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发布时间:2011-03-17 11:08:22 Tags:,,,

也许有不少人都已知道Andreas Illiger这个名字,因为他就是App Store最新手机游戏冠军《翼飞冲天》(Tiny Wings)的独立开发者。实际上,这款游戏令人印象深刻的一大原因在于,它打破了《愤怒的小鸟》在App Store长踞榜首的神话,已连续数周在该应用商店保持领先优势。要知道在《翼飞冲天》登台之前,《愤怒的小鸟》基本上是独占鳌头。

Tiny Wings

Tiny Wings

游戏邦获悉,《翼飞冲天》是Illiger这名德国开发者在App Store推出的首款游戏,他最近在个人网站中表示,自己也为这款99美分手机游戏的影响力所震惊。在这款游戏中,玩家的任务就是使用一个手指头,让小鸟借助山丘的坡度,在日落前飞向云宵。Illiger在自己的Twitter主页上表示,即将推出该游戏的更新版本,修复信息推送服务崩溃、音效丧失、iPod多任务处理功能回放障碍、定时功能等原版本存在的问题。

除此之外,这款游戏还将推出支持Game Center、iPad和Retina播放等功能的版本,将来还会推出一个可下载内容的更新版本,但暂时不会开发Android和其他手机平台的版本。


Are you playing Tiny Wings more than Angry Birds these days?

You may want to remember the name Andreas Illiger. He’s the sole creator of Tiny Wings, a simple yet addictive iOS game that’s exploding on the charts. In fact, the bird-jumping game is so popular that it’s dethroned Angry Birds from the top of the paid-apps list on Apple’s App Store–for several weeks now. Angry Birds had dominantly held the top spot for many months before Wings took flight last month.

Illiger, a first-time App Store author, says on his Web site that he’s “overwhelmed” at the incredible reception to his 99-cent game, in which players use one finger to help their winged character fly into the clouds (with the help of the hilly terrain) before nightfall. The German developer’s Twitter page mentions an update coming soon that fixes a variety of issues: push notification (SMS, battery, etc.) crashing; sounds disappearing; iPod multitasking playback snags; and timing issues that may arise during the three-jump fever mode.

Game Center, iPad, and Retina display support are in the works, according to Illiger’s site. There’s also brief mention of a downloadable content update in the future. Unfortunately, it appears Android and other versions of Little Wings are not currently in development.

This game really has the opportunity to be the next big hit based on its meteoric rise in popularity, cool style, and quick gameplay. I admit that I’m a fan; my personal best score is a paltry 147,900 (with 24x multiplier), which is nothing compared with the 275k scores and beyond in the Openfeint high-score list.(

