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发布时间:2010-10-14 10:48:36 Tags:,,,

据悉,《愤怒鸟》(Angry Birds)开发商Rovio有可能面向Android平台推出直接付费下载、游戏内置功能付费(比如说Mighty Eagle功能)等多种版本的《愤怒鸟》。



根据Pocket Gamer报道,由于谷歌Android应用商店缺乏灵活的应用结帐系统,少儿游戏玩家以及尚不支持付费应用服务国家的用户,很可能对该应用商店的产品失去兴趣。Rovio公司为应对这一情况,不得不作出决策,增加《愤怒鸟》Android版本的运营模式。


Rovio to mix up payment methods for Android version of Angry Birds

As detailed on our sister site Pocket Gamer, it seems that Rovio is taking a wider business approach with the Android version of Angry Birds, compared to that on iOS,

Because of the inflexibility of Google’s Checkout system on Android Market, Rovio is concerned that many people, especially kids and those in countries still not supported by paid apps, will be unable to get their hands on the title.

As a result, multiple versions of Angry Birds are set to be made available, with at least one sporting adverts.

Presumably straight paid, as well as in-app purchase options, such as the Mighty Eagle, will also feature.

However, it does highlight the difference between the two marketplaces, rising concerns as to whether Android can ever tap into the app happy youth market with its current set up that Apple has made its own. (source:pocketgamer)

