? Monetisation differs from platform to platform, with Symbian having the lowest revenue potential, as our research indicated. Taking Symbian as having a revenue index of 1, we can compare its revenue potential with other platforms. iOS topped the chart, making 3.3 times more money per app than Symbian developers followed by Java ME (2.7x) and BlackBerry (2.4x).(source:visionmobile

4)Adobe adds iPhone, iPad and PlayBook support to Flash Builder and Flex

by Keith Andrew

When Adobe lifted the lid on Creative Suite 5.5 back in April, the firm cited Android, iOS and BlackBerry as the platforms set to benefit from its refreshed roll out.

However, two Creative Suite components – Flash Builder 4.5 and Flex 4.5 – only offered support for Google’s OS, with the firm now pushing out support for iPhone, iPad and PlayBook as originally promised.

Matter of the mix

Both Flash Builder and Flex allow developers to use a single tool chain, programming language and code base that reduce the amount of time and money spent building up each app.

Their delivery across iOS and PlayBook OS will, for the first time, take that time saving cross-platform.

“With the proliferation of smartphones and tablets, enterprises now need to ensure that their applications work seamlessly across many different types of devices,” said VP of development

tooling Ed Rowe at the time of Creative Suite 5.5′s release.

“Flash Builder 4.5 and Flex 4.5 will now allow companies to standardise on a common platform capable of delivering rich and consistent application experiences that perform great across Android, BlackBerry Tablet OS and iOS devices.”(source:pocketgamer

5)Google hails French smartphone usage

by Stuart Dredge

Calls it ‘one of the most sophisticated European mobile markets’.

The US and France haven’t always seen eye-to-eye on the foreign policy front, but Google is one US company that’s thoroughly enthusiastic about all things Gallic, judging by its latest smartphone research.

The company has published some stats on French smartphone usage taken from its recent global mobile research, revealing that 27% of French adults use a smartphone, and of those 59% connect to the Internet every day,

84% take photos or videos, 50% watch video, 41% do online banking and 24% watch TV series, says Google, with all of those percentages higher than smartphone owners in Germany or the UK.

“French smartphone users also search more than their fellow Europeans – a full 73% of smartphone users state they have used a search engine,” writes Google’s mobile ads product marketing manager Frank Albert Coates.

“Numbers from our AdMob network in France also highlight that French smartphone users are among the most active: We have seen close to a 6x increase in monthly smartphone traffic growth from a year ago and an impressive 1.7 billion ad requests a month.”(source:mobile-ent

6)EA’s 8lb Gorilla returns with FarmVille-esque freemium title Ghost Harvest for iPhone

by Anthony Usher

Rising from the grave after a two-year hiatus, EA’s micro-studio 8lb Gorilla has released casual outing Ghost Harvest onto the App Store.

The studio’s second game – following Zombies & Me – throws you into the role of a cemetery caretaker, and tasks you with helping the recently deceased to find a better afterlife.

You’ll find yourself digging graves, planting headstones, and harvesting the souls of reckless pilots and space miners, which reward you with cash and experience upon reaching the pearly gates.

If you’re not one for complete doom and gloom, you can spruce up your graveyard with a selection of trees, mansions, scarecrows, and other artefacts.

You’ll even have to defend you cemetery against prying eyes, such as reporters and photographers.

Ghost Harvest’s premium currency is candy, which can be spent to speed up all of your tasks. It’s available through in-app purchase starting at 59p/99c, or by watching selected game trailers from EA.

8lb Gorilla will continue to support and update Ghost Harvest with new content. It’s also working on secret games, to be released in the near future.

You can grab Ghost Harvest now from the App Store for free. (source:pocketgamer

7)Gameloft MMORPG Coming to Android — Gameloft’s popular iOS MMORPG, Order & Chaos has already reached the milestone of earning $1 million (in 20 days), but now the company is looking to expand further. In a tweet from the developer, the mobile title will be coming to the Android device, “soon.”(source:insidemobileapps

