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发布时间:2011-01-05 10:46:55 Tags:,

1年前,由于迈克尔·阿灵顿发起的ScamVille运动,矛头主要指向为玩家提供支付方式的OfferPal(即现在的TapJoy)经历风波而逐渐走向衰落。在当时的一次业内峰会上,Offerpal的创办者Anu Shukla粗鲁否定了阿灵顿的诉讼。此后不到一星期内,Anu Shukla下台。再之后,Facebook社交网站上长期猖獗的病毒式增长方式也最终被禁用,社交游戏领域开始了更加艰辛而高价的时代。



仅仅1年后,就游戏邦了解,更换了首席执行官和公司名称的TapJoy公司通过进军手机平台和提供简洁的服务挽回了颓势。本季度,现任首席执行官Mihir Shah表示TapJoy各个平台的总计收入再创历史新高,尤其是在iOS,Android和Facebook平台。预计未来不久TapJoy将公布其第三轮财政状况。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

It’s hard to forget the shouting match that put an end to Offerpal’s heady days more than a year ago. The company, now known as Tapjoy, had become the prime target of Michael Arrington’s Scamville campaign for serving offers in Facebook games that signed up unwitting users for recurring charges.

At an industry summit, founder Anu Shukla ripped into Arrington’s accusations, calling them “Shit, double shit and bull shit,” in a now infamous exchange. Less than a week later, she was out. Soon after, the wild, early days of rampant growth on Facebook’s platform came to end, making way for a tougher, more expensive era in social gaming.

But one more CEO, a name change and a year later, Tapjoy has turned the corner by diversifying onto mobile platforms and keeping its offers clean with brands like Gap and Netflix.

It’s on track to have its highest total revenues ever on all platforms this quarter, says the company’s CEO Mihir Shah, who joined the company after Shukla stepped down. That’s on iOS, Android and Facebook. We’re also hearing from several sources that the company is close to announcing a third round of financing. (Source:Inside Social Games)

