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发布时间:2015-04-02 11:23:23 Tags:,,,,

作者:Craig Chapple


在过去几年里许多独立发行商开始意识到了这一点。英国开发商Team17便增添了发行部去帮助发行像《逃脱者》和《Light》等游戏。数字零售商Green Man Gaming也凭借Green Man Loaded向发行领域扩展,并带来了《IdolHands》和《Keebles》等游戏。


包括Versus Evil和Devolver Digital在内的许多发行商同时也在向独立开发者推广自己的服务,并声称将助他们一臂之力,且不会要求开发者放弃IP。在我们所接触的三大发行商中,他们都表示并未打算获取游戏IP。

Team17的总经理Debbie Bestwick说道:“传统零售业务/发行模式已经过时了。”


TheEscapists(from develop-online)

TheEscapists(from develop-online)


《旗帜的传说》的发行商Versus Evil的总经理Steve Escalante说道,对于独立开发者来说,曝光度是最复杂的挑战之一,不管他们的游戏是面向手机,PC还是主机平台。他解释道,发行商的工作并不只是创造PR口碑,同时也要为所有发行前和发行后的市场营销领域创造更多价值,并且通过各种方式提供给开发者支持。这可能是独立开发者在寻求合作伙伴时会考虑的内容。







Green Man Loaded的执行副总裁Gary Rowe说道,他与开发商的首次交谈便是关于他们将如何推广游戏。他表示他们的主要任务便是在有限时间和预算内创造出最优秀的游戏。他同时强调开发商必须在一开始便着手计划游戏的发行。








Amikrog - Versus Evil(from develop-online)

Amikrog – Versus Evil(from develop-online)


他说道:“保持曝光度和活跃性非常重要,这也是像Green Man Loaded等发行商所提供的有价值的额外支持。”









Bestwick承认有些独立开发者可以独立完成所有事宜,就像我们之前文章中提到的Simon Roth和Mike Bithell。她也说道,这也存在一定的代价,并且她相信与那些拥有自己所不具有的优势的人合作的重要性。




Rise of the indie publishers

By Craig Chapple

As we’ve seen in our previous article on what’s next for indies, the ‘indie’ game development landscape has changed and continues to evolve at apace. Getting your game discovered is becoming increasingly difficult – though not impossible – and perhaps more time than ever needs to be dedicated to the marketing and promotion of your game.

This realisation has spawned a wide variety of indie publishers during the last couple of years. Long-time UK developer Team17 has added a publishing arm to its operations, helping release titles such as prison game The Escapists and stealth hacking title Light. Digital retailer Green Man Gaming has also expanded into publishing with Green Man Loaded, and is helping bring god game IdolHands and physics-based puzzle title Keebles to market.

Rising up

A myriad of other publishers, including Versus Evil and Devolver Digital, are also pledging their services to indies, claiming to offer a helping hand, but one that will not force developers into signing their IP away. Of the three publishers we spoke to, all of them said they have no intentions of owning IP rights.

“It was past time for a massive shake-up in the traditional business retail/publisher models,” says Team17 MD Debbie Bestwick.

“Traditional publishers and retailers have been failing content creators – independent developers – for years by not taking enough risks and very one-sided revenue/royalty deals. Overnight we saw an explosion of options and with Valve opening up their Steam distribution network to third-parties, all of a sudden content creators had a choice.

“Publishing is a skill that even great games need. Thankfully for everyone’s sakes, we have seen the emergence of a new wave of super smart publishers who understand the nature of agile publishing.”

Steve Escalante, GM of Banner Saga publisher Versus Evil, says discovery is one of the biggest challenges for indie developers, whether their game is coming to mobile, PC or console. He explains that a publisher’s job is not to just create a PR buzz, but add value to all areas of the marketing phase pre and post-release, as well as supporting developers in other ways. This is perhaps something indies should take careful notice of if looking for a partner.

“A solid indie publisher is not just bringing PR that is going to create buzz, but brings access to more events, communities, a media buying team that can add value to advertising and branding, and a product strategy that works to find a good month to launch, looks at competitive windows, has a solid understanding of when sales occur and more,” says Escalante.

“All of this can roll into helping with the crowded retail space.”

Getting to market

To overcome that discoverability issue, developers – whether deciding to opt for a publishing partner or not – have a lot to consider. As well as building the game itself, creators need to determine the best time to launch their game, a factor perhaps made more complex by Early Access on Steam. While providing a great space for feedback, developers can also fall into the trap of launching their title too early and harming their game’s chances. There are also other factors to be mindful of, says Escalante.

“Look at your competitive window and understand what is occurring in the industry,” he explains.

“Are you launching on top of a big sale? Have you given yourself enough time to get through certification with first-party? What events are occurring? Knowing and understanding these events will help you build out a tactical strategy for when it is right to launch a title – but look to the future. When is the first time you might go on sale? Is that during a holiday? Is it too close to your pre-order offer?”

Green Man Loaded EVP Gary Rowe says the very first conversation he has with developers is how they’re going to talk about their game. He says often their primary task is making the best game with the time and budget they have available. He notes, however, that developers also need to start planning their launch right from the start.

“Factoring in time to build good supporting art assets – key art, trailers, and so on – is important, and they also need to allocate time to spend talking about their game via social channels, such as blogs, Twitter, Twitch, etcetera, at every stage of the dev process, so they’re building up an audience before launch.”

Bestwick pointedly states that indies need to be aware of “everything” when launching a new game.

“Just because they are an indie developer, it doesn’t mean consumers will accept anything less than a commercial professional game being released,” she says.

“So usability, QA, localisation, compatibility testing, age ratings – where applicable; with platform holders there are set conditions that must be met. It’s fundamentally important to ensure the game doesn’t go out broken and is as bug free as possible.”

Eyes on the long-term

Bestwick says, however, that this is the easy bit; what developers need to be on top of is the lifecycle management of their game. She explains that though indies who are focused on digital no longer have to worry about shelf-life, they still need to manage their title to sustain long-term revenue and achieve maximum returns.

“This is a clever combination of production updates, clever marketing and sales planning,” she says.

Rowe says long-term success can be achieved by fixing bugs and making small improvements by listening to feedback, while additional content also helps drive promotional awareness and allows the conversation to continue post-release.

“Remaining vocal, being visible, and keeping active is hugely important, and is where publishers like Green Man Loaded can provide valuable additional support,” he says.

One method of ensuring revenue comes in long after a game’s release is through sales and bundles. Though it can be extremely effective for many indies, Escalante advises that developers don’t always need to put their games on sale, and should make sure they build value for their title.

“Keep your value, go on sale when you need to, go in bundles when it’s the right time in your lifecycle, and keep that value promise you have made to your customers,” says Escalante. “Lastly, stay in contact with your retail and platform partners to make sure you are part of their plans.

“This is your modern day retail storefront that have sales, events, holidays and more that you benefit from. Push to be a part of it, but don’t sell yourself short.”

Is a publisher right for you?

With these considerations and others in mind, in can be a difficult decision for developers when considering if their game needs publishing help. Rowe says that a good publishing partner is one that will know how to manage the price lifecycle of the product from pre-orders to release through short-term promotions, offers and more.

Publishers may also have a wider network that developers may find difficult to access, such as YouTube, social communities and affiliate marketing partners.

“Getting this right can dramatically improve sales revenue,” states Rowe. “Perhaps more importantly, a good publisher should be able to show they know how to drive awareness of a new game over and above simply loading the game up on a store.

“This must include a solid PR strategy and marketing plan to generate interest and awareness in the title, which requires specialist expertise, and is why many developers consider working with a publisher who has these resources and skills. A good publisher will have access to, and influence with, a large community of gamers and press.”

Bestwick admits some indie developers can do everything themselves, as shown by developers such as Simon Roth and Mike Bithell in our ‘What’s next for indies?’ feature. She states, however, that there is still a cost to that, and believes it is important to partner up with someone that has strengths in areas they don’t.

“Our own programme is more about collaborations in publishing as well as helping them make the best game possible,” she says.

“Think smart, know your strengths and seek out people who can complement you and help you achieve maximum success.”(source:develop-online)


