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每日观察:关注The Room 将推出续作(11.20)

发布时间:2013-11-20 10:16:44 Tags:,,

1)据Entertainment Software Association最新的调研显示48%的年龄在50岁以上的美国人是游戏玩家,更让人惊讶的是这些比例的游戏玩家几乎有一半每天都玩游戏。

Study Older People Are Gamers

Study Older People Are Gamers

北卡罗来纳州立大学的心理学副教授Jason Allaire称,这个比例在接下来可能还会有所增长。

2)据Euro Gamer的消息称Fireproof Game旗下广受赞誉的The Room将在12月12日推出续作The Room 2,但该版本暂时只支持ipad版,iphone和Android版预计将延迟到2014年初期。

The room,best ipad games 2012

The room,best ipad games 2012

The Room是第十三届Annual Game Developers Choice Awards最佳移动游戏,也是2012年度最佳ipad游戏。

3)据IGN的消息称Plants vs. Zombies 2创意团队离开Popcap自立门户创立新工作室 AtomJack Games。

Plants vs. Zombies 2 Devs Forming New Studio

Plants vs. Zombies 2 Devs Forming New Studio

这个团队包括制作人Allen Murray、美术总监David Ryan Paul、核心设计师Mohan Rajagopala。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,拒绝任何不保留版权的转载,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

1)Apologies to the over-50 crowd for our surprise: according to a study conducted by the Entertainment Software Association, 48% of American adults aged 50 or over say they play video games. And not just occasionally – nearly half of them play on a daily basis.

Jason Allaire, Ph.D, associate professor of Psychology at North Carolina State University, says “there is no longer a ‘stereotype game player,’ but instead a game player could be your grandparent, your boss or even your professor.” He continues, “I suspect that the percentage of older adults playing video games will rise as Baby Boomers enter retirement, increasing the focus on positive effects of playing games.”

Unlike previous generations, Baby Boomers are familiar with the gaming industry – it’s something they’ve grown up with – which might explain why older adults now are so much more interested in gaming than their parents. Read more about the study and its findings at GameZone(source:games

2)The Room 2, the sequel to Fireproof Game’s award-winning mysterious puzzler (with the dubious honour of sharing a title with Tommy Wiseau’s astounding train wreck of a film), is coming to iPads on 12th December, the developer has announced over Twitter.

iPhone and Android versions will follow in early 2014. According to PocketGamer, the sequel will be priced at £2.99 / $4.99.

Until then, fans of the first game would do well to remember that it received a free epilogue in late August as a title update, so if you haven’t checked that out already, you’ve got just over three weeks to catch up.(source:euro gamer

3)Several creative minds behind Plants vs. Zombies 2 left PopCap Games in August, and are now forming their own studio, AtomJack Games.

The group consists of lead producer Allen Murray, art director David Ryan Paul and lead designer Mohan Rajagopalan. Murray’s LinkedIn profile confirms the formation of AtomJack, listing Murray as CEO and co-founder of the studio.

“AtomJack is about creating rich and unique game experiences,” Murray told GamesBeat. “Our focus is on small to mid-sized digital games that work across multiple platforms, with an eye toward creating a long-term relationship with our players.”

The trio will be self-funding the company while it prepares for its first project, which should launch in 2014. For further funding, the team will be looking outward, confident that its combined experience and resumes will attract attention.

“One of the most important pieces of successful game development, which is often overlooked, is the value of an existing, experienced team,” Murray said. “The three co-founders have decades of combined experience at studios such as Bungie and LucasArts, as well as having worked directly on several titles together such as Plants vs. Zombies 2 at PopCap. We knew we wanted to keep making games, and that we wanted to make them together, so we naturally gravitated toward each other after we became independent.”(source:ign

