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《五色奇石》开发者分享作品投放App Store经验

发布时间:2011-06-27 10:41:56 Tags:,,,

作者:David Amador

约11个月前,我注册了App Store开发者帐号,想让《五色奇石》入驻iPhone平台。

Vizati from

Vizati from



我犯下的首个大错误是认为“应用只要投放平台,便能受到关注。”App Store刚问世头几个月,情况确实如此。如今局势大不相同。推出新游戏,发布当天或许小有成绩,因为游戏处在新发布游戏之列,但很少有游戏会因此呈蓬勃发展之势。



虽然这样有可能增加你的胜算,但我们是周五发布游戏,它两周后获得了App Store推荐,这说明只要是有吸引力的好东西,在其他时间发布游戏也同样奏效。













So what have I learned after eight months on the App Store?

by David Amador

Around 11 months ago I registered my App Store developer account. The idea…put Vizati on the iPhone.

I’ve never worked with Mac’s before, didn’t even have an iPhone/iPod or whatever. I just read that a bunch of people got rich and many more where making a living out of it.So here I go.

Just placing an app there will sell

My first BIG mistake was the general conception that “just placing an app there will sell”. That’s probably true on the very first months the App Store opened. Not now, trust me. You release a new game, will probably have a few sales on the 1st day because it’s on the new released games and that’s it, only on very rare conditions will the game start selling very good with just that.

So keep in mind advertisement on iOS is mandatory, forums, twitter, mailing list, whatever.The first month I was sending dozens of emails every single day to websites, journalists, magazines, some paid off, others didn’t.

Release my app at a Thursday to be featured at that week’s App Featured Apps

Although this might increase your odds, we released Vizati on a Friday, 2 weeks later it got a feature on the App Store, so it can still happen. Just create something cool and appealing.

$0.99 is the way to go

Wrong, don’t EVER place your app at $0.99 right from start. Evaluate it well, start higher. Having a higher price will help to distinguish it from others, will give you margin for promotions without making it free.

Many costumers, tired of the enormous lists of game will only seek higher priced games because logic mandates that they are indeed better. If you think your app is not worth more that $0.99 go back to the drawing boards. There’s no sense in having crappy apps, 100 bad apps may not sell as much as 5 really good ones.

Selling at a low price will also bring all kinds of customers, they will give you a 1 star just because you haven’t updated the app in 5 months or so. Customers that buy pricier app are more forgiving and respectful.

Making a Free promotion will help boost sales afterwords

True, for the first 2-3 days. Then you’ll get back to whatever you where selling. Unless you have some in-game purchases it’s not worth it. Well only if you want to brag to your friends that your app got 100K downloads no matter the price.

I’ve tried this 3 times, each time I place it at a smarter occasion getting successfully more downloads, thing is that after 3 days of getting back to regular price things would slowly return to normal.

Depending on promotion amount of days you may end up with the same money you would have not making the promotion. Also usually you will see your rating decreasing half or a full star, keep in mind, all kinds of people will download it.

Answering to customers Feedback helps sales

Obviously implementing a highly demanded features will make them happy thus recommending to friends. Just don’t go making all the changes they ask. Choose a position and defend it, show that things are the way they are because you choose so, not because of some mistake.

People will buy all kinds of crap, just place one level.

Also true, but just because they bought a “fart app” doesn’t mean they wont’ complain about your 15m duration game.(Source:gamasutra

