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发布时间:2011-01-25 12:45:31 Tags:,,,,




OpenDNS公司创始人及首席执行官David Ulevitch表示,从2010年社交网站的总体发展趋势来看,Facebook既是最易被学校和公司禁用的网站,又是最易获得准入资格的网站。从OpenDNS的调查数据中可以看出,以Facebook为代表的社交游戏平台是网络骗子最频繁出击的目标。


Top Ten Blacklisted Websites

Top Ten Blacklisted Websites

Top Ten Whitelisted Websites

Top Ten Whitelisted Websites


游戏邦还获知,社交网站和社交游戏是网络欺诈发生率最高的平台,在进入这一行列的前十个网站中,社交网站、社交游戏就占了一半的数量,上榜的这五个平台包括Facebook、《魔兽世界》、Sulake Corporation(《Habbo》的开发商)、Steam和Tibia(在线游戏)。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Report: Facebook is the Most Blocked Site… And the Most Allowed

OpenDNS, the world’s largest provider of Internet navigation and security services, has just released some interesting statistics about the websites that are commonly blocked, and the websites that network administrators give access to their users in 2010. The report also ventures into detailing the sites that endured the most online scams in 2010.

“Overall, 2010 was all about social, and this trend is reflected in the data we’re seeing at OpenDNS. Facebook is both one of the most blocked and the most allowed websites, reflecting the push/pull of allowing social sites in schools and the workplace,” said OpenDNS Founder and CEO David Ulevitch. “This trend was also apparent in the phishing data we analyzed, where Facebook and other websites focusing on social gaming were frequently the targets of online scammers.”

Facebook was the top most blocked website in 2010, and the second most frequently whitelisted website, with more than 14 percent of all admins who block websites on their networks choose to block Facebook. The top three most frequently blocked websites included Facebook, MySpace and YouTube, with pornography being the top most blocked category.

Paypal topped the list of site, that endured the most phishing attacks, with 45 percent of all phishing attempts made in 2010 were targeting PayPal. Paypal receives such astounding number of phishing attacks that Facebook, which came at no. 2 on the list, receives 9 times less attacks as were targeted towards Paypal. But with Paypal being the world’s top financial service, this is hardly a surprise to anyone.

Social networks and Social games are the most phished brands on internet, with five out of top ten phished sites, belonging to this category. These five sites include, Facebook, World of Warcraft, Sulake Corporation (makers of Habbo), Steam and Tibia (online games).(source:socialtimes)

