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发布时间:2010-10-16 16:33:24 Tags:,,,,

日前,《植物大战僵尸》(Plants vs. Zombie)的开发商PopCap公司表示,与Android和iOS平台相比,黑莓目前还不能胜任手机游戏平台这一角色。除了该平台开发环境不甚理想以外,黑莓智能手机平台甚至几乎没有什么重要的性能亮点,即使是BlackBerry Torch这种新机型使用的居然也是两年前的Marvell驱动处理器。



PopCap公司的移动开发部门负责人安德鲁斯坦(Andrew Stein)表示,“RIM目前还真不是我们考虑的对象,(黑莓手机)不是出色的游戏运行平台。”

对黑莓平板电脑BlackBerry PlayBook来说,游戏的作用就更显著了,RIM也曾许诺将增加双核1GHz处理器,并保证足够的图像效果,以运行当前的手机游戏。据了解,黑莓应用商店(BlackBerry App World)也被认为是黑莓与其他平台的重要差距之一,该应用商店仅含1万款应用,而谷歌应用商店却将近10万款,苹果App Store的应用数量更是多达25万,游戏仍然是App Store比重最大的应用类型。

黑莓平台的发展还面临很多其他问题,虽然更新App World 2.0以及升级黑莓6平台开发环境时已经解决了一部分,但Android和iOS早在两年前就已经克服了这些毛病。开发商Widality公司表示,在RIM新的应用政策出台之前,该公司不但要开发独立的免费、付费游戏版本,而且付费游戏至少要标价3美元,并要求用户通过贝宝系统支付。与苹果和谷歌应用商店一样,App World 2.0支持游戏最低售价99美分,用户可使用信用卡买单,苹果App Store自2008开业以来就一直证明这种措施非常有效。

RIM将继续为基于网页的应用创造开发环境,并推出与苹果iAD、谷歌AdMob类似的黑莓广告服务(BlackBerry Ad Service)帮助免费和低价应用创收。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译)

Developers: BlackBerry “not really on our radar” for games

BlackBerry phones aren’t even registering for game developers, an examination of the app community uncovered on Friday [sub. required]. Plants vs. Zombies developer PopCap said the BlackBerry simply wasn’t being supported in its current form as it wasn’t suitable compared to Android and iOS. Apart from a development environment that until recently was difficult to use, the smartphone platform has virtually no performance emphasis, as even the BlackBerry Torch uses a two-year-old Marvell processor.

“RIM today is not really on our radar,” PopCap’s mobile development lead Andrew Stein told the WSJ. “[BlackBerry phones are] not great gaming machines.”

Gaming is expected to be much more important on the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet, which RIM has promised will have a dual-core 1GHz processor and enough graphics performance to run modern mobile games. The gap has nonetheless been cited as a significant drawback in expanding BlackBerry App World, which only just passed 10,000 apps where Google is near 100,000 and Apple has passed 250,000. Gaming remains one of the largest single categories in the App Store.

BlackBerry development has faced other problems that were largely resolved with the App World 2.0 update and the development environment for BlackBerry 6 but which had already been implemented in Android and iOS, in some cases two years ago. Call logging developer Widality noted that, until RIM’s new app strategy was unveiled, it had to not only create separate free and paid versions but charge a minimum $3 and ask users to pay through PayPal. App World 2.0 let companies charge the same 99-cent minimum as Apple and Google as well as pay with credit cards, which have been usable with iPhones since the App Store launched in July 2008.

RIM has gone on to create a formal environment for creating web-based apps and to shadow Apple’s iAd and Google’s AdMob with BlackBerry Ad Service to help finance free or low-cost apps.(source:electronista)

