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Palm PDK热门应用评选 《愤怒鸟》称雄付费应用

发布时间:2010-10-30 09:39:30 Tags:,,,

日前,Palm开发者平台公布了Palm PDK热门应用大赛的获奖名单,芬兰开发商Rovio的手机游戏《愤怒鸟》(Angry Birds)毫无悬念地在付费应用评选中一举夺魁,而Natenai Ariyatrakool公司出品的《炫彩曲棍球》免费版(Glow Hockey Free)则摘走了免费应用的桂冠,这两个最佳应用的开发商还将分别获得10万美元的奖金。

Angry Birds & Glow Hockey Free

Angry Birds & Glow Hockey Free

据了解,Palm还发别评选出了4款优秀付费应用和免费应用:EA出品的《极品飞车:无间风云》(Need for Speed Undercover)、dtzTech公司的《VisualBoyAdvance》、Dvide Arts的《十字军东征》(Crusade Of Destiny)、Gameloft的纸牌游戏《UNO》是优秀付费应用的赢家。由Polarbit推出的《雷霆极速》(Raging Thunder)、WizarApps的《Pixi Dust Particle Simulator Game 》、Draeger IT的《Saber Ultimate》、EvilAnanas的《Natural + Electronic Drums for Pixi》成为优秀免费应用的获胜者。这些开发商将获得5万美元的奖金。

该大赛还设立了一个优秀第三方应用奖项(付费和免费应用分别评选15款),优胜者可得到1万美元奖金;还有一百多款免费和付费应用分别获得1000美元或者一台全新的惠普Envy 17手提电脑作为奖励。

专业手机游戏开发商在Palm PDK热门应用评选中频频露脸,主要是因为他们在作品数量上占优势。EA和Hexage分别有8款游戏进入榜单,Glu Mobile有10款,Gameloft更甚,其参评作品足足占了25个席位,而且都是付费应用。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译)

Palm’s PDK Hot Apps competition came to a close a few weeks ago, but it took Palm a little while to get through all the tallying and stuff to get a final list of winners. Unsurprisingly, Rovio’ s ridiculously addictive Angry Birds came out on the top of the paid apps category, while Glow Hockey Free nabbed the top spot in Free Apps. That first place standing isn’t good for just bragging rights – the developers of each app will be getting $100,000 in prize money. Congratulations to Rovio and Natenai Ariyatrakool are due, so congrats, and enjoy the cash!

Palm tweaked things a bit from the Mojo version of the Hot Apps competition, so there were eight winners in the $50,000 prize block, four paid apps (Need for Speed Undercover by Electronic Arts, VisualBoyAdvance by dtzTech (with part of the winnings benefitting the open source warriors at WebOS Internals), Crusade Of Destiny by DVide Arts, and UNO by Gameloft) and four free apps (Raging Thunder by Polarbit, Pixi Dust Particle Simulator Game by WizardApps, Saber Ultimate by Draeger IT, and Natural + Electronic Drums for Pixi by EvilAnanas).

Another thirty apps (fifteen paid and fifteen free) netted their developers a $10,000 prize, while one hundred more (again, split between paid and free) gave the winners the option of $1,000 cash, or a brand new HP Envy 17 laptop computer.

Unsurprisingly, professional mobile game developer were scattered the PDK Hot Apps list just with their sheer numbers. Both Electronic Arts and Hexage had eight apps apiece make the list, while Glu Mobile had ten. But it was Gameloft that really dominated, securing twenty-five spots, all in the paid apps categories.(source:precentral)

