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InMobi广告服务推高FIPLAB手机游戏App Store排名

发布时间:2010-12-22 10:22:38 Tags:,,,




据游戏邦了解,FIPLAB开发的游戏《Talking Gremlin》,通过InMobi的展示广告和文字广告推广,在英国iPhone娱乐内容榜单上的名次迅速上升,在综合免费应用排行榜上位列第6名。


FIPLAB工作室创始人及主管Anirudh Sharma表示,进入App Store排行榜的前列,非常有助于拉动游戏的下载量。

Sharma并非宣称App Store的原始下载量决定持续下载量的第一人,许多开发商也都曾表示,一款手机应用能否保持长期旺盛的生命力,就看它在App Store发行的第一时间能否跻身排行榜前列。


How FIPLAB’s Talking Gremlin topped App Store’s entertainment charts after InMobi ad blitz

Ad networks are naturally never shy to talk up the potential their business has to instigate a surge in app downloads.

Concrete evidence that their approach works, however, is always likely to turn a few more heads than usual.

As such, FIPLAB’s testament that advertising on InMobi’s network resulted in their app – Talking Gremlin – flying up the App Store charts is invaluable.

App Store assault

According to the London based studio, pushing Talking Gremlin via both display and text based ads across InMobi resulted in the app topping iPhone’s entertainment chart in the UK, equating to number six in the overall free chart.

On iPad, the app broke into the top 20, finally resting at number 11.

“Achieving the top spot on the App Store had a significant impact on driving our organic downloads,” said FIPLAB founder and director Anirudh Sharma.

Cracking the charts

Indeed, Sharma is by no means the first to assert that downloads breed further downloads on the App Store. Many fellow developers claim long term success relies on an app’s ability to break into the top echelons of the charts in the first place.

His belief that advertising on mobile networks is a valid tool for promotion for independent studios, however, is strengthened by the fact that FIPLAB previously opted to utilise other methods.

However, Sharma suggests developers looking to top the charts can benefit from the sizeable push advertising can offer.

“Once you’re on the charts it’s easier to sustain your position through a combination of organic downloads and advertising. InMobi was a key partner in our success and we plan to continue working with them.” (source:pocketgamer)

