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Gameloft公司宣布与Unreal Engine 3进行授权合作

发布时间:2011-03-01 09:51:35 Tags:,,,

日前,法国手机、数字/在线游戏开发商及发行商Gameloft,宣布与Epic Games达成了Unreal Engine 3的授权合作协议,将该引擎植入Gameloft即将发行的4款游戏中。




在这个消息公布的前两个月,Epic Games还针对iOS游戏开发商发布了Unreal开发工具包,该工具包曾用于创作App Store的顶级动作RPG游戏《Infinity Blade》。游戏邦获悉,Epic Games还将在本周的游戏开发者大会上展示Unreal Engine 3的下一个版本。

Gameloft产品副总裁Julien Fournials表示,他们很高兴能与Epic合作,Unreal Engine 3可以帮助Gameloft的游戏加强视觉效果,创造游戏中的高仿真环境,他们相信这类游戏定会受到玩家的欢迎。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Gameloft Licenses UE3 For Four New Games

Gameloft, developer and publisher of mobile and digital/online titles, announced a long-term, multi-platform licensing agreement with Epic Games to incorporate Unreal Engine 3 in four of its upcoming games.

As part of the agreement, Gameloft will release the games on multiple mobile and downloadable platforms, including, iOS, Android, PSN, and set-top boxes. Though it didn’t name the four projects, the Parisian company said two will release in 2011 and the other pair will ship next year.

This news follow just two months after Epic Games released its Unreal Development Kit, which it used to create the popular and visually impressive App Store action-RPG Infinity Blade, to iOS developers. The company is showing off the next version of Unreal Engine 3 at this week’s Game Developers Conference.

“Gameloft is very pleased to partner with Epic, especially with their ability to stay ahead of the curve and continually place the best game engine technology in developers’ hands at any given point in time,” says Gameloft’s production VP Julien Fournials.

Fournials continues, “Using Unreal Engine 3 allows us to push game visuals with remarkable lighting and high-fidelity environments. We are confident that players will enjoy the games powered by Unreal Engine 3.” (source:gamasutra)

