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诺基亚Ovi Store简化Java和Symbian应用审核程序

发布时间:2010-09-16 15:44:12 Tags:,,

尽管本周开幕的诺基亚2010年世界大会关注重点是硬件设备,但其提供的软件系统、支持工具等服务对应用开发商而言更为关键。诺基亚与开发商社区论坛副总裁普尼玛.科奇卡(Purnima Kochikar)表示,“我们用心倾听开发商的心声,致力提供端到端的服务,以保证开发商可以尽快从投资中获益……应用编写程序将被简化,这样用户可以直接使用本国货币,本国语言购买应用软件。”

Nokia World 2010 ad

Nokia World 2010 ad

据悉,诺基亚将简化原先繁琐的应用审核流程,节省开发商的时间和精力。例如,Ovi Store中的Express应用、Symbian应用和Java应用可以优先享受这一便利,但更复杂或具有攻击性的应用,仍需像过去一样先提交诺基亚审核通过,后方可在Ovi Store提供下载。

科奇卡还强调,诺基亚手机的普遍性和广泛性为应用开发商带来了巨大的发展机遇。例如,诺基亚带Java平台的手机在2009年就出售了3.64亿部,而新的Java软件开发工具包则声称将让S40 Touch and Type产品系列“为数十亿的用户带来先进的移动互联网体验”。她表示,“手机应用供不应求,用户也十分愿意为这些应用体验付费。”





Nokia to take over Java and Symbian app signing for Ovi Store

While Nokia World 2010 has an obvious focus on hardware, it’s software and the support and tools that Nokia provides developers that will be crucial in terms of success for the wider ecosystem.

It was a subject taken up by Purnima Kochikar, who’s vice president of the 150-strong Forum Nokia & Developer Community.

“We’re listening to developers and are working hard to improve the end to end experience, ensuring developers have an improved return on investment,” she explained.

“We are making it easier for you to write apps that consumers can buy in their local currency and are localised in their own language.”

Further easing the situation is the news that Nokia will take over the troublesome app signing process, at least for the Express signing, for Symbian and Java apps released on Ovi Store, saving developers time and money.

More complex or intrusive apps will have to signed by the developer as previously before being submitted to Nokia.

Going everywhere

More generally, Kochikar stressed the opportunities provided by the wide range and volume of devices Nokia sells globally.

For example, it shipped 364 million mobiles in 2009 with the Java platform, while its new Java SDK for Series 40 Touch and Type is labeled as “bringing mobile internet to the next billion people”.

“There is a hunger for apps on these devices, and people are willing to pay for the right experience,” she said.

Meanwhile, at the high end of the market, Kochikar said the 175 million Symbian devices active, combined with 45 million touch smartphone users and the more than 50 million Symbian^3 devices Nokia predicts it will sell mean there are plenty of consumers to target.

Write once

Acting as a bridge across all of them are tools such as Qt, which means developers can target both feature phones and Symbian devices using the same code.

“Not only can you build apps for all Nokia devices using Qt, but they requires 70 percent less lines of code,” Kochikar pointed out.(source:pocketgamer)


