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Game Closure支持开发商创建HTML5跨平台游戏

发布时间:2011-02-21 13:53:50 Tags:,,,,

近日,斯坦福大学生创业实验室(Standford Student Startup Labs)推出了跨平台多人模式游戏开发平台Game Closure,支持iOS、Android和Facebook开发商创建基于HTML5的游戏。

Game Closure

Game Closure

据游戏邦了解,采用这项SDK的开发商可以通过JavaScript语言,使用标准的HTML5 API编写游戏代码。这类游戏不需要植入插件,就可以在任何网页浏览器上顺畅地运行。除此之外,这项SDK还支持使用OpenGL等API,运行原始应用的网页版本。

Game Closure最吸引开发商关注的地方在于,它只需要一次性编写代码,就能支持游戏的跨平台运行,它在手机应用、网页上所提供的用户体验几乎没有差别,目前这项SDK还处于内部测试阶段。


Game Closure SDK promises cross-platform multiplayer for iOS, Android and Facebook

If 2011 has a theme, then cross-platform play would appear to be it.

Yet the question isn’t whether there’s a demand from developers to implement it, but rather whether the toolsets available can deliver reliable and – most importantly – easily transferable systems to make it a reality.

A new SDK from Standford Student Startup Labs outfit Game Closure promises to make multiplayer that spans platforms – iOS, Android and Facebook – attainable for all studios.

One size fits all

The HTML5-based environment enables developers to write games in JavaScript that utilise standard HTML5 APIs.

With no need for plug-ins, the resulting game can run in any web browser without hassle. The SDK also enables mobile version to run via native apps, using APIs such as OpenGL.

What makes the SDK truly appealing to developers, however, is the fact that they only need to write one version of the game. Game Closure allows the same code to span over multiple platforms, enabling them to deliver an experience that’s identical from mobile to web.

Game Closure is currently in private beta. Developers interested in taking part can contact the firm through its website.(source:pocketgamer)

