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发布时间:2011-02-17 12:01:53 Tags:,,,



Student users-Facebook

Student users-Facebook

该调查主要执行负责人Kathy Charles博士表示,这个结果反映了Facebook学生用户的一种矛盾心理。比如说,大多数受访者都认为自己在Facebook上很有压力,而这些最为不安的学生却恰恰是那些在该网站表现最为活跃,拥有最多好友联系人的Facebook用户。Facebook就像是用户个人的一种微型信息传播渠道,你所拥有的好友越多,就越容易产生自己备受关注的心理压力,就会越在意自己的对外表现;但与此同时,这些活跃用户又不肯淡出Facebook的网络江湖,因为他们担心自己会失去一些重要的社交信息,或者会对其他联系人产生不敬之感。Facebook就像是一场博彩活动,让许多敏感的用户心里想逃避,同时又担心错失良机而身不由己地继续沉溺于其中。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Research suggests people with the biggest lists of contacts on Facebook are likeliest to feel stressed out by the website.

This comes from an Edinburgh Napier University study of roughly 200 students, using focus groups, online surveys and one-on-one interviews. Oh, if only the research included more people and a broader array of demographic groups!  Also, it would have been helpful to learn the average number of friends per person surveyed, and how big the largest ones were.

About one in ten of the students said that Facebook made them feel anxious. And 32 percent said declining friend requests caused feelings of guilt and discomfort. Perhaps because of this prospect, one in ten of the survey respondents said they disliked receiving friend requests in the first place, while 63 percent said they delayed responding to these requests.

Lead researcher Dr. Kathy Charles told the U. K. Press Association:

The results threw up a number of paradoxes. For instance, although there is great pressure to be on Facebook there is also considerable ambivalence amongst users about its benefits. And we found it was actually those with the most contacts, those who had invested the most time in the site, who were the ones most likely to be stressed…It’s like being a mini news channel about yourself. The more people you have the more you feel there is an audience there. You are almost a mini celebrity and the bigger the audience the more pressure you feel to produce something about yourself… But many also told us they were anxious about withdrawing from the site for fear of missing important social information or offending contacts. Like gambling, Facebook keeps users in a neurotic limbo, not knowing whether they should hang on in there just in case they miss out on something good.(source:allfacebook)

