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Big Blue Bubble公司CEO谈《Burn the Rope》项目

发布时间:2011-01-11 14:51:31 Tags:,,,

在2010年接近尾声的时候,大量新游戏在苹果App Store扎堆上架,大家要在《Infinity Blades》、《Real Racings》等强悍游戏的夹击下杀出重围实非易事,但是由加拿大工作室Big Blue Bubble开发的《Burn the Rope》这款游戏却真的做到了。据游戏邦了解,该游戏已成为50多个国家的益智类游戏冠军,在美国是排行第二的付费游戏。

Big Blue Bubble首席执行官Damir Slogar在最近的采访中向人们介绍了这款游戏的由来。以下是访谈内容:



请问你认为《Burn the Rope》获得成功的原因是什么?

它是一款正宗的原创游戏,这一点最重要。如果你仔细观察美国手机游戏前十强榜单,就会发现除了《水果忍者》(Fruit Ninja),其他几款游戏都是原来的作品,或者说它们采用的还是前人的设计理念。即使是我很欣赏的《糖果小怪物》(Cut the Rope),也借鉴了《The Incredible Machine》的许多游戏设置机制。


是否认为与《Cut the Rope》极其相似的游戏名称,提高了《Burn the Rope》的曝光率?

我们原来是很顾虑这一点,因为我们这款游戏开发到一半的时候,《Cut the Rope》就横空出世了。我们当时还为是否保留原名的问题争论了很久,最后还是决定采用原名,毕竟它更适合描述这款游戏的玩法。

与《Cut the Rope》差点撞名,最初确实让我们获得了一些曝光率,但用户只要看到我们的游戏说明、视频截图,就会很清楚这跟《Cut the Rope》完全是两回事。




我们的另一款游戏《Thumpies》的设计者Dave Kerr首先想出了这个创意,它的开发周期是三个月左右。我们还计划推出多个更新版本,所以还有很多工作要做。





我们已经在针对多个平台开发这款游戏的不同版本,预计Android、iPad、Mac App Store版本将于二月出炉,在2011年底的时候可能还会推出任天堂3DS和下一代虚拟掌机版本。

《Burn the Rope》的销量上升好像是和App Store的重点推广和你们的降价策略有关,是否认为99美分的售价很有助于推动这类小游戏的销售?

我们的销售在很大程度上是得益于App Store的重点推广,降价策略只是次要因素(游戏邦注:该游戏已从原来的1.99美元降至99美分),但也不能完全说和价格无关。

虽然我们已经完成了一些内容更新(含有新关卡和Game Center功能的第一个升级版本将于本周推出),但会一直保持这种低价位,除非我们觉得这款游戏得到了极其完善的优化、增加了足够多的内容和新功能,我们才会考虑将价格再调高一些。



Considering the number of games that flowed onto the App Store in the closing days of 2010, it’s something of a surprise that any managed to find an audience among the sales and the Infinity Blades and Real Racings.

But one title that’s powered through the masses – the #1 puzzle game in 50 countries, and #2 in the US paid chart – is Canadian studio Big Blue Bubble’s fire and gravity puzzler Burn the Rope.

We caught up with CEO Damir Slogar to find out some more about the game and its rise to the top.

PocketGamer: Why do you think Burn the Rope has been successful?

Damir Slogar: Burn the Rope is truly original game. There’s nothing like it. If you look at the top 10 in US right now you will see that except for Fruit Ninja, all other games are either existing brands or are based on previously used mechanics/concepts. Even Cut The Rope (a game I love by the way) borrowed lot of mechanics from The Incredible Machine.

People want to see and experience new concepts and what’s better than playing with fire?

Do you think the similarity of your title to Cut the Rope has helped you gain visibility?

Initially, we were a bit concerned because Cut the Rope launched in the middle of our development cycle and we debated a lot whether we should keep our name. In the end we decided to keep it as it clearly describe the gameplay.

It might have helped us a bit in order to gain initial visibility but as soon as users looks at the description and screenshots, it will be clear this is a completely different game.

Where did you get the idea from and how long did it take to develop?

Idea came from Dave Kerr, who designed our game Thumpies. Development took about three months, but with all the updates we’re planning, it seems most of the work is still ahead of us.

Are there any official download numbers yet?

The numbers are what you can expect from #2 ranked game and I am not ready to share them at the moment.

I can share the piracy rate though as we are using Tapjoy so we know exactly how many installs the game had. At launch day, we had piracy rate above 95 percent, but since then it started dropping and now is about 20 percent.

How quickly do you expect to get Burn the Rope onto other platforms?

We hope to do this fairly quickly because the game’s already in production for multiple platforms.

The Android, iPad and Mac App Store versions should launch sometime in February, and it will be on Nintendo 3DS and next generation virtual consoles by the end of 2011.

Your big sales jump seemed to come with an App Store Featured slot and price drop, so how important is 99c for these bite-sized simple games?

Our sales jump was much more affected by the feature than the price drop [from $1.99 to 99c]. Price remains the big factor though.

As we already have several updates lined up (the first one with new levels and Game Center support should launch this week), we decided to keep the price down until we polish the game and add enough content and features to justify the higher price.

Do you have any plans to build out the franchise i.e. in-app purchases, Seasons, plushes?

We do have very unique plan to keep the game fresh for a long time and we will make the big announcement in March. As for the different themes, we will keep adding them through updates and try to keep them free.(source:pocketgamer)

