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发布时间:2010-10-30 14:31:43 Tags:,,,,
相信多数评论家都会承认,《怪物吃糖果》(Cut the Rope)发行的头一个月就足以证明它会成为iPhone经典游戏(该游戏发行20天已创造300万下载量)。近日,gamezebo记者采访了发行商俄罗斯工作室ZeptoLab的创意总监Semyon Voinov,了解到这款游戏盛行的原因,与发行商Chillingo合作由来,以及该团队目前工作进展等情况。下文为访谈内容:

得知自己开发的游戏不到几天时间就把《愤怒鸟》(Angry Birds)挤下App Store冠军宝座时,你们感觉如何?



这实在很难说只有一个原因。我只能说我们真的在这款游戏开发上投入了100%的精力。我们当时就一直自问,是否要从头做起,先开发一个物理引擎?游戏的主要控制方法是什么?需不需要游戏角色?Om Nom这只怪物的动作效果如何?我们确实已经尽自己最大努力去考虑游戏的每一个细节,我认为这一点对《怪物吃糖果》的成功影响很大。

Cut the Rope & Parachute Ninja

Cut the Rope & Parachute Ninja

之前你曾表示《怪物吃糖果》的灵感来自原本打算用于《降落伞忍者》(Parachute Ninja)的绳索控制方法。那么在开发《怪物吃糖果》时,是不是还有其他游戏机制你们最终仍然没有用上?以后会用到吗?








希望App Store多一点什么内容,少一点什么现象?

我希望App Store多一点新颖有创意的游戏,少一点劣质游戏。另外看到僵尸游戏在App Store的强势,我的心情也很复杂。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译)

Building a better rope (and then cutting it): An Interview with ZeptoLab’s Semyon Voinov   iPhone

Sometimes it’s astounding how quickly something can become a hit. Even in its first month, most critics would agree that Cut the Rope is already destined to be considered an iPhone classic. We recently had the chance to talk with Semyon Voinov, Chief Creative Officer at ZeptoLab, and ask him about the game’s unbridled success, working with Chillingo, and what we can expect from his team in the future.

How does it feel to have developed the first game to unseat Angry Birds from the #1 spot for more than just a day or two?

It feels great! We are still pretty amazed by Cut the Rope’s success. When we put the finishing touches on this game, we were definitely proud of what we created. But I don’t know if anyone expected it to go Number One as quickly as it did.

If you could pinpoint a reason for the success of your game, what would it be?

It is pretty difficult to choose just one reason. I would say that we really put 100% into thinking about every single aspect of the game. We would ask, do we want to create a physics engine from scratch? What will be the main controls? Should there be characters? What will Om Nom act like? We really tried our best to address every part of this game and I think that has helped it become so successful.

You’ve said previously that Cut the Rope was inspired by a rope mechanic that was originally intended for Parachute Ninja. Are there any mechanics that didn’t make the final cut in Cut the Rope that you’d like to play around with in the future?

Yes, there are some ideas that were born during the development of “Cut the Rope”, but weren’t implemented because of different reasons, so we are planning to either introduce them with the game’s updates or use them in our future games. I’ll keep those ideas secret for now, but I’m sure you’ll see them in action quite soon.

Unlike many games that have been adding Gamecenter after their initial release, Cut the Rope featured Gamecenter functionality from day one. How important do you feel services like this are to the success of iPhone games?

Gamecenter, and Chillingo’s social gaming network, Crystal, both add a layer to anyone’s iPhone or iPad gaming experience. As a developer, our priority is to put out a high quality game.

However, social gaming platforms can enhance a players experience as they feel like they’re a part of a larger group who’s enjoying the game. Many folks love the feeling of accomplishment when they beat the game and several people get even more satisfaction when they earn special achievements and bragging rights on leaderboards for their high scores!

When can we expect to see the first content update? Will it feature new objects and obstacles, or simply new puzzles using the pieces we already know?

We’re currently working on the first update for Om Nom fans, which will be released soon. We’re very excited to reveal new puzzles and other fun and challenging surprises. We won’t say too much more so you can enjoy the update when it arrives at the door!

Cut the Rope is published by Chillingo. Your previous game, Parachute Ninja, was published by Freeverse. What about Chillingo enticed you to publish through their brand? Were there significant differences in your experiences with each company?

We felt that Chillingo’s player base is a good fit for Cut the Rope’s target audience. Chillingo has provided plenty of beneficial feedback and additional support that improved our game prior to launch. They’ve also been instrumental in promoting it as well. Now with EA’s support, we anticipate that Cut the Rope will reach even broader audiences. It’s been a great experience.

What is the one thing you’d like to see more of in the App Store? What is the one thing you’d like to see less of?

I would love to see even more of original and innovative games and less of low-quality ones. I also have mixed feelings about zombie invasion in the App Store.(source:gamezebo)

