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TechRadar消息:Android 2.2不支持平板电脑运行

发布时间:2010-09-13 13:26:58 Tags:,,

日前,谷歌手机产品总监雨果.巴拉(Hugo Barra)表示,谷歌最新推出的Android 2.2操作系统不支持在平板电脑上运行。

Samsung Galaxy Tab

Samsung Galaxy Tab

这个消息对三星来说无疑是个致命打击,因为三星即将登台的Galaxy Tab平板电脑目前运行的正是Android的Froyo操作系统。

雨果.巴拉指出,运行Froyo系统的平板电脑将无法使用Android应用市场,“Froyo并非专为Android应用市场而设计,另外,Android应用市场也不支持在非法运行应用的平台上使用。”据了解,Android应用市场是否可在相关平台运行,主要取决于该平台的屏幕宽度、分辨率等因素,目前仅适用于480*854像素的屏幕。但三星Galaxy Tab平板电脑的屏幕面积却达到了7英寸,像素更是高达1024*854。

不过,谷歌同时表示未来将推出支持在平板电脑上运行的Android 3.0(命名Gingerbread)系统和Honeycomb系统,并希望这两个产品面世后,三星Galaxy Tab用户可以将Froyo升级到Gingerbread系统。

Froyo not designed for tablets says Google; it won’t run Android Market
Gingerbread’s the one 

Demonstrating some of the problems of being a fast growing open mobile platform, Google’s director of products for mobile, Hugo Barra, has revealed that the current release of the OS, Android 2.2 isn’t optimised for tablets.

It’s something that might come as a shock to Samsung which is using the OS – codenamed Froyo – for its forthcoming Galaxy Tab tablet.

No store

Barra’s point however is that the Android Market app store won’t be available on tablets that run Froyo.

“The apps just wouldn’t run. [Froyo] is just not designed for that form factor,” he told TechRadar.

“But the way Android Market works is it’s not going to be available on devices that don’t allow applications to run correctly.”

This is due to how screen size and resolutions are defined in the OS, with an upper limit of 480 x 854.

The Galaxy Tab’s 7-inch screen has a resolution of 1024 x 600.

Instead Google will support tablets with future releases of Android – 3.0 (codename Gingerbread), and Honeycomb. In addition, it’s expected that Samsung will enable Galaxy Tab users to upgrade from Froyo to Gingerbread post launch.(source: TechRadar)


