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万字长文,Pascal Luban关于游戏后期测试行为的分析

发布时间:2014-12-15 13:32:07 Tags:,,

作者:Pascal Luban








*玩法测试和设计之间的伙伴关系可能极具建设性。例如,它可能对游戏极具指导意性,让关卡设计师可以在测试过程中观察玩法,以便他们快速判断自己的设计的特定环节是否像 预期一样可行。





playtest(from gamasutra)

playtest(from gamasutra)








*在早期会话阶段分析不同玩家类型的早期反应。这将指明他们对游戏的初次印象以及初期受挫感。有些游戏样本可能会对他们打算推广的游戏营销产生一定消极影响,因为它存在 易用性和协调性问题,这些都是很容易在测试时发现的情况。


我曾有数次机会深入研究玩法测试管理。我在育碧Annecy工作室(游戏邦注:其开发作品包括《Splinter Cell:Pandora Tomorrow》和《混沌理论》)创建了玩法测试框架。

我设置了招募方法,玩法测试协议,以及这个程序所采用的询问方法。我还在育碧Bucarest办公室设置了一个测试格子间,并在那里主导了玩法测试。玩法测试改变了我作为创意 总监的工作方式,所以我感觉有必要在此与各位分享自己的经验。
















协议是玩法测试过程中的一个统一思路,定义了目标,资源分配,尤其是特定测试的收集和分析信息的方法。玩法测试协义必须根据手头上的挑战进行特别调整(游戏系统调整, 导航,地图概念等)。

在我所主导的玩法测试过程中,我会针对每次测试准备不同的协议。的确,这些测试的一个重要部分包括框架之下的多人模式地图或游戏系统调整。每次测试都会透露出一些在之 后测试将进行分析的特定问题。







首先,我们必须尊重设计团队的劳动成果。鉴于我自己在游戏和关卡设计方面的职责,我知道制作一款“好游戏”究竟有多难。我们必须尊重这些全身心投入开发好游戏的人,我 们绝不可以蔑视或低估他们的成果。

其次,玩法测试必须适应设计团队的需求。地图或玩法机制的良好调整通常是一个试错的结果。设计师应该认识到这一点并要求进行试验。玩法测试有助于他们检测自己的假设, 并因此适应其中出现的特殊需求。





玩法测试通常需要一个月左右的准备时间。我们必须确定它的目标,因为它们将决定我们应该招募哪种类型的测试者,以及测试的规模(比如1、2、4、8或12名玩家参与),以及 持续时长(从半天到一整周)。


没有人可以在干涸的土地上种出好庄稼来,玩法测试的有效性扎根于测试者本身。有效进行玩法测试活动有一半应归结于明智地选择测试者,这需要时间、精力以及一点金钱和耐 心的投入。

招聘测试者需要时间:我们绝不可只是引进更多候选者(以便获得较可靠的测试样本)。我们还必须对其进行评估。评估的目的显然就是判断候选者的游戏能力,以及他们分格和 自我表达的能力。



当我在Bucarest育碧办公室创建一个玩法测试框架时,我遇到了一个有趣的问题:我们需要为主机游戏进行玩法测试,但我们所找到的本地玩家都是纯PC游戏玩家。我不得不设置 了一个特定协议来评估我们这些罗马尼亚候选者适应主机游戏的可能性。

该协议包括简要地解释复杂游戏的玩法控制系统(《Splinter Cell:Chaos Theory》多人模式),之后任由他们体验游戏,以便检测他们适应玩法的速度。结果证明这种筛选方法 极为有效。


与玩法测试相关的沟通也需要时间。在候选者执行测试之前,必须确保他们清楚你的需求。从我的经验来看,通过一般分类广告途径可以招聘到较高数量的候选者,其中许多人年 纪都太小了(这时候就要注意劳动法),多数只是休闲游戏玩家。







协议设置是这个准备过程中的重要环节。有些测试者会被安排在将近开发周期末尾,以便调整地图或游戏系统。这种类型的测试协议通常都很直接:我们允许测试者玩游戏的最长 时间,注明游戏参数,并组织公开的问答环节。


在多人模式版本的《Splinter Cell:Chaos Theory》的地图开发过程中,我组织了玩法测试来评估这个当时仍处于早期阶段的地图结构。


注意到这个问题后,他立即重建了地图,这花不了多少时间,因为当时的地图还只是一个原型。他经过数次迭代将地图缩小到理想大小,最终Aquarius才能成游戏最受欢迎的地图 之一。

玩法测试有助于我们发现许多问题,并确认(或作废)由设计团队提出的假设。在《Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow》多人模式版本的开发过程中,我们也出于调整特定装备( 如烟雾弹)的目的而进行了一些特定的测试。





现在来谈谈后勤。良好的玩法测试要有一个稳定的游戏构造,其中不可有太多漏洞。在开发周期的中间阶段执行测试时,这可能是说得容易做得难。尽管如此,游戏还是必须尽可 能满足这一条件,地图也不能有太致命的漏洞(游戏邦注:例如无法攀爬梯子)。



这种组织性技巧需要所有团队多个学科人员的参与。另一个好方法就是为关卡和图像设计师准备一个清单,以便他们确保自己的地图已经没有障碍性的漏洞。最后,测试管理人员 本人必须确保该版本的确具有可玩性。




设计师通过亲眼看到真正玩家如何使用装备或导航地图布局,通过询问后者某种行为的理由,就可以快速进行优化调整——事实总是胜于雄辩!因此我强烈推荐团队鼓励开发团队 参与玩法测试。



原因如下:早期测试的测试者数量通常很有限,并且可能出现大量问题。事实上这可能会影响到所收获反馈的关联性,最好的情况就是结果不一致,最糟的情况就结果自相矛盾。 管理人员必须考虑到这一切,自己评估反馈的关联性。

但要注意,测试管理人员的参与可能就是这一争论点的成因。在某些情况下,管理人员只能作为一个纯粹的观察者。事实上,这是开发过程末期,即准备微调游戏系统设置时执行 测试的最佳态度。









playtest report(from panzerleader)

playtest report(from panzerleader)








The Silent Revolution Of Playtests, Part 1

by Pascal Luban

[Starting a new series, former Ubisoft designer Luban looks at why regular and detailed playtests are vital to center a game's development around the player.]

There is nothing new about asking testers for their feedback on a game in development. However, the practice of managing playtests by following near- scientific protocols, and of integrating them very early in the development cycle, is a more recent trend.

The spread of real playtests in the game development cycle is probably part of this silent revolution; a revolution profoundly affecting the development environment.

How? Playtests force game development to center around the players instead of the hopes of the development team. Let’s look at the effects of this shifted focus:

- Playtests allow the identification of gameplay or level design flaws that could elude the grasp of normal testers.

After all, testers are always seasoned gamers who are not necessarily representative of the target audience. Who better than a casual gamer to pinpoint issues related to the difficulty curve or the overall understanding of the game?

- Playtests fulfill a moderator role in situations of disagreement or controversy within the design team.

A series of playtests can quickly settle a contested issue by resolving almost any counter-argument or dispute, thereby preventing the disagreement from spiralling into an impasse. Playtesting is also a management tool.

- The partnership between playtesting and design can be very constructive. Fo example, it can be quite instructive for game and level designers to observe gameplay during playtesting, allowing them to immediately determine whether or not particular aspects of their design work as planned.

- Playtests executed on pre-prod mock-ups allow the anticipation of problems very early on, as well as timely corrections of said problems (the faster a problem is corrected in the development cycle, the less expensive it is). Game development can therefore become truly “player-centric”.

- According to the playtest protocol and the selection of playtesters (hardcore, casual, etc.), playtests allow the examination of a specific aspect of the game with heightened acuity: game balance, navigation, understanding of the game objectives, etc.

We all have the opportunity to play games that display high production values but nonetheless suffer from obvious flaws: erratic difficulty curve early in the game, navigation issues, overly complex interface, and so on.

Such flaws could often have been easily avoided if they had been identified early enough.

Major names in the industry understand this quite well, such as Ubisoft, which possesses qualified teams and invest lot of resources in this aspect of game development.

What kind of problems might we fix or prevent with playtests? Some examples include:

- Accessibility and ease of use (interface, navigation within the game, etc.).

- Identification of sure-fire-wins, i.e. strategies allowing a player to easily overcome any challenge created by the designers and therefore remove any interest in the game or the current mission. This issue is especially sensitive for multiplayer maps.

- Fine-tuning of the game system: experience has shown me that the intensity of use of game features (weapons, equipment, actions, etc.) tends to vary considerably according to a number of factors.

These include player profiles, the time a given player spends on familiarizing himself with the game, and of course the game tuning itself.

Only through long-term playtests with relevant samples of players can we ensure that the game tuning maintains its balance and relevance even after long hours of gaming.

- Analysis of the early reactions of different categories of players during their first session. This will highlight their first impressions and initial frustrations. Some game demos have probably had a negative effect on the marketing of games they were meant to promote because of accessibility and tuning issues that could have easily been spotted during playtesting.

- For multiplayer games, the robustness of the game system and the potential of maps.

I have had several opportunities to delve deeply into playtest management. I built the playtest structure from scratch at the Ubisoft Annecy studio, where the successful multi-player “versus” modes of Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow and Chaos Theory were developed.

I set up the recruiting methods, playtest protocols, and the debriefing methods employed in this program. I also set up a playtest cell at the Ubisoft Bucarest office and led playtests there myself. Playtests have changed the way I perceive my job as creative director, so I feel the need to share my experience with everyone.

Let us start with a definition. Playtests consist in analyzing the reactions of a representative pool of players toward gameplay in order to improve the final game and to make sure it matches their expectations.

Some will argue that game testing is nothing new. True, but real playtests have nothing to do with the debug testing executed at the end of the development cycle.

Traditionally, game designers ask testers for their opinions. Testers are often excellent players and are therefore not always representative of the targeted demographic which is often made up of mainstream gamers.

Moreover, testers generally get to know a game so deeply that their knowledge of it strengths and weaknesses profoundly influences the way they play. Therefore, they do not play as someone who discovers the game for the first time.

Well-executed playtests allow us to evaluate gameplay strengths and weaknesses with great accuracy since they rely on two solid principles:

- The careful selection of playtesters.

- The use of ad-hoc protocols.

The Selection of Playtesters

Just as a peasant needs fertile ground in order to ultimately obtain the best yields, good playtests require a group of carefully-selected playtesters. I could never insist hard enough on the importance of the recruitment and evaluation of the playtest candidates.

What are the recruiting criteria? This depends, of course, on what kind of playtests we are planning. We may need hardened gamers, beginners, console-only gamers, multiplayer fans, and so on.

The candidate’s gaming proficiency and overall game culture represent the first criteria. The second is the candidate’s ability for analyzing and drawing conclusions from their gaming experience.

Note, however, that it is not mandatory that a playtester should possess a high level of competence on both criteria. Again, the type of playtests will determine the requirements.

I have the utmost respect for the playtesters I have worked with. Their good will and enthusiasm are boundless. Many came to Annecy from distant cities like Lyon, Grenoble, or Belfort simply for an unpaid half-day session!

This generosity and enthusiasm are characteristics of our industry; let us nurture these characteristics by treating playtesters with the gratitude and respect that they deserve.

The Use of Ad-hoc Protocols

The protocol is the unifying thread of the playtest session, defining the objectives, allocation of resources, and especially the methods of collecting and parsing information for a given playtest. The playtest protocol needs to adapt to the specifics of the challenge at hand (game system tuning, navigation, map concept, etc.).

During the playtest campaigns that I led, I would prepare a different protocol for each session. Indeed, an important part of those playtests involved multiplayer maps under construction or game system tuning. Each session revealed specific problems to be analyzed in the subsequent session.

I shall conclude this first part by repeating that a playtest campaign must be directed with a true scientific rigor if it is to be of any use; one does not conduct playtests simply by bringing over one’s buddies for a few hours of fun followed by a session of easygoing Q&As.

Each aspect of the session must be carefully tailored in order to best realize the objectives at hand.

Managing the session itself requires constant attention, not only because one can learn much by watching the playtesters in action, but also because things do not always go as planned!

I shall address concrete aspects of playtests in the second part of this article.

[Continuing his series on playtesting, ex-Ubisoft veteran Pascal Luban (Splinter Cell series) examines the practicalities of getting consumer feedback on your game.]

Proximity, responsiveness, relevance… these are the watchwords of efficient playtests.

In the previous installment of this article, I had explored the reasons for the rising importance of playtests in game development.

In an industry where games represent increasingly high financial risks for publishers, playtests have come to function as a strong guarantee for quality gameplay. I will share with you today my experience regarding the methodology employed in preparing and conducting them.

Heeding the Clients: The Design Teams

Foremost, one must be aware of a fundamental say: the role of playtests is not to redo the design in place of the design teams — for either game or level design. They are instead conducted to help them. This observation is crucial, because it drives the entire approach to playtests.

Firstly, we must respect the hard work of the design teams. Having had my own responsibilities in game and level design, I know how difficult it is to make “a good game”. We must respect those who put their whole hearts into building the best game possible; we must not scorn or undervalue their work.

Secondly, playtests must adapt to the needs of the design teams. Good tuning for maps or gameplay mechanics is often the result of trial and error. Knowing this, designers should require experimentation; playtests can afford them the opportunity to test out their hypotheses regarding design issues, and must therefore adapt to particular needs as they arise.

Lastly, playtest results must be made available to the concerned parties as soon as possible, as time allotted for game development is always short.Preparing a Playtest Campaign

A playtest campaign generally requires around one month of preparation. We must first define its objectives, because they will determine what types of playtesters we shall have to recruit, the scale of the sessions (1, 2, 4, 8, 12 players), and their duration (from half a day to a full week).

We will also have to attend to the logistics as well as the legal framework (non-disclosure agreement, eventual monetary compensation for playtesters when sessions last over a half-day, etc.) And we must, of course, prepare the design teams to effectively utilize the playtests.

One does not grow the best crops in dry land; a playtest’s effectiveness is rooted in the playtesters themselves. Half the battle in running an effective playtest campaign lies in wisely choosing playtesters, which requires investment of time, energy, and perhaps a bit of money and patience.

Recruiting takes time: we must not only hire as many candidates as possible (in order to have a solid pool of playtesters). We must also evaluate them. The purpose of evaluation is obviously to judge the candidate’s gaming competence, but also his ability for analysis and self-expression.

Evaluation may take several forms. An initial selection can be done through a more or less thorough questionnaire, to be completed by the candidate. The true evaluation, however, must be done during the sessions themselves, where we can observe the candidates at play.

We must establish a protocol for obtaining the most consistent results possible. There is no “all-purpose” evaluation protocol; we must also be able to adapt to specific circumstances as the situation mandates.

When I built a playtest structure at the Bucarest Ubisoft office, I encountered an interesting problem: we needed playtests for console games, but all the players we could find locally were exclusively PC gamers. I had to set up a specific protocol to evaluate the ease with which our Romanian candidates could adapt to console gaming.

Ubisoft’s Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

The protocol consisted of briefly explaining the gameplay controls of a complex game (the multi-player mode in Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory), and then setting them loose in the game in order to gauge the speed at which they adapted to the gameplay. This selection method proved to be quite efficient.

Candidate selection must therefore be done according to a given playtest campaign’s objectives. We may have need of only extremely skilled players who have already mastered the genre, or we may require novices, if the objective is to playtest the accessibility of the game.

Communication regarding playtests also takes time. Before candidates can turn up on your doorstep, they must first be made aware of your need. In my experience, while recruiting through generic classified ads will yield a high number of candidates, many will be too young (careful of those labor laws!), and most will be only casual gamers.

A good way to recruit experienced players is to make use of forums, gaming clans or specialized stores. It takes much more time but I always got great playtesters this way. In playtesting, quality matters more than quantity!

Organizing the Sessions

I shall address three aspects of playtest organization: the composition of the team, the preparation of the playtest protocol, and its logistics.

Recruiting must start at least four or five days before the session itself. At this stage, the playtest manager already has access to a database of candidates that have already been evaluated or, at least, identified. He can thereby choose his playtesters according to the session’s theme. Invites are sent by e-mail.

At this point, we realize the importance of having a great number of candidates, since most are not available at will. We must therefore engage in mass- mailing to ensure sufficient availability of playtesters come session day.

It is also best to invite at least one more playtester than necessary, since last minute withdrawals are commonplace. It is also usually a good idea to ask playtesters to confirm their presence via e-mail.

Protocol setup is an important part of session preparation. Some playtests are organized near the end of the development cycle, to tune up maps or the game system. The protocol for this type of playtest is often straightforward: we must allow the playtesters to play for a maximum of time, note game statistics, and organize open Q&A sessions.

The time when playtests are most useful, however, is during earlier stages of the development cycle, when the game system and maps are still in gestation. Let us not forget that the earlier we detect any issues, the easier and cheaper it will be to correct them.

During the development of maps for the multiplayer version of Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, I had organized playtests to evaluate the structure of the then still-embryonic maps.

I specifically remember the Aquarius map: By having it tested by highly experienced playtesters, we — including the level designer who had built the map — quickly realized that the map was far too large.

Having noticed this problem, he immediately rebuilt his map, which took little time as the map was still just a prototype. It took him a few iterations to downsize his map to the optimal size. In the end, Aquarius became one of the game’s most popular maps.

Ubisoft’s Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow

Playtests allow us to shed light on many problems and to validate (or invalidate) hypotheses set by the design team. During the development of the multiplayer version of Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow, specific playtests were undertaken with the purpose of tweaking the characteristics of certain pieces of equipment, such as the smoke grenade.

The latter is one of the most-used accessories by the spies, since its cloud slows down the spy’s opponents (the mercenaries), and it can even put them to sleep if they stay too long in its area of effect.

Tuning the smoke grenade’s parameters was not so simple — if its range was too wide, it would be an unstoppable weapon for the attackers (they would simply need to employ a single grenade in a corridor to block any access by their opponents).

On the other hand, if the grenade’s effect zone were too small, the weapon would be completely useless (defenders have vision modes allowing them partial visibility through the cloud). Finding the right values took us a lot of time.

Lastly, to be relevant, protocols must adapt to problems encountered in previous sessions as well as to the test requests put forth by the design team. This commensurability with the development team’s needs is one of the hallmarks of a successful playtest. I shall address this point later on.

Let us now talk about logistics. Good playtests require a stable build of the game without too many bugs. When directing playtests in the middle of the development cycle, this may be easier said than done. Regardless, the game must be sufficiently stable, and maps must be rid of the most detrimental bugs (such as the inability to climb a ladder, for example).

A game delivery protocol must be set up with the development team. The latter must deliver a playtest-ready version of the game to the internal debug team, which will rapidly review the game to ensure that the version is playtestable.

When issues arise, cooperation between the debug and development teams will allow for swift corrections of issues, and subsequently the production of a stable version suitable for playtests.

Such organizational finesse requires a lot of discipline from all of the teams involved. Another good practice is to prepare a checklist for the level and graphic designers, so that they can make sure that their own maps are free of blocker bugs. Finally, the playtest session manager himself must make sure that the version is indeed playable.

Playtest Sessions

Playtests are especially instructive when design team personnel attend the sessions; indeed, a game or level designer will base his work on ideas he will formulate upon observing the behavior of the players.

However, players do not always react as expected, and we must take their diversity into account.

By seeing with his own eyes how real players use equipment or navigate a map’s topology, and by asking them the reasons for their behavior at the end of the session, the designer can rapidly make optimizing adjustments — a demonstration is always more efficient than a long speech! It is thus highly recommended to encourage the designers to attend the playtests.

That’s why I strongly recommend that playtests should be conducted on the premises of the development studio itself. Remote playtests are valuable for tweaking map and system settings, but less so for playtests on an embryonic game.

Obviously, playtest observers must follow certain rules: they must not voice their comments or ask any questions until they are authorized by the playtest session manager, in order to preclude influencing the game session or the playtesters’ judgement.

If it is desirable for designers to attend the playtests, it is simply essential that the playtest session manager does so. He must not simply organize the session and ask his questions at the end; he must actually watch the playtesters at play.

The reason is as follows: early playtests often have a limited number of playtesters, and the problems found are liable to be numerous. This fact is likely to affect the relevancy of feedback received, rendering it inconsistent at best and flat-out contradictory at worst. The manager must take all of this into account, evaluating the relevance of the feedback himself.

Note, however, that the involvement of the playtest manager can be cause for controversy. In some cases, a playtest manager must simply behave as a mere observer; in fact, this is generally the best attitude to have during playtests occurring later in the game development, when it is time to fine-tune game system settings.

The objective at this point is to collect a maximum of statistical data from a high number of playtesters.

By contrast, during early playtesting meant to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of embryonic maps or game systems, the comparatively low quantity and greater heterogeneity of the collected data require a more aggressive, reactive, and direct involvement on the part of the manager.

At this point, he must necessarily “get his hands dirty”, as he’ll be working with incomplete data. While there is a risk of error here, my experience has shown me that playtest results are actually more concrete at this stage, and thus more useful.

My experience amidst one of the best development studios in France has taught me that the playtest manager must be wholly invested in the final quality of the game, and must not be content with being a mere observer.

This conclusion once again indicates the need for a close relationship between the playtest and the development teams.


We thus arrive at the final result of a playtest session. The general idea is to bring the playtest conclusions as quickly as possible to those who most need it — generally the designers and project leaders. Debriefing may take several forms.

First, design team members who observed the playtests may put their most pressing or immediate questions to the playtesters. They often leave the playtesting room with some strong ideas burning in their mind.

Then comes the report, which must make a clear distinction between the facts (statistics etc.), opinions from the playtesters, and the manager’s own observations and conclusions. Raw data must be provided so that the designers know on which bases the manager drew his conclusions.

Putting all the cards on the table is a good way to establish trust with the ones who will read the report. Let us not forget that the purpose of playtests is to improve the game, and not to settle scores.

A full-fledged report takes time to compile and to write so a shorter, intermediary debriefing might be needed if the needs for crucial feedbacks is urgent.

As a final note, I’ll mention that I had begun to experiment at the Milan Ubisoft studio with a protocol allowing a remote office (in another city or even another country) to obtain a hot report on a map playtest.

Named D3 for “Debrief Dynamique à Distance” (Remote Dynamic Debrief), this protocol consists in quickly establishing a list of the main open issues, and organizing an online session where the concerned designers (at the development office) and the playtest session managers (at the playtest office) can log on.

They can then explore the maps while the playtest team explains the issues with much precision, and all can work together in developing possible solutions. A playtester may even join them, contributing further to the dialogue.

