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每日观察:关注《Air Penguin》首月收益逾百万美元(5.18)

发布时间:2011-05-18 15:28:12 Tags:,,,

1)手机游戏《愤怒的小鸟》与苹果App Store在上周四同时被列入吉尼斯世界纪录。苹果以四个“世界之最”而成为赢家:iPhone 4被称为“最快畅销的便携式游戏系统”,App Store则是“规模最大的可下载电子游戏商店”、“最受欢迎的应用商店”、“产品数量最多的游戏系统”。

《愤怒的小鸟》则因它是多个国家的App Store头号付费游戏而得名,其他被提名的游戏包括《植物大战僵尸》(最快畅销的iPhone/iPod策略类游戏)、《Tap Tap Revenge》系列(最受欢迎的iPhone系列游戏)。



2)韩国游戏发行商Gamevil日前宣布手机游戏《Air Penguin》首月收益超过100万美元,该游戏在美国、法国、德国和荷兰的App Store称雄付费游戏榜单,其游戏内置付费功能是主要营收来源。Gamevil不久前宣布其2011年第一季度收益达590万美元,利润比去年同期下降了23%。

Air Penguin

Air Penguin

3)美国最大的连锁书店Barnes & Noble宣布,其电子阅读器Nook Color的配套应用商店(游戏邦注:该应用商店在四月底刚上线)日前突破了100万次下载量,该平台在美国最受欢迎的产品是游戏,《愤怒的小鸟》则是头号付费应用产品。在该应用商店前5强应用产品中,游戏占据4个席位,另外三款游戏分别是《Solitaire》、《Aces Jewel Hunt》和《Astraware Mahjong》。

4)有传言称亚马逊准备在今年推出代号为“Coyote”,采用英伟达Tegra2双核处理器的平板电脑;除此之外,亚马逊还可能在今年底之前,推出另一款基于英伟达即将推出的四核T30“Kael-El”芯片,运行能力比Tegra 2高两倍的平板电脑“Hollywood”,该产品将与Coyote一起在亚马逊的在线商店销售。不过这种说法至今仍未得到亚马逊的证实和回应。

5)据Virgin Media Business最新调查发现,在前50名最具人气的手机应用中,平均每款应用在5分钟内需消耗0.89 MB的数据流量。智能手机用户每月使用应用程序的时间一般是667分钟,也就是每年消耗1.4 GB的数据流量。

该调查还特别指出,手机游戏《Tap Zoo》五分钟内使用的数据流量多达9.6 MB(即每小时115 MB)。

除了应用程序之外,YouTube等在线视频服务也占据移动数据流量的17%,在手机上观看一小时的YouTube视频,几乎要使用130 MB的数据流量。Virgin Media Business公司高管George Wareing表示,2010年手机数据流量已双倍增长,智能手机在2011年的销量也增长了50%,移动运营商需考虑解决数据流量急剧膨胀的对策。

Tap Zoo

Tap Zoo

6)美国手机游戏开发商Tumb Arcade最近在其网站发表一则题为“Who needs Chillingo?”的宣言,声称开发商不该再依赖Chillingo等发行商的服务,号召大家通过互帮互助获得成功。不过该公司也另外说明表示,“我们并非有意与Chillingo、ngmoco或任家一家发行商相互对立……你还是可以自己决定要不要发行商渠道。但如果你也不需要发行商,那就请加入我们吧。”

7)B&H Publishing Group公司日前发布了其首款iPhone/iPad游戏《Tick Squish》,这款游戏内容主要根据悬疑小说作家Brandilyn Collins所著的《Over the Edge》一书改编而成。该免费游戏现已在iTunes App Store上架,其制作人Aaron Linne表示,游戏是数字时代的发行商向读者讲述故事的绝佳途径,玩家在《Tick Squish》中可以学到如何克服苹姆关节炎这种病症,并通过完成游戏开启书本原章节的相关内容。

B&H Publishing Group至今已发布20多款iPhone、iPad、Android、Xbox 360和Windows Phone 7应用程序。



8)Epci Games旗下公司Chair Entertainment最近宣布iOS热门游戏《无尽之剑》将推出多人模式,支持玩家通过苹果Game Center相互挑战。除此之外,该游戏更新版本还包含一个Survivor模式供玩家在单人玩法中体验游戏乐趣,同时还添加了许多新道具,支持玩家通过Facebook或能展示自己的游戏成就和虚拟形象。

《无尽之剑》是至今为止利润最高的iOS游戏之一,在本月初Epic Games的Mark Rein还宣布该游戏33.5%的收营来自其内置付费功能。

9)最近一组德国调查人员发现,99.7%的Android移动设备存在用户信息安全隐患,在不加密的网络状态下,Android移动设备的authToken信息很容易被第三方获取,而采用Android 2.3.3操作系统的移动设备表现最为明显。


anyone can creat an app

anyone can creat an app


据该工具开发者Scott Hirsch所称,AppsBar完全免费,目前其网站70%的访客已注册使用该工具创建应用程序,其中有一半用户已开发出了产品,大多数用户属于小型开发商。该工具的其他功能包括Event Notifier、Form Builder,以及支持用户通过Twitter和Facebook分享内容的Social Interaction。





12)据知情人透露,从向Android Market发布的第一款游戏《Modern Combat 2》开始,法国发行商Gameloft将开始放松其严格的Android手机游戏的DRM控制权。在此之前,用户所下载的Gameloft手机游戏都不可安装在其最新购买的Android手机上(哪怕该手机操作系统已升级到最新版本,并且绑定了同样的谷歌帐号),但Gameloft放宽这一限制后,通过合法途径购买游戏的用户就可以在任何一部新手机上安装游戏,而无需打电话联系该公司的客服人员。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

1)Angry Birds, Apple App Store Wins Guinness World Records

Immensely popular mobile game Angry Birds and the store that made it so, the Apple App Store have last Thursday been awarded titles by the Guinness World Records.

The new records are part of Guinness’ 2011 Gamer’s Edition, which is aimed at putting an “official stamp on many of the amazing app and sales stories that have made headlines over the past four years”, it said in a statement.

Apple came out the big winner with four wins. The iPhone 4 was named “fastest-selling portable gaming system” while the App Store was picked as the largest downloadable video game store, most popular app marketplace, and largest launch line-up of any gaming system.

“The release of the iPhone has not just changed the mobile industry, but the video game world too,” Guinness World Records gaming editor said. “With the never-ending App Store selection and an intuitive device, Apple has created a gigantic new space for itself in the casual games genre.”

Angry Birds was named, unsurprisingly, the top paid-for App Store game in most countries. Other games mentioned in Guinness’ hat tip include Plants vs Zombies (fastest-selling iPhone/iPod strategy game) and the Tap Tap Revenge series (most popular iPhone game series). (source:designtaxi

2)Air Penguin revenues hit $1 million in first month on App Store

by Keith Andrew

After naming developer Enterfly’s 99c release as one of its major hopes for Q2 2011, publisher Gamevil has announced that Air Penguin revenues have topped $1 million in its first month on sale.

The success comes as a result of the release topping the App Store’s paid charts in the US, France, Germany and the Netherlands, with Gamevil also citing the title’s in-app purchases as a major revenue driver.

Penguin power

“People around the world have made their choice and spread the word about our newest game, and we’re immensely grateful,” said Gamevil’s Youn Il Jung.

“Thanks to everyone who helped us get to this exciting time by playing Air Penguin. We’ve got more great things coming up for the game that we know you’ll enjoy.”

Gamevil expects Air Penguin to be a major contributor in what it is predicting will be a successful second quarter for the company.

The firm recently reported a rise in Q1 2011 revenues to $5.9 million, although profits were down 23 percent year on year.(source:pocketgamer

3)Angry Birds on top as Nook Color passes 1 million app downloads

by Keith Andrew

Total downloads on Barnes & Noble’s new app store for Nook Color have passed the 1 million mark.

Originally unveiled towards the end of April, the firm says games have proven some of the most popular apps on the US-only platform, with Rovio’s Angry Birds predictably taking hold of the top of the paid apps chart.(source:pocketgamer

Indeed, of the top five paid apps on offer, four of them are games, with Solitaire taking third spot ahead of Aces Jewel Hunt and Astraware Mahjong.

4)Amazon rumoured to readying Nvidia-powered tablets for 2011 debut

by Keith Andrew

While the majority of chatter around tablets tends to focus on either smartphone or PC manufacturers entering the market, Amazon’s position as an online retailer would make it an interesting debutant.

Amazon, of course, has enjoyed much success with Kindle, and recently launched its Android Appstore, but the possibility of the eReader market being eroded by iPad and co. remains ever present.

As such, the rumour that two Nvidia-powered Android devices are in development at the firm requires some consideration.

Two little toys

The first, reportedly codenamed ‘Coyote’, is being pitched as an entry-level tablet that will come equipped with Nvidia’s dual-core Tegra 2 processor.

The second is the more meaty offering of the two.

Based on Nvidia’s forthcoming quad-core T30 ‘Kael-El’ chip – and packing a double performance boost over Tegra 2 – the ‘Hollywood’ would be a cutting-edge release, but will reportedly hit Amazon’s online shelves along with Coyote before the end of the year.

Of course, with no official confirmation from Amazon, further details – such as screen sizes or other hardware functionality – remain speculative.(source:pocketgamer

5)Hungriest apps ‘eat’ up to 115MB per hour

by Tim Green

And even the average ones get through 10.7MB in 60 minutes.

Virgin Media Business looked at the top 50 free mobile apps and found that the average app consumes 0.89 MB in a five minute period.

With smartphone owners typically using apps for 667 minutes a month, that’s 1.4 GB each year.

At the extremes it discovered that Tap Zoo uses 9.6 MB of data in just five minutes (115 MB in an hour).

This is 75,579 per cent more than the least data-hungry app, which uses 13kb in a five minute period.

Of course, apps aren’t the only consumers of cellular data. YouTube now accounts for 17 per cent of all mobile data traffic.

Virgin Media Business said watching YouTube videos on a mobile for just one hour can use almost 130 MB of data.

It’s all putting immense pressure on the networks. George Wareing, head of mobile and broadcast at Virgin Media Business, said: “Our study shows that spending just a few hours using some apps or streaming multimedia content, can lead to huge traffic surges as vast amounts of data is downloaded.

“With data traffic almost doubling in 2010  and smartphone sales set to increase by 50 per cent in 2011, mobile operators really need to think about how they can manage the data explosion as millions more join the smartphone revolution.”(source:mobile-ent

6)Thumb Arcade preps self publishing developer movement under banner of Who Needs Chillingo?

by Jon Jordan

Who Needs Chillingo? That’s the provocative rallying cry of a new cooperative developer-centric community publishing effort.

Lead by Andy Rosic of US mobile developer Thumb Arcade, its mission statement is ‘The publishers are dead. We developers need each other to succeed.’

‘No one can afford to launch and then watch the paint peel. We have to band together and utilize our combined social network and loyal fans to help everyone grow together.’

Building the band

Quite what this means in practice is currently hard to say, although the website has an email box to join the invite list for the initiative, which is said to be launching soon.

There are also various other media channels you can check out including a blog, Twitter and Facebook.

And, just to clarify, reading the small print, Thumb Arcade notes ‘We have nothing against Chillingo, ngmoco or any specific publisher … If you need a publisher, go check them out. Otherwise, sign up with us.’(source:pocketgamer

7)B&H Publishing Group Releases Tick Squish Mobile Game

B&H Publishing Group, a division of LifeWay Christian Resources, has released “Tick Squish,” a mobile game for the iPhone and iPad to support the new B&H Fiction medical thriller “Over the Edge” by Brandilyn Collins.

“Tick Squish,” the first mobile game from B&H, is now available in the iTunes App Store for free. The game challenges players to stop ticks from running across their screens.

“Gaming is a great way for publishers to tell new stories in the digital age,” said Aaron Linne, executive producer of the game. “This is B&H’s first opportunity to create through this medium in order to introduce readers to new content, like Collins’ ‘Over the Edge.’”

Collins wrote “Over the Edge,” in part, as a response to her own struggles with Lyme disease. Not only did Collins want to entertain with a good story, but also help bring attention to the issues surrounding Lyme disease. Through the release of “Tick Squish,” players learn about Lyme disease after each round is completed and unlock sample chapters of the book by finishing the game.

In “Over the Edge” the lead characters struggle with more than just Lyme disease, but also with a rocky marriage and faith issues. Collins is well-known for her deep, compelling characterizations.

B&H Fiction’s tagline is ‘Pure Enjoyment,’ said Julie Gwinn, B&H Fiction manager.

“We honor that commitment to the consumer by publishing compelling novels that have strong characters, interesting plots and vivid dialogue that help readers learn about spiritual truths in new and creative ways,” Gwinn said. “Just as Christ taught in parables, our fiction authors tell truths through stories. We are always honored when an author chooses to publish their creative works through B&H.”

B&H has produced more than 20 apps for the iPhone, iPad, Android devices, Microsoft XBOX 360, and Windows Phone 7.(source:earnedmedia

8)Infinity Blade iOS game to get multiplayer update this week

by Stuart Dredge

Arena revamp set to let iPhone and iPad gamers challenge their friends.

Epic Games subsidiary ChAIR has announced that it will release the long-awaited multiplayer update for its iOS game Infinity Blade this Thursday.

Infinity Blade: Arena will add an online mode to the popular slash’em up, enabling people to fight their friends via Apple’s Game Center community.

The update will also include a new Survivor mode for the solo part of the game, dozens of new items to collect, and a Facebook feature enabling players to show off their character on the social network, while also sharing screenshots of their performance.

Infinity Blade has been one of the most lucrative games on iOS, sticking to a $5.99 price point for all bar one week of its time on the App Store since its release in December 2010.

It has also been one of the most successful iOS titles when it comes to in-app payments. Earlier this month, Epic Games boss Mark Rein told a UK conference that 33.5% of Infinity Blade’s revenues have come from in-app purchases.(source:mobile-ent

9)Android vulnerability affects 99.7% of Android devices on the market

by Chris Smith

A team of German researchers has just discovered that around 99.7% of Android devices on the market today have a security vulnerability. This vulnerability happens over unencrypted networks where the device’s Google services ‘authToken’ can be accessed. The problem can be found in versions of Android up to 2.3.3 and according to Google the newest version 2.3.4 patches it.

Android applications can acquire a security token from the ClientLogin authorization process. This token (known as authToken) is then passed back to the device and with its presence the device is authorized to make changes to the user’s Google account. The problem is that this authToken can then be sent from other applications, unencrypted allowing for the authToken to be “sniffed” and stolen over an open WiFi network. The authToken is valid for a whole 2 weeks and is not bound to any specific device, service, or session. Therefore once the token is taken, a “hacker” could potentially steal, modify, or erase the user’s Google contact and calendar data.(source:androinica

10)Want to Build Your Own App? There’s an App for That Too!

By Kendra Srivastava

Now anyone can create an app even without technical expertise, thanks to AppsBar, which makes it easy for individuals and small businesses to easily jump onto this fast-moving bandwagon.

AppsBar, which shows mock phone that displays a prototype app as it would appear in real life, lets would-be developers pick a category — entertainment, NGO, personal, business or custom — and

choose different templates and colors before adding photos, videos, RSS feeds and more.

After the app is complete, users can publish it to the Apple or Android app stores and, pending approval, watch it go public in two weeks’ time. This short timeline contrasts to the usual six to twelve weeks it takes professionally-made apps to debut.

AppsBar is different from similar app-creating programs in that it is absolutely free. While it hasn’t generated any revenue yet, its founder Scott Hirsch believes that building a following is key before trying to capitalize on an idea.

Furthermore, it’s unlikely people will ever shell out much money for such small apps as they become ever more numerous, so instead of dampening usership with a price tag, Hirsch says he would rather expand his following first, adding that he wanted “to open up mobile development and make it a level playing field so small and mid-size businesses can have applications and compete with the big boys.”

His creation is starting to do just that, as 70 percent of visitors to his site have signed up to create apps, half of which have already done so, and most of which are small business owners.

Some of AppsBar’s notable features include an Event Notifier and Form Builder, which do what they say, and Social Interaction, which allows the app to share content across Twitter and Facebook. (source:appedia

11)Z2Live Flies High With MetalStorm: Online for iOS

By Christopher Mack

Seattle-based iOS developer Z2Live has a hit on their hands in the form of MetalStorm: Online for both the iPhone and iPad devices. Currently toping the free applications charts (currently #1 for iPad and #2 for iPhone), this free-to-play game has even breached the top ten grossing applications for iPhone, coming in today at #9. For the iPad, it ranked at #14. Moreover, this new flight combat simulator isn’t even that old, having only been released last Thursday. In fact, in its first 48 hours, it saw more than 1 million downloads, Z2Live’s Lou Fasulo told us.

On the monetization front, MetalStorm uses in-game advertisements and sells packs of virtual currency, called Coins, in quantities costing $0.99 to $49.99. Coins can then not only be used to unlock premium content, but converted to the above noted in-game earnable currency of Credits.(source:insidemobileapps

12)Gameloft eases DRM on Android games

No longer have to go through customer support to reinstall games

Product: Gameloft news | Manufacturer: Gameloft

by Will Wilson

Regular tipster Dave Loft (thanks Dave!) has dropped us a line to say that Gameloft has quietly altered its strict DRM measures on Android games, starting with the Android Market version of Modern Combat 2.

Previously, any game you’d purchased would refuse to install on a subsequent phone, even if said handset was an upgrade for yourself and was tied to the same Google account.

With the latest batch of games available on the Android Market, however, the company has relaxed its restrictions somewhat, so that any legitimate buyer can install a game they’ve bought on a new phone without having to go through the annoyance of contacting customer support.

This change in policy should come as a welcome sign that the company is listening to Android users, having been a particular bugbear of many over the past year. (source:pocketgamer

