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关闭北美工作室,Hudson Soft向社交游戏业务转型

发布时间:2011-03-09 10:04:00 Tags:,,,

据gamasutra报道,Hudson Soft公司最近正着手关闭北美工作室,彻底加入科乐美(Konami)家族。游戏邦获悉,Hudson还准备裁员,以将业务重心转移到社交游戏领域。

日本开发商及发行商科乐美公司在今年1月份宣布其购买Hudson Soft公司100%的股份,这笔交易将于下个月完成。被收购后的Hudson发生了巨大的变化,最明显的表现就是关闭其美国子公司。



科乐美已试水Facebook游戏市场,推出了《青蛙过河》和《恶魔城暗黑之王》等热门游戏的Facebook版本。此外,该公司在3个月前还推出了原创版Facebook游戏《Viva! Mall》。

在本月底,Hudson Soft首席执行官石冢通弘(michihiro ishizuka)将递交辞呈,取而代之的是科乐美数码事业部的首席执行官Kazuhiko Uehara。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Hudson Restructuring To Focus On Social Games

As it prepares to shut down its North American office and fully join Konami, Hudson Soft intends to cut staff to support a shift in focus to creating games for social networking services.

Japanese developer and publisher Konami announced its purchase of a 100 percent stake in the company in January, and will complete the transaction next month. Hudson has already seen major changes as a result of the takeover, including the imminent closure of its U.S. subsidiary.

And at a shareholder meeting today, it was revealed that Hudson will shed around 40 employees at its Japanese operations in April through a voluntary redundancy program, according to Andriasang.

Volunteers for the program will receive severance, job placement assistance, and other bonuses.

Konami already has a slight presence on Facebook, having released titles based on its popular franchises on the social network, such as Frogger and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Challenge. It also released its first original social game on Facebook, Viva! Mall, three months ago.

At the end of the month, Hudson Soft CEO Michihiro Ishizuka will step down, replaced by Konami’s digital division CEO Kazuhiko Uehara.(Source:Gamasutra)

