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发布时间:2011-03-23 11:33:50 Tags:,,,

手机游戏公司Ngmoco创始人及前EA高管Neil Young日前表示,在互联网更加开放的今天,动视公司如果不采用新型运营模式,很可能就会陷入困境。在他看来,动视公司仍在等待时机,正在掂量业务转型究竟是不是个明智的选择。





与此同时,他还表示这种危机并非动视一家公司独有,其他无法顺应时代潮流的大型发商也难逃此劫。不过他盛赞了自己的老雇主EA公司,认为在THQ、Take Two和EA等堪与动视媲美的公司中,EA最有可能顺利实现健康转型,因为EA正通过逐年的收购积累以及开发不同游戏项目,建立了自己的一套稳定制度,所以最有可能抓住未来的发展机遇。


Ngmoco Sees Rocky Road Ahead for Activision

Ngmoco founder and former EA executive, Neil Young says that Activision may soon find itself in a very difficult position if it doesn’t start embracing the new models that the internet has opened up. Young felt that Activision was biding its time, and questioned whether that was really a smart move.

Young said that social and free-to-play games weren’t going to just disappear, and that waiting would only make the problem worse as what you could get for free online was getting better all the time. He added that he could conceive of a time when someone would make a free-to-play shooter that would be a worthy rival to Call of Duty, which could be disastrous for Activision if it wasn’t properly prepared. He made a comparison to the site Craigslist, which generates about $80 million in revenue a year. Craigslist wasn’t an enormous company, he said, but it had still been able to decimate the $1.8 billion classified ads market by having a more up-to-date business model.

He felt that Activision would only rumble to life when it absolutely had to, and then would try to acquire the expertise by buying up another company. Young was skeptical about the potential success of that plan however, saying that there wasn’t anyone that Activision could buy that would allow it to compete properly.

It wasn’t just Activision that was in danger of being left behind either, Young said that most of the big publishers weren’t doing enough to get ahead of changing trends. He was full of praise for his former employer EA, however, saying that of the likes of Activision, THQ, and Take Two, EA was most likely to come out of this market transition in good health. He said that EA had been slowly building its “institutional knowledge” for years via acquisitions and development of different game types, and that would give it the edge in the future.

With Call of Duty breaking records year after year, not to mention making mountains of cash, it feels somewhat unstoppable, but there’s no institution so big that it can’t fail. It’s hard to see packaged games drying up entirely, in much the same way that YouTube hasn’t killed off the movie industry, but if Activision – and other publishers too – don’t move with the times, they could find themselves in a much more tenuous position than they ever imagined.(source:escapistmagazine)

