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发布时间:2010-10-18 09:15:13 Tags:,,

不管对于社交游戏开发者还是游戏玩家来讲,这都并不是一个好消息。据venturebeat的报道称facebook排名第十二位的社交应用开发商 LOLapps目前已经被facebook屏蔽,超过1600万月活跃用户不能使用 LOLapps旗下的任何游戏。



据称 LOLapps违反了facebook社交网络的相关服务条款,来自quora论坛的消息称 LOLapps还在持续利用facebook的漏洞在未经用户的许可下向用户及其好友发送信息告知。

现在的情况看起来比较复杂, LOLapps用户并不知道这样的禁止是长期的还是只是短暂屏蔽。有可能facebook将会对这家来自旧金山的社交游戏开发商痛下杀手,将该公司驱逐出facebook平台。



据appdata的数据,LOLapps目前在facebook上有204款应用,有超过1621万的月活跃用户,旗下的Gift Creator、Quiz Creator、Critter Island、Super Quiz、  Super Gifts月活跃用户都在100万以上。


Facebook has evidently unplugged all the games from popular social game maker LOLapps after the company violated the social network’s terms of service.

We don’t know exactly what that means, but it’s a mystery with a lot of gravitas. LOLapps users are wondering whether they are losing their accounts for their beloved games permanently, or if this is simply a temporary situation.

A thread on the Quora forum site suggested that LOLapps games were able to post game messages to the news feed of a gamer and the gamer’s friends without asking permission from the user. The incident had been reported to Facebook as a bug that LOLapps’ apps were exploiting. Upon investigation, Facebook may have given LOLapps the death penalty, removing all of the San Francisco company’s games from the social network. A conversation on the matter existed on the Quora thread but was then deleted, with an explanation that the matter was resolved some time ago. But the bug report was a fresh one.

Update: In our own Quora query, an anonymous poster said, “They were probably auto-publishing with @[userid:], which is code for creating a mention [1].  A “mention” tags a user, causing the user to both receive an email and see the wallpost.  Apparently in their apps, after inviting friends, the app would auto-publish with the mentions exploit to magnify growth.  As one might imagine, the combination of auto-publishing with the mentions-exploit is extremely powerful, but is also a double-violation of the Terms of Service.  This likely got their applications disabled.”

This is just a possible scenario, and we don’t know for sure if it’s accurate. But it’s plausible, since Facebook cracked down in the spring, banning game applications from spamming notification channels. LOLapps has more than 150 million users for its games, quizzes and gift apps. Facebook has been trying to convince developers that it cares about their apps and wants them to trust that it will create a stable platform. But a ban like this, which is a total surprise, could be a setback for Facebook. If such a ban is possible, would you invest all of your resources making games and apps that run only on Facebook?

LOLapps has declined comment. So far, a spokesperson for Facebook said only, “We have disabled applications from LOLapps due to violations of our terms.”

The problem is a huge one for LOLapps, which has been launching more games recently as part of an effort to move up the food chain from simple gift and quiz apps to real social games such as Critter Island. Arjun Sethi, chief executive of LOLapps, is scheduled to give a talk about getting apps discovered at our DiscoveryBeat 2010 conference on Monday.(source:venturebeat)

