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发布时间:2010-11-03 09:36:27 Tags:,,

继CrowdStar, Zynga, Playdom, RockYou和其他社交游戏开发者,EA旗下playfish正在考虑与facebook签署5年协议接纳facebook Credits成为唯一的支付渠道,inside facebook的文章称尽管还未正式宣布,但是这也只是一个迟早的问题。



之前开发者可以自由地选择自己的第三方支付工具,直到去年底就有风传说facebook有意用facebook Credits来统一整个平台的支付体系。事实上从今年的第一个季度开始,facebook Credits实施操作就已经进入了实质性阶段,很多大型的开发者在测试之后相继与facebook签署了五年的长约。


事实上很多开发者,特别是一些更具规模的开发者有自己的支付基础的并不是那么乐意接受facebook这项新的政策。但是facebook宣称他们推出facebook Credits并不是纯粹眼红日渐兴盛的虚拟交易市场而是为了改善用户的交易体验,打破交易壁垒。(本文由游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译)

Following CrowdStar, Zynga, Playdom, RockYou and most other social game developers on Facebook, EA’s Playfish has announced that it is entering into a five-year agreement to use Credits as the exclusive virtual currency payment option on Facebook. It was only a matter of time.

While many developers had directly integrated with third-party payment options like PayPal, mobile payment options, offers, and more during the early years of the platform, that began to change last year. The developer community began to whisper that Facebook was going to make then use Credits exclusively, and over the course of the first part of this year, Facebook began to talk publicly about doing so. Playfish has been testing Credits for months, and given the string of other “five year strategic partnerships” that Facebook and social gaming companies have announced, most in the industry assumed it would be doing the same.

EA is getting the same deal as everyone else, in that Facebook will take a 30% cut of Credits revenue and share the other 70%, according to Facebook.

Some developers, especially larger ones that had already built their own payment infrastructures, were not happy about the switch. But Facebook’s intention is not just to make money from the booming virtual goods economy that has emerged on its platform, but to improve the payments user experience and increase the volume of payments for everyone. One view is that it needed to make everyone use Credits in order to have the virtual currency get traction.

Facebook itself has also invested heavily in making this happen, building out its payments team, greatly increasing the number of payment options, and iterating on payments interface flows.(source:inside facebook)

