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发布时间:2011-03-30 23:10:17 Tags:,,,

Zynga首席游戏设计师布莱恩·雷诺兹(Brian Reynolds),日前在Games.com的访谈中陈述他对Zynga及社交游戏行业现状的看法。

Brian Reynolds

Brian Reynolds

除此之外,游戏邦获悉,雷诺兹还谈到Zynga计划将Facebook游戏推向手机设备。总的来说,雷诺兹认为,将社交游戏植入手机设备困难重重,因为现今手机设备还没有相对完善的平台,手机社交游戏平台Open Feint和苹果Game Center表现得也不尽如人意。





OpenFeint和Game Center两个平台怎么样?

这两个平台表现得实在不尽如人意。OpenFeint就像是多玩家配对平台。但我很难具体说明Game Center给人的感觉是什么。两者均缺少像Facebook平台那样的功能,让用户自由玩游戏,并且和朋友分享:‘嗨!我在玩游戏!’,‘我玩的这款游戏,棒极了!’,‘这是我从游戏发现的笑话,有趣极了!’或者‘这是我完成的!’用户可以用手机上传照片。但我希望能够自由发表感想,这点网页游戏做得很好,手机平台也能做到让朋友随时读到我的感想吗?这其中障碍太多,但障碍正在逐步减少。所以手机设备对社交领域来说将会是个广阔的平台。




是的,我们有考虑这点,这是我们最终的发展方向,同时也是社交游戏最终的发展方向。我们并不希望成为开发小型单人游戏的应用公司。这并非我们感兴趣的,我们感兴趣的是社交游戏,所以我们会朝这一方向发展,这是我们未来的目标。《Words With Friends》着实让我们颇为兴奋,我们很喜欢这款游戏,因为这简直就像是真实的社交互动。玩家可以和真实朋友一起体验游戏。该模式大大减少了玩家体验游戏的障碍,我认为社交游戏领域将出现更多朋友互动的游戏体验,这也是社交游戏领域未来的发展方向。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Zynga’s Brian Reynolds: Open Feint and Game Center are ‘awkward’

Among other things, he talked about Zynga’s plans (or seeming lack of plans) to take their Facebook games and make them playable on mobile phones. In short, Reynolds says that it has been difficult to recreate the social/Facebook experience on mobile because, well, no one’s created a platform that does it right yet — not even Open Feint and Apple’s Game Center, which are the two leading game-centric mobile social networks.

Here’s a snippet of the larger conversation:

Zynga has been slow to get its games on mobile. What’s the philosophy behind that as a company?

Well, the philosophy up to now, or the obstacles up to now in the mobile space have been — what I would say are — ironic obstacles. Cause you think about it, that phone has all your contacts on it, you text people on it, and then you email, and they’re all they’re on the list. When you hit someone’s name, it’ll ask you whether you want to text them, or call them, or email them. It’s right there on the interface. It’s an inherently, natural, social device.

But, as they are built right now, there is a very high friction involved doing some of the important things to do in a social space. Even to do social networking, let alone social gaming. One of the way that Facebook makes it very efficient to network with people, to officially keep in touch with a lot your real friends from the history of your life, is for example, you can broadcast something to all your friends, and they have an easy way to comment or like it, or a very low friction, a quick ‘Oh I like that!’. That’s the social touch. ‘Oh, I remember that person! Yeah, it’s cool that they like this. I haven’t talked to them in a while. Maybe I’ll send them an e-mail!’ And that doesn’t exist really, correctly yet, on mobile. It’s getting there. Slowly getting there.

What about OpenFeint and Game Center?

Yeah, those are all a little bit awkward. OpenFeint feels like multiplayer match-making, which is something… I’m not sure what even Game Center feels like. But what’s really missing is I want to be running in Facebook where I’m just naturally playing the game and I can say to my friends: Hello! I’m doing this thing!’ and ‘Here’s this cool thing I did!’ or ‘Here’s this funny joke that the game just wrote for me!’ or ‘I made this!’ You show your pictures on your mobile device. I want to be able to express myself, which the web games do really well, but can they make it so that it’s easier for my friends to come see me express myself. There’s just too much friction, but the friction is going away. And so the mobile is going to be a really big space for social.

Is Zynga interested in HTML5?

Yes, we’re interested in HTML5. Obviously that’s a technical word that brings up a whole bunch of technical and political issues.

Like, being able to play your games on any and all platforms.

Yes, we’re thinking about all that stuff, and ultimately where we’re driving to, is where that kind of social play going to be. We’re not going to become just an app company that makes little solo games that you play. That’s not what we’re interested in. We’re interested in the social stuff and so, we’re always going to drive to where the social is, and that’s where we’re going to be. We’re really excited about Words With Friends and having that, because that feels like real social interaction. You’re playing with your real friends. They’ve taken a lot of the friction out, and I think more is going to go out. That’s kind of the path forward. (

