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发布时间:2011-06-14 10:14:53 Tags:,

作者:Kara Page

说实话,提出一个有趣的iPhone游戏设计理念并不难,但是如何按照这个理念设计一款适合苹果设备的游戏便是一个艰难且漫长的过程。但是不论怎样,在向iPhone App Developer或者苹果提交游戏创意前,你都必须拥有一个完整而经得起推敲的游戏理念。




1.决定你想制作的游戏类型,例如益智游戏,多人游戏,或者是探险类游戏等。在iTunes App Store中寻找类似的游戏,下载并尝试游戏,同时记录这些游戏的优缺点,并设想如何才能更好地改善这些游戏。除此之外,你还应随时记下游戏的任何创意,包括图像和美术风格等。

2.在把所设计的游戏提交给苹果审核前,还应该准备一款测试版游戏。如果你只尝试过编码和编程,但是却从未接触iPhone SDK,那么你最好去阅读一下《Beginning iPhone 3 Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK》(游戏邦注:电子书,iPhone开发书籍大全)。而如果你自身并非程序员,但想雇佣一名程序员并与其平摊所得利益,那么我建议你在iPhoneAppCoder等网站上进行相关搜索。

3.如果你已经能够独立编写应用程序,那么就可以在iPhone Development Center上注册,成为一名真正的iPhone应用程序开发者。同时你还需要拥有一台基于英特尔的Mac并安装OS X Leopard操作系统,同时缴纳99美元的注册费。但如果你是和其他应用开发者合作,那么这些流程便都可以省略了。

4.在游戏开发过程中始终保持最初的创作激情,遵循iPhone Developer Center中的iPhone应用编程指南进行游戏制作。并在自己的iPhone上定期测试所设计的游戏,以找出相关漏洞和问题。

5.登陆iPhone Developer Center并进入App ID页面,点击Add ID。在App ID Name旁边的方框里输入你的游戏名称并点击提交。而如果你是与其他应用开发者进行合作,那么他们将帮助你完成第5和第6个步骤。

6.随后点击Provisioning,进入该页面后点击Add Profile,并在Distribution Method 旁边的两个选项中选择App Store ,然后在Profile Name旁边的方框里再次输入你的游戏名称,在App ID旁边的下拉框里选择名字。最后你还需要下载provisioning这个页面,作为游戏发布的相关记录。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

How to Submit iPhone Game Ideas

Coming up with a concept for a fun iPhone game might be easy, but submitting the finished product for acceptance by Apple is a long and difficult process. You must develop a solid concept for your game before submitting your idea to either an iPhone App Developer or to Apple for consideration.

1.Decide what type of game you want, such as puzzles, multi-player, or adventure. Search for games that seem similar to yours in the iTunes App Store and download them. Play with these games, keeping notes in your notebook about the positive and negative aspects of each game, and how you can improve it. As you work, write down any specific ideas for your game as well, including drawings or graphics if possible.

2.Prepare a test version of your app before submitting your game to Apple. If you have experience with coding and programming but have never developed using the iPhone SDK, it’s best to do research by checking out books like Beginning iPhone 3 Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK. If you are not a programmer and wish to hire one to split the profits, you can hire one by searching on websites like iPhoneAppCoder.

3.Register to become an iPhone app developer at the iPhone Development Center if you are coding the app yourself. This requires an Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X Leopard and a minimum registration fee of $99. If you are working with a developer, skip this step.

4.Stay active in the development process, following the iPhone Application Programming Guide found on the iPhone Developer Center. Test the game regularly on your own iPhone for bugs and problems.

5.Log in to the iPhone Development Center and go to App IDs, then click Add ID. Enter the name of your game next to App ID Name and click Submit. If you are working with a developer, they will take care of Steps 5 and 6 for you.

6.Go to Provisioning, then Distribution, and click Add Profile. Choose App Store under Distribution Method and enter your game’s name from Step 5 under Profile Name. Select the name in the dropdown menu next to App ID, then download the provisioning profile for your records.(source:ehow

