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发布时间:2013-06-29 14:07:04 Tags:,,,,

作者:Alex Rosen


在这一过程中,我们获得了庞大的数据集合,这也让我们得以用独特的视角观察手机游戏市场,我们希望在此与各位分享其中一些数据,以帮助Google Play开发者瞄准合适的设备开发游戏。

GREE已发布多款进入iOS和Android榜单前列的热门游戏,在智能手机和平板电脑均大获成功。例如,在去年我们就有3款游戏进入iOS前100名游戏营收榜单,现在有3款游戏进入Google Play榜单前三强。今天,我们要花些时间深入挖掘Google Play市场的发展趋势。因为我们的游戏经常在Google Play前25名榜单现身,所以它是我们高度关注的市场。

在过去一年中,我们发现Android游戏的每用户盈利参数增幅超过400%。这也许与我们独特的游戏设计存在一定关系,但也认为这是我们的盈利/排名分析所反映的市场情况。总体而言,Google Play的游戏收益一直在迅速增长。

这对于像我们这种开发者来说真是令人兴奋的消息,但Google Play充满挑战性的原因之一在于该市场存在太多设备型号,令开发者难以应付。虽然谷歌已经投入大量精力来标准化设备类型,并为开发者提供了必要的工具,但这里仍存在许多尚待优化的设备。


平板电脑 vs 智能手机

Android_share(from gamasutra)

Android_share(from gamasutra)




三星Galaxy S III和SII位居榜单前列,在所有Android智能手机中所占比益比例分别为22.5%和17.8%。如果你要专门挑出一些主打手机平台进行测试,这两者就是必选项。

三星Galaxy Tab在所有平板电脑收益中所占比例最高(32%),Asus Transformer和Kindle Fire分别以20.3%、19.6%位居第二和第三名。


Android_device type(from gamasutra)

Android_device type(from gamasutra)


Android是一个极难驾驭的市场,但我们相信在未来季度和数年内其市场机遇会持续快速增长。很显然,平板电脑市场发展潜力巨大。看看iPad对iOS生态圈的影响,我们就可预知Android平板电脑对Google Play所带来的市场机遇。有些顶级Android平板电脑表现出色——运行速度很快,外表美观,游戏体验很棒。在GREE,我们很兴奋地发现有更多用户开始用这些设备玩Android游戏。

开发者可通过继续向Google Play投入资源和精力而借势发展。我们建议开发者利用这些数据了解市场趋势。如果你想覆盖每种设备和操作系统,可能就要赔上所有的时间来跟进这些设备所特有的问题。而仅关注最为热门的设备,就可以针对这些设备用户创造最高级的体验。



Using data to successfully build for the Android market

by Alex Rosen

The following blog was, unless otherwise noted, independently written by a member of Gamasutra’s game development community. The thoughts and opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of Gamasutra or its parent company.

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At GREE, we’re all about using data to better understand our players and make our games more fun. The analytics team is responsible for collecting, analyzing, interpreting and transforming large amount so data into actionable recommendations. The team pours over terabytes of data related to all of our games, from RPG to Strategy to Casino titles.

As part of this process, we end up with very large data sets that also give us a unique view into what’s happening with the mobile market. We wanted to share some of this data in the hope that it helps other developers on the Google Play market so they can focus on developing for the right devices.

GREE has had many games at the top of the iOS and Android charts since we launched our initial mobile offerings, seeing success on both smartphone and tablet. Last year, for example, we had 3 of the top 100 grossing games on iOS and now we have 3 top games on Google Play. Today, we want to spend some time diving deeper into the growth of the Google Play market, which has been  a particularly interesting trend to watch and support. Being that our games are routinely in the Top 25 on Google Play, this is a market we keep a close eye on.

Over the past year, we’ve seen tremendous growth in per-user monetization metrics in Android titles at over 400%.This trend has to do both with our specific game design improvements but we also believe is reflective of the market as well based on top grossing revenue / spot analysis. Basically, game revenue is growing on Google Play and it’s growing fast.

This is exciting for developers like us, but one of the things that makes the Google market such a challenge is the number of devices to deal with. Although Google has done a great job streamlining device types and providing developers with the necessary tools, there are still many devices to optimize for.

So, as a developer faced with all these devices, where should you focus your development and QA efforts? We want to provide the data to make this easier for you, so you can focus on the high impact devices.

Tablet vs. Smartphone

Android smartphones make up a noticeably larger percentage of revenue on the platform than tablets. Top tier devices like the Nexus 7 are changing this and we’ve seen growth here. Tablets perform well in average revenue per user as well so we’re seeing great potential here, especially since the play experience is great.


Next, we broke out these two device groups into their individual components.

The Galaxy S III and SII top the list, contributing 22.5% and 17.8%, respectively, of total Android smartphone revenue. If you’re going to pick up some phones to focus on and test, these are the ones we’d go with.

The Samsung Galaxy Tab contributes the most to overall tablet revenue (32.0% of all tablet revenue) with the Asus Transformer and Kindle Fire coming in second and third with 20.3% and 19.6% of all tablet revenue, respectively.

To see how individual smartphones and tablets compared to one another, we’ve included both smartphones and tablets on the chart below. Here are the top 20 devices, ranked by revenue contribution.

So? What Does it All Mean?

The Android market can be tricky to navigate, but we’re confident that the market opportunity will continue to grow quickly over the coming quarters and years. It’s clear, in particular, that the tablet market is growing. Given how important the iPad has been to the iOS ecosystem, we expect this to be a huge opportunity for growth in the Google Play market. Some of the top tier Android tablets perform great: they’re fast, they look good and the gaming experience is top notch At GREE, we’re super excited for more users to get their hands on these to enjoy the games on Google Play.

Developers can take advantage of this growth by continuing to invest in Google Play. When doing so, we suggest using this data to know where to focus. If you try to cover every device and every OS, you’ll spend all your time chasing down device specific issues. Instead, focus on the top devices and you can make the experience triple-A for these ones.

Finally, make sure to track your own metrics and which devices are performing well for you. Popularity will change over time, and your game performance may be different, but we believe this is a good start.

As you begin to develop or improve your game on Android, we hope this data helps you understand where to focus to make the maximum impact to your users.(source:gamasutra

