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发布时间:2011-06-16 23:57:46 Tags:,,

作者:Rob Hearn


但是当我走进南展厅寻找“寻宝类”手机游戏时,却看到了艺电的EA Sports系列正在屏幕上播放与Xbox 360、3DS和PS3游戏平起平坐的iPad 2游戏《FIFA 12》的广告。

虽然在E3展会上,手机游戏的影响力仍然不能与家庭掌机游戏相提并论,但是比起往年,手机游戏在今年确实有着不俗的表现。有很多玩家便是冲着这些高质量的手机游戏而来,如《Minecraft Portable Edition》和《Shadowgun》等。


《Sleepy Jack》(SilverTree Media)

sleepy-jack(from pocketgamer)

sleepy-jack(from pocketgamer)

《Sleepy Jacek》是SilverTree Media继备受赞誉的Android益智游戏《Cordy》之后推出的又一力作。这款游戏也为玩家呈现出了可爱的科幻风格游戏画面,而且拥有经得起考验的游戏玩法。




《Minecraft Pocket Edition》(Mojang)

minecraft-pocket-edition(from pocketgamer)

minecraft-pocket-edition(from pocketgamer)

Mojang即将推出的Xbox 360版本《Minecraft》可以说是微软在E3展会上令人失望的新闻发布稿中的最大亮点。

但是索爱早在几周前就宣布推出Xperia Play版本的《Minecraft Pocket Edition》。

我们在E3展会上看到了这款游戏。尽管Xperia Play的键盘输入法并不如电脑键盘和鼠标那般灵活,但是却非常适合这款游戏。比起2009年刚发行那时,这个版本的《Minecraft》显得更加简洁,已经没有了原先那么花俏的修饰物了。


《Let’s Golf! 3》(Gameloft)

lets-golf-3(from pocketgamer)

lets-golf-3(from pocketgamer)

从很多方面来看,《Let’s Golf! 3》可以说是《Let’s Golf!》系列的又一部优秀续作。比起前面几部,《Let’s Golf! 3》拥有更棒的画面感,且更好地体现了外星球的景象。




唯一需要你花钱的便是“Cash”,使用Cash你能够购买到Coins买不到的道具。虽然《Let’s Golf! 3》采取免费模式,但是它的游戏玩法和音效都与之前的几部一样,更加充满了乐趣。这款游戏即将面世。

《Machine Gun Jetpack》(Halfbrick)

machine-gun-jetpack(from pocketgamer)

machine-gun-jetpack(from pocketgamer)





《Shadowgun》(Madfinger Games)

Shadowgun(from pocketgamer)

Shadowgun(from pocketgamer)

这是《Samurai II》开发商Madfinger Games开发的一款基于Unity(游戏邦注:3D游戏开发工具和游戏引擎套件)的游戏。




《Contre Jour》(Mokus)

Contre-Jour(from pocketgamer)

Contre-Jour(from pocketgamer)

《Contre Jour》直译为“叛逆的一天”,是游戏发行公司Chillingo的最新大作。这款游戏画面感十足,且十分流畅,而且它那如同阳光洒落般的配乐更是让人印象深刻。

游戏中,玩家需要操纵名为Petit(这个名字是从《小王子》的法语名称中借用过来的)的黑色斑点,通过摆动或者在斜坡上翻滚而靠近蓝色的大门,从而进入下一关,就像Simogo的《Bumpy Road》。同时你还可以把你的斑点从卷曲的粘状物中割离开来,而这又有点像《割绳子》。

这款游戏共有60个关卡,这里提到的只是前两个关卡的游戏机制。所以当几个月后这款游戏出现在App Store里时,你不凡亲自下载体验它更多独出心裁的游戏设置。

《March of Heroes》(Gameloft)

march-of-heroes(from pocketgamer)

march-of-heroes(from pocketgamer)

《March of Heroes》是Gameloft力推的首款由Unreal引擎开发的游戏。这是一款以冷战为背景的第一人称射击游戏。


《March of Heroes》是Gameloft在E3的主打展示游戏,所以很可能是一部“史诗”般的大作。虽然普通人可能看不出它使用Unreal引擎开发游戏的妙处,但目前就我们所见,它确实堪称上乘之作。它是今年夏天最值得期待的游戏之一。

《DrawRace 2》(RedLynx)

DrawRace2(from pocketgamer)

DrawRace2(from pocketgamer)

《DrawRace 2》开发商RedLynx之前还曾推出《Trials HD》,这款游戏与原版《DrawRace》之间的对比,好比是布加迪威龙跑车之于福特T型汽车。


如果说《DrawRace》是款简单愉悦的游戏,那么《《DrawRace 2》就是一款令人难忘的游戏,其视觉效果堪比EA旗下的《Reckless Racing》。

该游戏设置了多种模式和选项,玩家可以通过触屏点击的“打滑标志”防止翻车现象的出现。种种细节表明《DrawRace 2》很有可能成为一款大热的游戏。

《Siegecraft: Crossbows & Catapults》(Blowfish)

siegecraft(from pocketgamer)

siegecraft(from pocketgamer)


《Siegecraft》是以桌游《Crossbows & Catapults》为模板的游戏,玩家在游戏中的任务就是使用两种武器毁灭敌人的城堡和防御工事,通过在游戏中破坏敌人的城堡,其玩法很值得一试。

《Street Fighter IV Volt》(Capcom)

street-fighter-iv-volt(from pocketgamer)

street-fighter-iv-volt(from pocketgamer)

去年发行的iPhone游戏《Street Fighter IV》取得了巨大的成功。《Street Fighter IV》所体现的真实且强势的画面感,以及适宜触屏的游戏设置都是它受到欢迎的重要因素,Capcom每隔几个月还会在游戏中添加一些新的游戏角色。而现在的《Street Fighter IV Volt》则是Capcom经过不断完善之后所作出的最完整的游戏。

除此之外,《Street Fighter IV Volt》还为玩家提供wi-fi多人模式游戏体验。


《Street Fighter IV Volt》还添加了三个新角色:Balrog, Vega和Cody,而另外一名新角色也将在适当的时候对外公布,我们不久后就能看到18位斗士的游戏角色阵容。

《Street Fighter IV Volt》将在未来几周正式面世。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

Top 10 best iPad, iPhone, and Android games of E3 2011

by Rob Hearn

E3 isn’t for mobile gamers. It’s for hardcore, big budget, blockbuster home console gamers.

That’s what I thought until I strode into the south exhibit hall primed for a mobile games scavenger hunt only to find the EA Sports stand advertising the iPad 2 version of FIFA 12 on equal footing alongside Xbox 360, 3DS, and PS3.

I’d be lying if I said mobile gaming is as big a deal as home console gaming at E3, but it had a bigger showing this year than ever before, with crowds gathering to see high profile games like Minecraft Portable Edition and Shadowgun in action.

Here are the ten best Android, iPhone, and iPad games we saw at E3, in no particular order.

Sleepy Jack (SilverTree Media)

Sleepy Jack is SilverTree Media’s follow-up to critically acclaimed Android puzzler Cordy. It has the same adorable Psychonauts-esque presentation and solid gamplay.

You play as Jack, who’s not only sleepy but actually asleep, flying down an expanding and narrowing conduit. Your Z level – i.e. your sleep level – constantly depletes, so you need to collect Z’s to remain in blissful somnolence.

Though it isn’t all that blissful, since your dream is full of obstacles, bogeymen, and bosses that hack away at your Z level. Fortunately, you can shoot them, while flying through chains speed-up rings lets you power through planets.

The controls are solid and the gameplay is surprisingly tight and arcadey, with you weaving through waves of bullets and blasting bogeymen with your laser.

Minecraft Pocket Edition (Mojang)

The high point of Microsoft’s largely disappointing E3 2011 press conference was the announcement that Mojang’s Minecraft is coming to Xbox 360.

Sony Ericsson beat it to the punch by a few weeks with the announcement of Minecraft Pocket Edition for Xperia Play.

We had a go of the game at E3. It all works quite well on the device, though the keypad input method isn’t as smooth or intuitive as keyboard and mouse. It’s also a little basic in its current state, eschewing the various gaming bells and whistles that have come to adorn Minecraft since its first alpha release in 2009.

In case you’re somehow not aware of what Minecraft is, it’s a Lego-like experience in which you can create or remove blocks of ground, brick, water, and so on. There are no goals or targets – you just build, and then muck about in the world you’ve made. It’ll be out soon.

Let’s Golf! 3 (Gameloft)

In many respects Let’s Golf! 3 is just what you’d expect from the next in the excellent Let’s Golf! series – it’s nicer looking, with more exotic courses.

But in another respect it’s a big departure, because it’s entirely freemium. You download the basic game for free, and you can unlock courses and in-game items either by grinding or by stumping up real cash.

Perhaps confusingly, there are four different ‘currencies’: Coins, Cash, XP, and Energy. You earn Coins and XP by playing, using the former to buy items like garments that affect things like performance and how much currency you get for playing, and the latter to unlock parts of the game.

Your Energy depletes every time you play a round, and gradually restores throughout the day, resetting overnight. Once you’re out of energy you’re effectively locked out of the game until you either buy more or your energy rises.

The only thing you have to buy with real money is Cash, which buys you certain items that Coins can’t buy. It’s freemium, but the grinding looks genuinely enjoyable and the gameplay on the course is as fun as ever. Let’s Golf! 3 will be out soon.

Machine Gun Jetpack (Halfbrick)

We saw Machine Gun Jetpack at GDC earlier in the year, but Halfbrick has been adding to it since then.

The basic gameplay involves trying to get as far as you can from left to right, Canabalt-style, while dodging obstacles and killing people. The titular machine gun jetpack is just one of the vehicles at your disposal – as you play to come across vehicle icons that randomly buckle you into a teleport device, or a motorbike, or something else.

While not entirely freemium (it’ll be 59p/99c and universal), Machine Gun Jetpack will contain in-app purchases for in-game coins, which you use to buy various enhancements to your vehicles or other power-ups, such as one that gives you a fruit machine-style extra chance when you die.

It’s great fun, and it’ll be out some time in the next couple of months.

Shadowgun (Madfinger Games)

Developer Madfinger Games, of Samurai II fame, is making Shadowgun to showcase the Unity development platform. I saw it at E3 running on a Tegra 2 Android device through a big TV, though I played it on an iPad 2.

It’s a beefy, rusty, Gears of War-esque third-person shooter in which you have to make your way through grimy environments kicking doors open, taking cover, pressing buttons, and shooting hapless goons.

On-screen buttons let you shoot and move, while context-sensitive buttons appear whenever you can interact with something – a door switch, say. You take cover automatically.

And that’s it. There were no surprises in the demo build we saw, but the relatively slow pace of the Gears of Wars style gamplay format lends itself well to the sub-optimal input interface of a touchscreen. I expect it’ll be a solid offering, out later this year.

Contre Jour (Mokus)

Contre Jour, which translates ‘against the day’, is the latest polished platform puzzler from publisher Chillingo. Resembling XBLA hit Limbo, it’s a stylish, beautiful game with a haunting French-sounding score and Tim Burton-esque graphics.

The aim of the game is to guide a black blob called Petit – named after The Little Prince, around which the Contre Jour is themed – towards a glowing blue portal by pushing the group up to make slopes, as in Simogo’s Bumpy Road. You can also swing him from tendrils, in a manner resembling Cut the Rope.

There are 60 levels, and these two mechanics are in the first two, so you can expect plenty of inventive gameplay and charming presentation when Contre Jour hits the App Store some time in the next couple of months.

March of Heroes (Gameloft)

Gameloft’s much-heralded first Unreal engine game March of Heroes is a first-person shooter set in the Cold War.

There were two levels on display at E3 – a slow-moving underwater stage and a stage set in Vietnam, in which – after a long and cinematic cut-scene – your helicopter gets shot down and you have to fight your way singled-handed past some angry Vietcong.

March of Heroes is a showcase game for Gameloft, so it’s likely to be epic. What we’ve seen so far is solid, even if the benefits of the Unreal engine will be invisible to the casual eye. This is one to look out for when it hits some time this summer.

DrawRace 2 (RedLynx)

DrawRace 2, from Trials HD developer RedLynx, is to DrawRace what the Bugatti Veyron is to the Model T ford.

The fundamentals are the same – you have to go draw a line around the track with your finger, slowing down and speeding up at all the right places, before watching your car follow the line while racing opponents – but it looks like a completely different kind of machine.

While DrawRace was charmingly simplistic, DrawRace 2 is impressively fancy, with graphics resembling EA’s Reckless Racing.

There are plenty of modes and options, and neat touches like the skidmarks that appear where your car will skid when you’re tracing your line suggest that a lot of care has gone into making sure DrawRace 2 will be a hit.

Siegecraft: Crossbows & Catapults (Blowfish)

You’ve probably never heard of Siegecraft: Crossbows & Catapults. The generic name doesn’t help.

But this forthcoming castle versus castle game is garnering some interest in the industry thanks to its polished presentation and accessible, frantic multiplayer gameplay.

The aim of Siegecraft, which based on the boardgame Crossbows & Catapults, is to eliminate your opponent’s castle and defences using two weapons. You should be able to work out what they are.

Street Fighter IV Volt (Capcom)

Last year’s Street Fighter IV for iPhone was a bona fide hit. It had authentic, beefy presentation and touchscreen-friendly controls, and every few months Capcom improved it further with extra characters. It was the game that had it all.

All except one thing: online wi-fi multiplayer. And that, in a nutshell, is what Street Fighter IV Volt brings to the party.

The basic gameplay is unchanged, but the range of people you’ll be able to take on has grown from those who happen to be near you to everybody on planet Earth.

Three new fighters are also confirmed – Balrog, Vega, and Cody – while an announced forth will be along in due course, bringing the total number of combatants up to 18.

Street Fighter IV Volt will be out in the next few weeks.

Some other noteworthy games (the fact that these are out of the top ten doesn’t imply that they’re worse than the games above. I just didn’t play these as much):

FIFA 12 – interesting in that you can use your iPhone or iPod touch as a controller, allowing multiplayer on one device.

Reckless Getaway – like Doodle Jump, but in a car.

Star Legends: The Blackstar Chronicle – the latest game from Pocket Legends developer Spacetime Studios.

And Captain America – I’ve already said too much.(source:pocketgamer

