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发布时间:2011-04-08 00:39:37 Tags:,,,








《愤怒的小鸟:里约》高清版(Angry Birds Rio HD)   售价:2.99美元

Angry Birds Rio HD

Angry Birds Rio HD



《卡卡颂》(Carcassone)  售价:9.99美元



这是一款经典的桌面游戏,其iPhone版本是App Store最抢手的游戏之一。它的更新版本添加了兼容iPad平台的功能,所以我们也将它列入了这份榜单。它的在线及本地多人模式,还有每日一次的纸牌益智挑战,为它增加了更多可玩性。假如你是一个桌面游戏菜鸟,那也无妨——虽然你可能需要费一会儿功夫熟悉它的玩法,但它实际上是一款比《卡坦岛》(Catan)更值得体验的iPad游戏,多人模式是它的最佳体验方式。

《文明:革命》(Civilization Revolution) 售价:9.99美元

Civilization Revolution

Civilization Revolution


《死亡空间》高清版(Dead Space HD)  售价:9.99美元

Dead Space HD

Dead Space HD

EA的恐怖求生系列已经推出了两款极为轰动的掌机游戏,这个iOS的独立版游戏虽然是其掌机版本的副产品,但其画面令人胆寒的程度一点也不亚于Xbox 360和PlayStation 3版本。游戏邦认为它的模拟触摸控制系统,比其他的虚拟控制iPad游戏更胜一筹。

《坚守阵地》(Fieldrunners) 售价:7.99美元




《FIFA 11》高清版 售价:9.99美元



尽管iPad平台有不少体育类游戏一直让人大失所望,但《FIFA 11》高清版一出场就不同凡响。虽然它的虚拟操纵杆控制系统并不十分理想,而且比赛的统计资料也不充分,现在的玩家只能体验一个单赛季的游戏,但说实话,它极具FIFA的真实感,并且还提供了来自世界各地的球员、联赛和球队。


《航空指挥官》(Flight Control)  售价:4.99美元

Flight Control

Flight Control

这是另一款我们原本想排除在外的游戏,因为它基本上与99美分的iPhone版本并无二致,只不过是后者的一个加强版而已(不过,在更宽大的iPad屏幕上玩游戏感觉确实更妙)。如果不考虑这一点的话,我们还是得承认它的画线条游戏玩法的确不赖(游戏邦注:玩家在游戏中得通过在屏幕中划出航线,指引飞机的飞行方向),而且仍具有令人着迷的魅力。如果你不想花钱,可以选择《港口大亨》(Harbor Master),但相信《航空指挥官》的iPhone和iPod Touch粉丝为了获得更高级的游戏体验,会很乐意为它掏出4.99美元。

《几何战争》(Geometry Wars)  售价:9.99美元

Geometry Wars

Geometry Wars


《桌上曲棍球》高清版(Glow Hockey HD)  售价:2.99美元

Glow Hockey HD

Glow Hockey HD

iPad平台已有不少桌上曲棍球游戏,但这一款却是真正不折不扣的好游戏。与另一名玩家在同一个iPad平台玩游戏非常有趣,不想花钱的用户可以选择广告赞助版的《Air Hockey》免费游戏。

《侠盗猎车:唐人街战争》高清版(Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars HD)  售价:9.99美元

Grand Theft Auto:Chinatown Wars HD

Grand Theft Auto:Chinatown Wars HD

Rockstar的这款游戏已登陆了任天DS、索尼PSP、iPhonne/iPod Touch平台,但视觉效果最好的当属屏幕更大的iPad版本。在这款游戏中,玩家会在整条街中一路历险,它的每一次升级都会推出更多玩法。这个版本的虚拟控制系统,并不如PSP或DS版本容易使用,但它在屏幕上添加的房屋建筑,却有助于避免按钮混杂于车祸或枪战场景。

《Homerun Battle 3D》 售价:4.99美元

Homerun Battle 3D

Homerun Battle 3D



《无尽之剑》(Infinity Blade)  售价:5.99美元

Infinity Blade

Infinity Blade

不得不承认,我们原来并不打算将它列入最佳iPad游戏榜单,但推出免费内容更新版本后,我们就无法抗拒它的吸引力了。该游戏使用了虚拟引擎创建了极为炫酷的3D场景,虽然一系列与巨兽的复杂战斗有点机械化了,但它拥有令人上瘾的升级系统和武器更新,所以确实很有可玩性。除此之外,它还是具有最佳视觉效果的iPad游戏之一,所以对iPad 2用户来说,它的游戏画面倒确实是个额外的福利。

《美式橄榄球11》iPad版本(Madden 11 for iPad)  售价:12.99美元

Madden 11 for iPad

Madden 11 for iPad


《疯狂越野摩托车》(Mad Skills Motocross)  售价:99美分

Mad Skills Motocross

Mad Skills Motocross



《互动弹珠》(Marble Mixer)  售价:1.99美元

Marble Mixer

Marble Mixer


《神笔麦克斯》(Max and the Magic Marker)  售价:4.99美元

Max and the Magic Marker

Max and the Magic Marker

它是不是让你想起了小时候的动画片《神笔马良》呢?这款游戏曾获得独立游戏节大奖,EA发行了它的iPhone/iPod Touch和iPad版本。当然,它在iPad的大屏幕上运行效果更佳,玩家可以使用这支神笔在屏幕上划出物体,帮助游戏人物解决问题,以便闯入下一关。总之,它是一款极适合儿童玩家的好游戏。

《镜之边缘》(Mirror’s Edge)  售价:12.99美元

Mirror's Edge

Mirror's Edge


《大富翁》(Monopoly)  售价:9.99美元




《星噬》iPad版本(Osmos for iPad)  售价:4.99美元

Osmos for iPad

Osmos for iPad


《植物大战僵尸》(Plants vs Zombies)  售价:9.99美元

Plants vs Zombies

Plants vs Zombies


《Puzzle Quest 2》 售价:4.99美元

Puzzle Quest 2

Puzzle Quest 2

在《Puzzle Quest》数年前登陆任天堂DS平台后,不少人才开始意识到原来《宝石迷阵》类的连珠游戏与角色扮演类游戏的结合,居然也能创造出如此令人上瘾的玩法。该游戏的继集版本于数月前已登陆掌上设备和游戏机,但游戏邦认为拥有宽屏画面以及便携式特点的iOS版本,才是其中最优者。

《狂野时速》高清版(Reckless Racing HD)  售价:4.99美元

Reckless Racing HD

Reckless Racing HD

还记得《Super RC Pro-Am》和《Super Sprint》这两款大型电玩游戏吗?EA推出的《狂野时速》以更富现代感的画面再现了这两者的经典赛车风格,这款游戏极具临场真实感,游戏赛道设在路况极复杂的乡间,它还提供了一系列有趣的控制系统,是我们所见到的最令人难舍的赛车游戏之一。

《Scrabble》 售价:9.99美元



不少人都在热议这款iPad版的经典桌面填字游戏,主要是因为它还支持iPhone和iPod Touch用户共同参与多人模式的游戏。在宽屏的iPad上玩桌面游戏,感觉确实不一般,另一款填字游戏《Worlds With Friends》价格更实惠一些,设计也很完善,所以这两者都是不错的选择。

《极品飞球2:进化》(Speedball 2 Evolution (HD) )  售价:99美分

Speedball 2 Evolution (HD)

Speedball 2 Evolution (HD)

也许大家还记得Bitmap Brothers在Amiga平台推出的经典游戏《Speedball 2》,现在Tower Studios将这款复古游戏移植到了iOS平台,它是一款通用于iPad和iPhone平台的游戏。




《超级兄弟:刀与剑EP》(Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP)  售价:4.99美元

Superbrothers Sword and Sworcery EP

Superbrothers Sword and Sworcery EP

你喜欢风格怪异的游戏?神秘的游戏?带有非主流音乐的游戏?如果你有两个以上的肯定回答,那就一定不能错过这款App Store的最新热门游戏。

《老虎伍兹巡回赛12》(Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12)  售价:9.99美元

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12

EA Sports在数年前就推出了这款游戏的iPhone版本,现在终于现身iPad平台了。虽然它的画面效果不如掌机版本,但仍然令人印象深刻,它提供了8种锦标赛球场,包括圆石滩、St. Andrews、TPC Sawgrass、Hazeltine、Doral、Greenbrier、TPC Boston,以及全新的Predator。与其他的老虎伍兹高尔夫球游戏一样,你有多种模式可供选择,而且它还支持你和Facebook好友一起挥杆。


《10 Pin Shuffle》 售价:2.99美元

10 Pin Shuffle

10 Pin Shuffle


《星际之门》高清版(Warpgate HD)  售价:7.99美元

Warpgate HD

Warpgate HD

这款游戏的风格与《Star Control》和《Star Trek》类似,它是由Freeverse工作室推出的一款出色的星际冒险/贸易/战斗类游戏,夹杂了星险商旅、飞船大战等元素。它的iPhone画面质量已经很过硬,但在iPad平台则更为超群,很适合喜欢呆在屋里玩游戏的iPad用户。

《弹珠台战争》高清版(War Pinball HD)  售价:2.99美元

War Pinball HD

War Pinball HD

Gameprom推出的《弹珠台》(Pinball HD)已经很招人喜欢,但它的这款继集版本更具优势,主要表现在四个方面:其一是画面和物理效果更佳;其二是添加了倾斜动作控制功能;其三是含有以《野战排》、《Missing in Action》和《海豹突击队》三部电影为主题的桌面;其四就是查克·诺里斯(Chuck Norris)和查理·辛(Charlie Sheen)的名人效应。购买这款游戏还需要更多理由吗?

《粘粘世界》(World of Goo)  售价:4.99美元

World of Goo

World of Goo

如果你还没有玩过《粘粘世界》,那么现在就应该立即下载这款游戏。它原来是一款出现在任天堂Wii和PC平台的可下载游戏,但iPad版本的感触控制系统体验效果更妙。总之,我们认为《粘粘世界》就是一款App Store必买游戏。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

30 best iPad games

Angry Birds Rio HD

At this point, any version of Angry Birds is a good purchase. But now that Angry Birds Rio is out, we thought we’d swap it in for the original Angry Birds, which we’ve had on the list for months.

We can’t say this new Angry Birds is better than the original but it does have new characters, more-detailed backgrounds, and 60 levels (with more to come with future updates).

Price: $2.99


Already a classic board game in its own right, the iPhone adaptation of this tile-based strategy game was one of the most beautifully executed in the App Store. A new update has added native iPad compatibility, thus it’s earned a spot on our list. Online and local multiplayer and a weekly solitaire puzzle challenge add up to a ton of replay value. If you’re board game apprehensive, don’t worry: while Carcassone can take a little getting used to, it’s a more worthwhile iPad game to own than Catan–and it’s great for pass-and-play multiplayer.

Price: $9.99

Civilization Revolution

Sid Meier’s classic Civilization strategy series got a face-lift a few years ago when it moved over to consoles and handheld game systems as Civilization Revolution. CivRev played well on the Nintendo DS and iPhone, but its screen got too small for comfort. The iPad’s expansive room for larger maps is a good fit for this turn-based, complex experience, and it makes CivRev feel a little more like a computer game again.

Price: $9.99

Dead Space HD

Still looking to prove that the iPad is a valid gaming device? EA’s survival-horror franchise has seen two blockbuster console games, and the iOS standalone game is a shockingly faithful spin-off with graphics that approach what you’d see on an Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3. Analog touch controls work better than on other virtual control pad games, too.

Price: $9.99


Fieldrunners is the Big Daddy of tower defense games, and it looks and plays just as well as it did on the iPhone–only bigger and better. Alas, it currently costs $7.99, which is a few bucks too much in our opinion, especially if you already own it on the iPhone. But it’s just too good not to have on the list.

Price: $7.99


We’ve been disappointed by a lot of the sports games on the iPad, but FIFA is one that actually came out really well. True, the virtual joystick control is less than ideal and we would have liked to have seen more statistics, as well as a franchise (you can only play through a single season at this point). But the game really has the look and feel of the FIFA franchise and comes with all the players, leagues, and teams from around the world.

If you think $9.99 is too much to spend, EA regularly has sales, so just wait (we picked it up for $4.99).

Price: $9.99

Flight Control

Flight Control was another one of those titles we were tempted to leave off the list because it’s basically the same as the 99-cent iPhone version only blown up (however, it does play better on the larger screen). That caveat aside, it really defined the line-drawing game genre (you must guide planes to runways by drawing lines on the screen) and remains incredibly addicting. If you don’t want to spend any money, you can opt for Harbor Master, but fans of Flight Control on the iPhone and iPod Touch will probably end up spending the $4.99 to see and play the game in its full glory.

Price: $4.99

Geometry Wars

One of the most memorable retro arcade shooters of this generation is still Geometry Wars 2, with its excellent selection of game modes and insane pace. The iPad port retains the same frenetic feel. Although the virtual control pad mechanics on the touch screen slow things down a little, it’s smart that the controls appear wherever you put your fingers on the iPad screen. With online leaderboards and an attractive look, we consider it worth its premium price.

Price: $9.99

Glow Hockey HD

There are a few air hockey games kicking around for the iPad, but Glow Hockey HD is arguably the best. Playing against another player on the same iPad is a lot of fun. A cheaper alternative is Air Hockey, which is currently free though ad-supported.

Price: $2.99

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars HD

Rockstar’s portable version of Grand Theft Auto has made the rounds from Nintendo DS to PSP to iPhone/iPod Touch, but the bigger-screened iPad version might be the best-looking of all. A top-down adventure spanning a whole city, Chinatown Wars has always offered a ton of gameplay in every iteration. The virtual control pad layout isn’t as easy to use as on a PSP or DS, but the added screen real estate keeps those buttons out of the way of the car chases and gun fights.

Price: $9.99

Homerun Battle 3D

Com2uS’ HR Battle 3D has been around for a while on the iPhone but more recently made its way onto the iPad, where the larger screen really makes a difference. The game is simple to play (you just tap the screen to swing) but difficult to master. The real action is online where you can take on players from around the world in head-to-head matchups. Once you start it’s difficult to stop playing.

Note: Look for a deal on this one. We picked it up for 99 cents in a Thanksgiving weekend special.

Price: $4.99

Infinity Blade

Okay, we caved: we didn’t have Infinity Blade in our Top Games list–until a free content update made the game’s appeal impossible to ignore. A gorgeous 3D world built on the Unreal Engine and a series of tap-and-swipe battles with behemoths can get a little repetitive, but its addictive leveling system and weapon upgrades add a lot of replay value. And, it’s one of the best show-off games on the iPad, with graphic bonuses for iPad 2 owners.

Price: $5.99

Madden 11 for iPad

Madden 11 on iOS devices was a big step up from last year’s iPhone Madden debut: smoother and richer graphics, automatic play-calling to speed up games, and more versatile touch-screen hot routes on offense and defense step Madden up to a pretty good portable NFL experience. The iPad version blows up the crowded backfield for better clarity; 11-on-11 football just looks a lot better on a 9.7-inch screen.

Price: $12.99

Mad Skills Motocross

Some complain that Mad Skills Motocross is too hard–and it is–but it’s also fun to play and addictive. The physics model is very solid, and though it can get frustrating to watch your racer continually crash while trying to simultaneously get through the course quickly and pull off big tricks, those crashes can have a spectacular quality to them.

At 99 cents, this is a relative bargain and it’s also a universal app, so you can play it on your iPhone as well.

Price: 99 cents

Marble Mixer

Yes, now you can shoot virtual marbles on your iPad. Marble Mixer features three tables and crisp, clean graphics. Up to four people can play, and this one’s very kid-friendly. Highly recommended.

Price: $1.99

Max and the Magic Marker

EA snagged this Independent Games Festival award-winner and has offered it up on both the iPhone/iPod and iPad; we prefer the larger screen for this game, which features a magic marker that draws physical objects onscreen to help solve problems and finish levels. It’s not Super Mario, but it’s a lot of fun for kids.

Price: $4.99

Mirror’s Edge

Though the original console version of this futuristic parkour action-adventure used a first-person perspective and lots of dizzying angles, the new-for-iPad release is a side-scroller with 3D graphics. But instead of using an awkward virtual control pad, Mirror’s Edge uses simple finger swipes to accomplish everything, making this a great lap game for the iPad couch-surfer that’s a cross between Canabalt, Prince of Persia, and Shadow Complex. It looks great, too.

Price: $12.99


We’ve wondered where the iPad version of Monopoly has been all this time; luckily, EA’s version does not disappoint. We’d like a slightly less graphics-intensive mode for speed-playing, but otherwise this is exactly what you’d expect out of an iPad-ified board game–tabletop mode included, of course.

Price: $9.99

Osmos for iPad

A mesmerizing kinetic action game featuring spherical cell-like balls, the goal of Osmos is simply to jet around using momentum to glom with smaller objects and become the largest object in your micro-universe. Big eats small, and the more you move, the more mass you cast off. It’s a fascinating miniature arcade experience with plenty of levels.

Price: $4.99

Plants vs Zombies

We loved Popcap’s game on the iPhone. Is it worth the extra cash for the upgrade? If you want a spot-on version of the PC/Mac version at a price that’s still affordable, then absolutely. New mini games and modes round out the standard levels. For those who haven’t been keeping tabs, this gateway drug to tower-defense strategy games is quite a bit of fun for beginners or the more hard-core.

Price: $9.99

Puzzle Quest 2

Years ago, we first learned of the addictive qualities that a Bejeweled clone and a role-playing game could make when smashed together, thanks to Puzzle Quest on the Nintendo DS. The sequel’s been out for handhelds and consoles for months, but the iOS version, thanks to its combination of big-screen graphics and portability, is arguably the best of all. It’s also a universal app.

Price: $4.99

Reckless Racing HD

Remember arcade games like Super RC Pro-Am and Super Sprint? Reckless Racing is a homage to them done up with modern graphics. EA’s backwoods top-down rally racer has beautifully detailed tracks, tons of skidding, and a variety of fun control schemes, adding up to one of the most addictive racers we’ve seen.

Price: $4.99


Everyone has been chirping about the iPad version of the classic Scrabble board game, mainly because it allows you to use iPhones and iPod Touches as tile racks for multiplayer games in the same room, recreating the old game completely for the Apple gadget crowd. Board games make a lot more sense on a larger screen like the iPad’s. Words With Friends, a knockoff of Scrabble, is less expensive and also well-designed. Choose as you will.

Price: $9.99

Speedball 2 Evolution (HD)

Perhaps you remember the Bitmap Brothers’ classic Speedball 2 for the Amiga. Well, Tower Studios has brought all that retro sports goodness to the iOS platform with Speedball 2 Evolution, which is a universal app for both iPad and iPhone.

This is one of the games that grows on you, especially as you improve your team with power-ups (you win money based on your team’s performance in matches) and has benefited from a couple of updates (it’s on version 1.2).

The gameplay is best described as hockey meets football, and though the game has moments where it may feel a little too retro for some, we found it highly addicting. Several modes, including a 10-year career and multiplayer modes, are available.

One warning: the game plays a lot better using the virtual joystick instead of the Tilt control scheme. It also plays better on the iPad than it does on the iPhone.

Price: 99 cents

Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery EP

Do you like your games weird? Mysterious? Pixelated? Filled with indie music? If you answered “yes” to more than two of the above, you’d better run and pick up the latest hot game in the App Store. An ode to point-and-click graphic PC adventures of the ’80s, the minimal feel, lush atmospheric sound effects, and puzzle-solving oddities add up to an experience worth having, especially if you dig the indie scene.

Price: $4.99

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12

EA Sports brought Tiger Woods to the iPhone a couple years ago, but now it’s finally arrived on the iPad, where it benefits. While the graphics aren’t up to the level of the console versions, they’re still pretty impressive, and you get to play on eight courses, including Pebble Beach, St. Andrews, TPC Sawgrass, Hazeltine, Doral, Greenbrier, TPC Boston, and the all-new Predator, which EA’s calling a “fantasy course come to life.” Like all Tiger Woods golf games, you have several modes to choose from and you can play against Facebook friends in the Closest to the Pin Facebook Challenge (twice a week, a new par three hole will be chosen).

At launch, this one’s $9.99 (it’s $6.99 for the iPhone version), but expect it to come down during special sales later in the year.

Price: $9.99

10 Pin Shuffle

The game 10 Pin Shuffle, which includes both a traditional shuffleboard mode, as well as a bowling mode, has made a great transition from the iPhone to the iPad, with sharp graphics and smooth gameplay for an affordable price. This is very well-suited to the iPad and is currently one of our favorite titles.

Price: $2.99

Warpgate HD

Somewhere between Star Control and Star Trek is Freeverse’s well-polished intergalactic adventure/trading/battle game, mixing interstellar commerce, spaceship dogfights, and a vast series of worlds in an easy-to-control top-down game. Its graphical prowess was originally meant for the iPhone, but this is a much better match for the living-room-style gameplay the iPad offers.

Price: $7.99

War Pinball HD

Gameprom’s Pinball HD was our favorite pinball game on the iPad; the sequel, War Pinball, ups the ante in several key ways. One: better graphics and physics. Two: the addition of motion-controlled tilting. Three: three movie-themed tables based on “Platoon,” “Missing in Action,” and “Navy Seals.” Four: Charlie Sheen and Chuck Norris. Need we say more?

Price: $2.99

World of Goo

Either you’ve played World of Goo before, or you haven’t. If you’re in the latter category, it’s time to pony up and join the club. An indie Game of the Year candidate when it first debuted as a downloadable game on the Nintendo Wii and PC, the iPad version is actually an improvement thanks to a shift to intuitive touch controls, as opposed to Wii remote-based gestures. A combination of construction toolkit and puzzle-platformer, World of Goo instantly rises to the top of our App Store must-buys.

Price: $4.99(source:cnet

