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发布时间:2011-07-07 10:01:41 Tags:,,


PlayFirst前主管Chris Bennett曾在LinkedIn(游戏邦注:人际关系网)提出如下问题:


Facebook from

Facebook from



1. 被动游戏体验:就像休闲游戏,Facebook游戏耗费时间很短,但却能够提供足够深度,长久留住玩家。

2. 非同步性:Facebook是个庞大网络,覆盖各国、各时区用户。多人体验模式要求玩家同时登陆,有违Facebook休闲、被动特性。间歇性游戏才是最适合该平台的内容。

3. 永不停息:《Scrabulous》最大缺点?玩家等待期间无事可做。你可以将此归咎于原始内容,但玩家应要能够在其他玩家享受期间,进行某些“辅助活动”。让玩家等待过久最终只会产生苦果。

4. 独特用户填充:大家都讨厌好友邀请机制(游戏邦注:特别是有些游戏要求多个玩家,方能进行。优秀社交游戏都采用共体验模式,所以你需要寻找其他游戏伙伴。游戏是否在玩家消息中发布更新内容获得玩家注意,或在机制中融入Facebook信息墙,鼓励玩家在好友信息墙发布游戏内容。邀请变得无关紧要,游戏最强大后盾是玩家获悉其好友正积极体验这款游戏。


What’s missing from Facebook games?

by Scott

Over at LinkedIn, former PlayFirst lead Chris Bennett posted the following question:

Those of you who use Facebook regularly; think about the games you have played. What has been missing from those games to make them a rich and meaningful experience for you and your friends? How could a Facebook game actually deepen the relationships with your friends?

My response, rated best out of the eight received, follows:

As a platform, Facebook has its definite strengths and weaknesses, and solid game design will always play to the strengths of a platform. For the sake of brevity, I’ll go with a numbered list:

1. Passive Experience: Like casual games, Facebook games should be able to be played in relatively short sessions, but offer enough depth to keep users engaged for the long haul.

2. Non-Simultaneity: Facebook is a vast network of people in different countries and different time-zones. Multiplayer experiences that require players to be logged in at the same time go against Facebook’s casual, passive nature. Turn-based games are the way to go.

3. Don’t Let it Lull: Scrabulous’s biggest flaw? There’s nothing for players to do when one player is sitting on their turn. You can blame the source material for this, but players should be able to perform “sub-actions” or “sous-actions” while other players linger. Otherwise, lingering on a turn for too long should come with a penalty.

4. Unique User Recruitment: Everyone hates the friend invite system, especially when applications require a minimum number of harassed internet acquaintances before they become playable. Still, a good social game requires other players, so you need to find other ways to recruit. Have the game publish updates to the player’s feed to get the attention of their friends, or integrate Facebook walls into gameplay and encourage the player behavior of posting game content to friends’ walls. Invites mean nothing anymore; the *true* endorsement of a game is knowing that one of your friends is actually actively *playing.*

For more on designing games for Facebook, or any other social network, check out my previous post on the topic: Game design for Facebook is a very different beast.(Source:numberless

