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发布时间:2012-05-25 10:46:42 Tags:,,,

作者:Ben Betts



















How to… Learn Lessons from Game Designers

Ben Betts

The Computer Games industry has seen explosive growth in recent years. Energized by the virulent nature of social networks and the increasing capabilities of mobile devices, gaming is bigger than Hollywood. Here are 3 key lessons from game design which we would do well to take heed of for our next learning project:

Lesson 1: Define a start point and an objective, but not the path to be taken.

One of the fundamental skills in gaming is decision making. In any given game environment, the player will be faced with making a series of decisions which will influence their progress through the game. Should you turn left or right? Should you throw this Angry Bird at that pig? And so on. Rarely in games is there a single method of completing a given task; whilst one path might be the ‘best’ course of action, many other paths could result in progress towards the same result.

How often do we see this level of autonomy existing within online learning? Not often I would suggest. Our learners are much more likely to be faced with the dreaded “next” button. This approach fails to give participants the necessary control they require to feel in-charge of their own fate. They are simply along for the ride.

Next time you are faced with this sort of challenge try defining a ‘mission objective’ for your learners and point them in the direction of the resources they will need to succeed. The rest is up to them.

Lesson 2: Stop measuring page numbers; start measuring experience.

One of the staple features of most eLearning I’ve worked through is the ‘page number’ or progress indicator. We’re very good at giving this sort of progress report to a learner working through a given piece of learning – it is rare to see eLearning without it.

For me, this is a classic example of measuring the wrong thing. Listing page numbers merely gives the illusion of progress whilst actually presenting the learner with a motivator extrinsic to the learning process. The learner believes that if they click the ‘next’ button ‘x’ more times, they will have completed the learning. But, of course, idly flicking through pages is rarely the path to a true learning insight.

Games often choose to reward effort and progress with an Experience Points mechanism. If a user passes quickly through an area, incurring very little interaction with the environment, then they are unlikely to accrue much in the way of experience points. However, if a user takes the time to complete an area to the best of their ability, perhaps repeating the same exercise again and again, then they are rewarded with more experience points. Every action possible within the environment is worthy of points; some actions are weighted heavier than others. How you choose to ultimately reward experience is up to you.

Lesson 3: Play with people, not computers.

Like most eLearning, games tend run their course over a limited number of hours. Certain complex strategy based games aside, most games have a limited replayability. Once you’ve done it, you’ve done it. Making a game ‘social’ can change all of this – game designers know this, it’s why they invented the concept of multiplayer. The simplest way to promote replayability within a game is to take the focus away from the scripted elements and to introduce the natural complexity that comes with playing against other people.

If we want to get our learners on the journey towards mastery of a subject, we’re going to need to introduce a depth and complexity to our learning which only other people can bring. Some of the best eLearning I’ve seen has encouraged reflective writing and sharing of insights. There are a number of tools that can facilitate this sort of discussion, from something short and simple like Twitter or Yammer, to something old school like a discussion board, through to collaboration software.

Lessons learnt?

It is important to realise that much of what makes games engaging has very little to do with blowing up zombies, building civilisations or fighting trolls. It is with ideas like autonomy, progression and socialisation that the real ‘secret sauce’ of any game is found. These factors are backed up by decades of psychological research, ranging from studies on the effect of control, to the idea of ‘flow’ or being ‘in-the-zone’, to the field of social cognition.

These are concepts which we can learn from and implement today. You don’t have to incur the development barriers associated with creating games to use the mechanics. Implemented well, these lessons will help you engage your audience in their journey just as well as any game does. (Source: ELN insights)

