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社交游戏网站Winster主要服务于Baby Boomer一代

发布时间:2010-11-17 16:07:29 Tags:,,

近年来,年轻人都习惯于在Facebook或Twitter等各种社交网站上与陌生人或朋友进行各种社交互动。然而对于生在互联网时代之前的Baby Boomer一代(指出生于二战后的生育高峰期),使用数字技术进行社会交往是一件陌生而又奇怪的体验。针对这一年龄层,社交游戏网站Winster.com应运而生。



社交游戏网站Winster.com提供益智或纸牌等多种游戏,玩家获胜后可以获得类似5美元亚马逊书城抵用券或10美元沃尔玛礼品券等小奖品。Winster用户可以一边游戏一边聊天,几个玩家还可以集结起来制定游戏策略(有利于玩家间迅速发展友谊,这也正是Winster网站的建设初衷)。对此,网站合作创办者Michelle Kaplan表示,“对于一些身体不适或不便外出的人,他们可以在社交网站上与朋友进行日常互动。”


Many youngsters meet new acquaintances, maybe even friends, regularly on Facebook, Twitter and a whole slew of other social-networking sites.

But for baby boomers who grew up in the pre-Internet age, connecting digitally can be a strange and uncomfortable proposition. For them, there is, an online social gaming site geared toward those middle-aged or older.

With a variety of games including puzzles and poker, players on Winster collaborate and compete to win small prizes such as $5 Amazon or $10 Wal-Mart gift certificates. The games come equipped with chat, so multiple competitors can come up with strategies together (and presumably form fast friendship ties, which is the whole point of the site, according to co-founder Michelle Kaplan).

“For seniors who have health problems and may not be able to get out, it’s a way to have a social network and a group of friends that they interact with on a regular basis,” Kaplan said. “They sort of form these ad hoc friendship circles when they can’t go and physically visit friends.”

Kaplan said that since the 2007 launch, more than 2 million unique visitors have played games on Winster. About 80% are female; more than 90% of all players are older than 45.

“In the old days, these people might get together and knit,” Kaplan said. “Now they come online and play games together.” (Source:latimesblogs)

