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出版商确认Angry Birds将于秋季推出PlayStation版本

发布时间:2010-08-28 08:58:50 Tags:,,



angry birds

angry birds

在PS平台的迷你版本中,《暴戾鸟》一共有4个世界120个等级,这是iPhone版本内容的翻倍。游戏中新添了拥有“群体破坏”能力的Big Brother Bird,可解锁的Golden Egg World和第四世界:The Big Set Up。PS和Palm版本都参与了最近发售的诺基亚N900平台。(Android版本也即将发售。)

Angry Birds是一款相当有趣的城堡破坏游戏,由愤怒的鸟去对抗躲在各种各样建筑中的丑陋的绿猪 。你需要用手指划出每一只暴戾鸟的攻击轨迹。由于一位物理工程师的大力支持,游戏中房子倒塌时的效果十分逼真。

此外,游戏开发商Rovio Mobile一直在更新游戏的内容(最新的iPhone版本有63各等级)。看到了Chillingo和Rovio Mobile公司在该款游戏取得的巨大成功,我们对他们计划开发《暴戾鸟》动画系列的打算一点儿也不觉得惊奇。

The iPhone game that sold nearly seven million copies in less than nine months is coming to the PlayStation, UK publisher Chillingo confirmed yesterday. In addition, Angry Birds landed on Palm’s phones on Tuesday.

The latter port supports the Palm Pre and Pre Plus running webOS 1.4.5 and “additional availability” is reportedly coming soon. The PlayStation version will launch this Fall as a PlayStation mini download from the PlayStation Store. Chillingo’s head of publishing thinks the game’s mass consumer appeal will be a hit with the PlayStation crowd.

With over 120 levels spawning four worlds, the PlayStation minis version will have double the iPhone version’s content. Expect the new Big Brother
Bird capable of “massive destruction,” the unlockable Golden Egg World, and a brand new World 4: The Big Set Up. PlayStation and Palm versions join the recently published Nokia N900 port (Android version is coming soon).

Angry Birds is an addictive castle-demolition iPhone puzzler with tons of witty humor stemming from the funny concept that has you smashing crazy birds into ugly green pigs that hide inside various constructions. To do this, you catapult the birds one by one by dragging a trajectory with your fingers. The buildings demolish realistically thanks to a cool physics engine that powers the game.

The iPhone/iPod touch

version sports cartoonish graphics and Angry Birds HD improves presentation on iPad with high-resolution assets. In addition, developer Rovio Mobile is constantly updating the game with new content (the latest iPhone version contains 63 levels). Due to a huge success that both Chillingo and Rovio Mobile have seen with the game, it shouldn’t come as a surprise they’re tinkering with the idea to create the Angry Birds animated series.(source:geek)

