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moconews消息:智能手机翻身战 诺基亚强势回归

发布时间:2010-09-16 17:34:09 Tags:,,,


Nokia N8

Nokia N8


提到诺基亚最新龙头产品N8手机时,萨万德引用了乔布斯的招牌语言“one more thing”,对苹果元老斯科特.福斯托尔盗用诺基亚“沟通你我”(connecting people)口号一事调侃了一番,“还有一件重要的事(one more thing),无论你怎么拿这些手机,它们的卓越性能天天不变。”他表示,在上个季度中,消费者购买的诺基亚手机比苹果和Android产品出售的总和还要多。平均来算,每天至少有26万部诺基亚智能手机出售,现在还没有其他智能手机可以创造如此战绩。

诺基亚N8目前已经被100多家运营商相中,是首部运行优化版本的Symbian 3操作系统的诺基亚智能手机,这一系统未来还将覆盖其他诺基亚智能手机,预计销量将达5000万部。




本周一宣布辞职的前执行副总裁安西.范乔基(Ansi Vanjoki)则在私下与人交谈时表示,“实际上是诺基亚发明了智能手机。”

据了解,诺基亚这场“翻身战”主要有四件武器,N8娱乐智能手机,针对中端市场的C6,面向社交网站用户的C7,以及主要应用于商务沟通、运行Symbian 3的E7。

‘Nokia Is Back’ And Ballsy; ‘We’re Not Sorry We’re Not Apple’

 Nokia’s beaten-down top dogs opened their annual Nokia (NYSE: NOK) World show in London Tuesday morning with a blunt and rousing pep talk and a direct riposte to their competitors.

“We’re not going to apologise for the fact that we’re not Apple (NSDQ: AAPL) or Google or anybody else—we’re Nokia and we’re unique,” markets EVP Niklas Savander said.

“Nokia’s going through a tough, challenging transition and we have a LOT more work to do. But we have laid the foundation for success.”

Bullish, Savander mocked Apple’s Scott Forstall for borrowing Nokia’s corporate slogan to talk about iPhone recently:  “Connecting People is more than just a feel-good tagline—it’s our mission.” In return, standing on stage in front of Nokia’s developer community, Savander borrowed back a Steve Jobs catchphrase and took aim at iPhone 4…

“One more thing,” he said, before talking about Nokia’s flagship new N8 handset: “They perform—day in, day out—no matter how you hold them.

“In the past quarter, people bought far more Nokia phones than Apple and Android combined. On average, people buy 260,000 new Nokia smartphones every day—that’s more smartphones sales than any other company by far—period.” The N8, which has been taken on by over 100 carriers globally, is the first Nokia handset to be released with the re-engineered Symbian 3 OS on which Nokia’s smartphone future will depend, and Nokia expects to ship at least 50 million.

But, in services, too, Savander also dared to declare: “Contrary to popular perception, Nokia—not Google (NSDQ: GOOG)—is the leader in mobile navigation, functionality quality and reach. Ovi Maps is far, far less hungry than the Google service. Why? Because it’s optimised for mobile use.” He also said Ovi Maps offers walking navigation that Google Maps does not.

On location sharing, Savander said over 800 million people will use GPS-enabled phones by 2013. “Soon, everything on the internet will have a location coordinate—it is a space that we intend to OWN.”

In fact, Google launched walking navigations for Android’s Google Maps last week, and no phone manufacturer is necessarily winning the location-sharing game ahead of dedicated services like Foursquare themselves.

“I recognize that we haven’t been as competitive as we want to be in smartphones. Well, that’s about to change. Today, we shift in to high gear in Nokia’s fightback in smartphone leadership.”

Nevermind the past, Savander said: “Today is about the here and now, about three words. NOKIA IS BACK.”

EVP Ansi Vanjoki, who received warm applause after his resignation was announced on Monday, told delegates in another confident address: “The reality is that Nokia invented the smartphone.”

Nokia’s “fightback” amounts to four new handsets—the N8 entertainment smartphone, mid-market C6 and C7 phones targeted at social network users, and an E7 corporate communicator—packing Symbian 3.(source:moconews)


