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社交游戏领域高潮迭起,Digital Chocolate实现爆发式增长

发布时间:2010-11-30 11:04:44 Tags:,,

感恩节之际,Inside Social Games的Chris Morrison写了一篇关于社交游戏公司Digital Chocolate的有趣评论。他的文章中提到了备受关注的Facebook游戏分析:Digital Chocolate公司最近的Facebook游戏发展策略十分奏效。

在过去的30天中,Digital Chocolate总计发布了6款游戏,其中3款毫无创意可言,仅仅是其热门游戏Millionaire City的翻版,但玩家似乎并不介意。



截止到今天为止,该6款游戏依然成绩斐然,总计产生新月活跃用户50万人。其中Hollywood City, Vegas City, Island God和Epic Fighters这4款新游戏的月活跃用户突破百万大关。

目前,Digital Chocolate旗下游戏总计月活跃用户高达2400万,超越了Playdom成为Facebook社交网站第三大社交游戏公司。

然而这一切仅仅只是开始。文章中,Digital Chocolate总裁Mark Metis表示最近用户基础的增长主要源自于病毒式传播而非广告宣传。实际上,目前Digital Chocolate还未进行任何广告投入,因此Mark Metis认为一旦公司开始进行营销,每款新游戏的用户可能将呈翻倍甚至3倍的增长。

其次,Metis表示Digital Chocolate未来计划发布更多的游戏。鉴于其在30天内发布了6款游戏,我十分相信这一宣言。

然而,Digital Chocolate未来发展所要面对的一大趋势是社交手机游戏的开发。现在许多社交游戏通过跨平台技术可应用于iPhone等手机设备。近来,Digital Chocolate虽然证明了其在开发Facebook游戏的坚强实力,然而其开发手机游戏的能力却无迹可寻。其实早在成立之初,Digital Chocolate就一直致力于开发高品质的手机游戏。

因此,社交游戏开发公司的未来在于社交手机游戏,Digital Chocolate随时准备将自己打造成这一领域的强势竞争者。无论如何,Digital Chocolate成为本年第四季度的赢家预示着该公司未来的成就。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Chris Morrison of Inside Social Games wrote an interesting analysis about Digital Chocolate over the Thanksgiving holidays.

Now that I’m not eating turkey and driving up and down between San Francisco and Los Angeles (fun times), I finally have the time to post about it.

In his article, Mr. Morrison points out the obvious for anyone who likes to look at Facebook game analytics: Digital Chocolate’s recent Facebook games strategy is working.

In the past 30 days, Digital Chocolate has released 6 games. True, 3 of them are not innovative and remarkably similar to their hit game Millionaire City, but gamers don’t seem to mind.

As of today, most of these games are doing very well. Six of it’s games are generating 500,000 monthly average users (MAU’s). Four new games that have been launched over the past 30 days have grown to over 1 million MAU’s each (Hollywood City, Vegas City, Island God, Epic Fighters).

Digital Chocolate games attract 24 million MAU’s, putting it in position to over-take Playdom as the #3 largest social game company on Facebook.

And this is just probably just the start. In the article, Digital Chocolate President Mark Metis is quoted as saying that most of the growth is based on virality and not ads. I have personally noticed very few ads for these games on Facebook. The fact that they have not spent advertising money yet, suggests that each of these games can double or triple in size once they start to buy marketing.

Secondly, Metis suggests that Digital Chocolate has plans for more game launches in the near future. Given that they have launched 6 games in 30 days, I would take this for face value.

The biggest thing going for Digital Chocolate is the trend toward social mobile games. The big buzz now is on social games that work cross-platform on mobile devices like the iPhone and Facebook.

Digital Chocolate has started to prove that they can successfully create Facebook games but they have nothing to prove in mobile. They have been creating successful mobile games since they launched years ago. Mobile is in Digital Chocolate’s DNA.

If social mobile is the next big thing (more on that later), then Digital Chocolate is poised to be a huge contender in this space. In which case, Digital Chocolate’s successful 4th Quarter is just a hint on future success for the company in the coming year. (source:Gamezebo)

