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岩田聪暗示社交游戏影响游戏业发展 Harrison提出异意

发布时间:2011-03-17 10:57:32 Tags:,,,



IndustryGamers询问前索尼全球工作室总裁Phil Harrison对岩田聪此番评论的看法,他说道:“岩田聪功勋卓著,短短几年内便重新打造任天堂。他确实是任天堂的优秀领导,但在这个问题上他想错了。错误在于,他认为这只是种不久便会逝去的潮流。作为游戏的载体和娱乐方式,社交网络将继续发展下去。当岩田聪在谈论任天堂的未来时,乔布斯正在对面发布获得大量关注及全球新闻报道的iPad 2,这很有趣。有些人认为,未来这种小巧的平板电脑年销量将接近5千万到8千万台。这个巨大的市场将使其他市场相形见绌。”



Nintendo’s Iwata “Mistaken” About Social Games, says Harrison

Lately there’s been some disputes about the future of mobile, social, and console games from the “big-wigs” in those industries. Recently at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata took a negative tone towards mobile and social games, saying that he feared  “[our] business is dividing in a way that threatens the continued employment of many of us,” and speaking of a need for quality over quantity. Iwata never named any specific platform, but stressed that social-network games were not the same as social games, which – to Iwata – were games in which people participate with other people with, like in multiplayer games.

IndustryGamers decided to ask former Sony Worldwide Studios boss Phil Harrison his opinion on Iwata’s comments.

“Iwata-san has done an incredible job rebuilding Nintendo over the last few years. He is a great leader of that company, but in this particular case he is wrong. He is mistaken if [he thinks] this is some kind of fad that will go away. Social networks, as a way of powering our game and entertainment choices, is here to stay,” Harrison told IndustryGamers.

“I thought it was fascinating that pretty much simultaneously with Iwata-san talking about Nintendo, in a hall across the street Steve Jobs is talking about the iPad 2, which got massive pickup and global coverage. … Some people are talking about 50 to 80 million ‘smartpads’ being sold a year for the foreseeable future. It’s going to create an enormous market, dwarfing every other market.”

One could say that iPads selling well does not necessarily mean that a majority of them may be used for games, but it cannot be denied there is a large market there. With Nintendo seemingly nervous about mobile and social games threatening them, perhaps more game developers will be pushed go for “quality” instead of just the quantity we have been seeing more and more of in the past 10 years, if only to survive.

What do you think? Will mobile and social games eventually kill off console and PC games? Is there room for two markets to co-exist or do mobile and social games not have a place in the gaming market? (Source: Industry Gamers)

