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开发者认为Google Play更便于提交和发布应用

发布时间:2013-10-22 11:23:42 Tags:,,,,

作者:Tony Yotes

作为手机应用开发新手,我必须学习如何提交应用到Google Play和苹果的App Store上。准备事宜总是让我很头疼,不过从总体上看来我发现自己更倾向于Android平台。在苹果方面Unity提供了很大的帮助,从而让一切实践变得更加轻松。


subimt iOS 7 app(from gamasutra)

subimt iOS 7 app(from gamasutra)

我的第一款游戏名为《Fish Feaster》,针对于iOS平台,因为那时候我认为这是最简单且最赚钱的选择。而现在我会更偏向Android,因为凭经验来看,Android平台更加方便,并且研究也表明Android的市场自卑完全是子虚乌有。

在提交我的第一款Android应用“TriGrid”时,我在发行那一周又进行了多次的再发行。朋友们帮助我发现了应用内部购买和AdMobd广告中的各种漏洞。谷歌真正吸引我的地方在于它能够让设计师轻松地上传补丁。我们只需要到Google Dev网站并上传新的APK文件,如此只要几个小时的时间便能完成修改。而通过iTunes Connect去执行这一过程通常需要1至2周的时间。

dots(from gamasutra)

dots(from gamasutra)



iTunes Connect(from gamasutra)

iTunes Connect(from gamasutra)

基于iTunes Connect,你便是在此准备应用的发行。


而在某种程度上,Google Play能够帮助我们做到这点。当结合Unity引擎时,发行变得更加轻松。只要改变一些设置,设定游戏的图标,确定名字和版本号,然后创建便可。剩下的便是上传Unity创造的文件。而如果你是在iTunes Connect上做这些,你便需要先弄到一台Mac,并向其发送项目文件。在Mac上重新创造文件后,你需要打开文件夹,进行编辑,存档,确认,并提交到App Store等工作(游戏邦注:假设你已经做好所有准备并拥有一份应用概要文件等待上传)。

Google Play Dev(from gamasutra)

Google Play Dev(from gamasutra)

Google Play Dev,你便是在此准备应用的发行。

总之,我在面对Google Play和Android平台时更加轻松。所以当我被问到开始创造手机游戏时该如何选择,我总是会建议他们走向Android平台。这是谷歌提供给开发者的便利,能够推动着我们更轻松地开发自己的手机游戏。它消除了开发过程中最让人厌烦的环节并让“创造出一款游戏后便发布”成为可能。


Submitting Apps Made Easy with Google Play

by Tony Yotes

Being new to mobile development I had to learn a lot about submitting apps to Google Play and the Apple App Store. Getting things ready for submission caused a lot of headaches and overall I’ve found myself preferring Android. Unity helps a lot with the Apple side of things and just about everything else gets easier with practice.

I’m Self-Publishing on a small commercial scale. I’m running on a budget of zero really. For my first few games I’d be amazed if I made a few hundred dollars over the course of a year. What I’m really doing now is getting used to the process and making myself known before I give it my all and produce games I’m willing to risk everything on.

My first game was Fish Feaster, made exclusively for iOS, which (at the time) I thought would end up being the easiest and most profitable. I now hold Android in that place because by experience, the Android platform has been more convenient at every turn and research shows that Android’s market inferiority is just a myth.

When submitting my first Android app TriGrid I ended up republishing it a few times during the launch week. Friends were finding bugs left & right with the In-App Purchasing and AdMob Banners. What made me love Google though, was how easy it was to upload patches. Just go to the Google Dev site and upload the new APK file and it’ll be ready for all to see in a matter of hours. Doing this through iTunes Connect will take a week or two.

I’ve been staring at this all week waiting for those yellow dots to turn green.

Apple does send emails when the status of a pending application changes but how long it takes really does vary. Once it took two days, another time it took three weeks. You just toss it out to the cloud and wait. Sometimes the app gets tossed back and you have to submit it again adding to the stressful experience of trying to get something, anything, out there before a deadline.

This is where you prepare your app for launch with iTunes Connect

For someone with little experience, having a store that’s easy to upload to makes a world of difference. Time spent fumbling with an API,confusing procedures, and mandatory provisions is time that could have been spent making more (and better) games and applications. I personally find this stuff the most frustrating to deal with because it’s not even part of the game. The whole time I keep thinking “Why can’t I just upload the file and be done with it?”

In a way, Google Play does that. When combined with the Unity engine, publishing becomes a breeze. Just change a few settings, set the game icons, give it a name and version number, then build. All that’s left afterwards is to upload the file Unity created. To do so for iTunes Connect you’ll need to have a Mac and send your project file to it. After rebuilding on he Mac the folder the build creates needs to be opened, compiled, archived, validated, and submitted to the App Store, assuming you have all the proper provisions in place and have an app profile waiting to receive the upload.

This is where you prepare your app for launch with Google Play Dev

Overall I’ve just had a much better time working with Google Play and Android. It’s what I recommend to my friends when they ask which is better to start with or make games for. It’s the sheer convenience and trust Google provides developers that makes it such a dream developing mobile games. It eliminates one of the most annoying parts of development and makes the process of “Make a game then put it out there” possible.(source:gamasutra)

