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苹果App Store开始着手清理非使用状态的APP名称

发布时间:2010-09-13 14:59:42 Tags:,

据mobile games blog网站的消息,苹果App Store已经开始着手清理非使用状态的APP名称。

在苹果应用程序商店,每一款应用都有自己专属的名称,因为为了给自己的应用率先在该平台上获得一个未来的位置,大量的开发者在app store抢先注册了相当数量的听起来不错的名称。

app store

app store



In the App Store, every app has to have a unique title. As a result, many developers have registered titles that sounds good, but haven’t used them for any app yet. Apple has started to take action to free those titles up.

All developers who have titles that have been registered for 90 days without an app being delivered to Apple are receiving an e-mail that Apple is granting them 30 days to come up with one. If a developer is still not able to publish an app under that title, the registration will be undone.(source:mobile games blog)

