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发布时间:2011-01-11 12:58:30 Tags:,,,

因为越来越多手机制造商、操作系统运营商、移动运营商向手机平台推出了更多社交服务,开发商也在手机应用中植入更多社交功能,所以AppData最近又针对绑定Facebook Connect功能的手机应用推出了一个每周MAU排行榜。

Top Gainers This Week-Mobile

Top Gainers This Week-Mobile



Samsung Mobile-MAU

Samsung Mobile-MAU

第三名是三星手机原始应用Samsung Mobile,据游戏邦所知,该应用在去年九月时共有230万用户,不过当时并没有区分这些应用运行于哪个手机操作系统。因为三星手机广泛采用了Android操作系统,所以我们估计它有相当一部分流量是来自Android平台的Facebook应用。

与这种情况类似的是第五名HTC Sense,这款手机可运行多种操作系统,最普遍采用的是Android。它在上周新增用户是14万5千人,现在MAU共达557万,预计还将持续增长。


微软最近在Windows Mobile Phone平台植入的Facebook应用上周的新用户已达2万3千人,MAU是25万4千。这款原始应用自九月份植入该操作系统后,用户人数一直在稳步增长,发展情况比较乐观。


Platform Clients Top This Week’s List of Fastest-Growing Mobile Apps Connected to Facebook

We’ve spent the last few years tracking traffic to applications that use Facebook in our AppData measurement service. As part of that, we’ve been building up a database of mobile applications that integrate Facebook Connect to allow users to log in using their Facebook identities.

Using that data, we’re launching a new weekly post for Inside Mobile Apps, looking at the 10 mobile applications that gained the most Facebook users in the past week.

As more and more device manufacturers, platform providers and carriers work to make their mobile devices more social — and as developers introduce more social features to mobile apps — we intend for this list to help our readers more easily track whose efforts are yielding new traffic.

Facebook has built and maintains an iPhone app that is by far the single largest out of any mobile one that we track (it’s also likely one of the largest mobile apps on the iOS platform). The eponymously-titled app has more than 60.7 million monthly active users today, up 1.27 million from seven days ago, continuing a long-running growth trajectory.

In second place is another perennial winner, the RIM-built Facebook for Blackberry smartphones app. It’s also been seeing more strong growth in the past week, with a gain of 5.06 million new users on top of 28.1 million monthly actives.

After those two, the list gets more surprising. Samsung Mobile, the native app for Samsung phones, has been climbing the charts in recent months — we noted it in September over on Inside Facebook, when the app had 2.3 million users. While we don’t break out these apps by what mobile operating system they use, Samsung has been getting traction with the Android platform, and we suspect that a large portion of this traffic is a combination of Android and Facebook.

We suspect the same with the fifth app on the list, HTC Sense. While the device is available for multiple OSs, the Android version has been a good-sized hit. With 145,000 new users in the past week, for a total of 5.57 million, that trend appears to be continuing.

Back at number four, meanwhile, is Nokia’s Facebook app for Ovi, its internet services, app store and platform. While not especially big, the app is putting up solid growth numbers: 166,000 in the past week, for 2.11 million monthly actives total. Nokia‘s core Facebook app is also showing strong and growing numbers. It now has nearly 5 million monthly active users, up about 97,000 from a week ago.

Last among the platform client apps on the list, Microsoft’s recently-launched Facebook for Windows Mobile Phone is beginning to break out, gaining 23,000 new users to reach 254,000 monthly actives. The native app, which is slickly integrated with the Windows Mobile operating system, has been growing steadily since it went live in the fall, and we expect it to continue to do so.

First, though, note that mobile games and other applications that include multiple ways to log in will only show their Facebook traffic in the stats below. Check-in app Foursquare, for example, is showing some 1.42 million monthly active users who have connected the app to Facebook — the number does not include users who use the app on various devices or the web, who have not connected their accounts to Facebook. That app gained the most users out of any of the non-clients on our list this week, with 60,000 new users.(source:insidemobileapps)

