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即将呈现:用iphone遥控ipad或者apple tv进行游戏

发布时间:2010-11-10 09:52:22 Tags:,

来自techcrunch网站的报道称几周以前Big Bucket Software公司更新了一款让人觉得不可思议的iphone/ipad版游戏The Incident,该游戏的1.2版本已经允许用户用iphone进行无线遥控操作屏幕更大的ipad游戏。

The Incident

The Incident

而一旦实现将游戏版本更新到1.3的时候,The Incident甚至可以实现在apple tv上进行操作。尽管ipad通联到apple tv上暂时使用的只能说电影或者音乐之类的,但是一旦运行起应用,那么离刚才设想的操作就已经不再遥远。

在iphone与ipad上同步游戏已经足够让人惊叹,如果再同步到apple tv上就更震撼人心了。当然目前暂时还不明朗他们究竟会怎样连接,在Big Bucket Software对该版本的描述上尚且语焉不详,仅仅只是说将iphone、ipad和tv之间对接后可以轻松地靠在躺椅上进行游戏。

The Incident1

The Incident1


A few weeks ago, Big Bucket Software unveiled an amazing update to their excellent iPhone/iPad game, The Incident. Version 1.2 allowed you to use your iPhone as a wireless controller to control the action on the larger-screen iPad. The first time I used the feature, I was giddy. It reminded me of being 7 years old and playing Nintendo for the first time (the retro-style 8-bit graphics help as well). And with the upcoming version 1.3, The Incident is taking the next leap: to your TV.

While there has been a lot of talk about the new Apple TV being Apple’s gateway to gaming (and other apps) in the living room, the fact is that you can already hook up your iPad to your TV. The problem is that this is only meant for media (movies, music, etc) right now. And even if you could run apps, there is no good way to control them remotely. The Incident fixes that because they’ve already nailed this interaction between iPhone (or iPod touch) and iPad. It’s amazingly simple to sync up, and it’s precise to use. This is going to be awesome running on the TV.

It’s still not entirely clear how they’re going to get the app to run on your television. The blog post by developer Matt Comi on the matter just states that you’ll have to plug your iPad into your TV without any details. Meanwhile, fellow developer Neven Mrgan talks about how he widened the graphics of this release to scale to the 16×9 aspect ratio of HD TVs.

The team promises that this update will be coming very soon. For now, you can try out the 1.2 version with iPad/iPhone controls here. The game is well worth the $1.99 price.(source:techcrunch)

